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Christian Sport Bike Assoc June 25th Event (knee down clinic)


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thanks so much to Bob, Joe and John for everything!

Agreed - I had a blast today & met a lot of cool people. I wish I could've stayed for the last round. My riding did definitely suck less on the way home, though.

So no one's posted video of CW flogging Monica yet?

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I just got home and I had a great time and feel like I learned a ton. A big thanks goes out to CSBA and everyone for putting this on! I also want to thank whomever gave me directions to a twisty way home; they were spot on and that was just what I needed to end the riding portion of my day.

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Yes, thanks everyone! Definitely had a good time trying to remember how to ride a bike haha and meeting some cool people. I'll be taking the Yami and some cones out to the parking lot at the office this summer to try out the exercises we did today for more practice. Good times were definitely had!

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Here are the couple vids I took of Carwhore and DasBorgen.




For the new guys I was the guy who showed up late on the SV. Not gonna lie, I wish I would've participated.

Excellent clinic CSBA peoples!

Edited by jagr
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I just got home and I had a great time and feel like I learned a ton. A big thanks goes out to CSBA and everyone for putting this on! I also want to thank whomever gave me directions to a twisty way home; they were spot on and that was just what I needed to end the riding portion of my day.

That was me and you're welcome.

And yes very good time and Bob an Joe provide alot of knowledge and insight if anyone left yesterday and felt they didn't learn something by the end of the day they were not listening or trying.

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Had a great time crashing yesterday :lol:

Dude, u set the record but u were really ripping that thing! I crashed twice but u looked like u where hving more fun wheeling and drifting. :-)

Edited by 600ZZ4eb
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ALL: Bob and I are glad you had a good time and learned. We enjoyed working with you.

I would like to encourage you to practice the techniques you learned as often as you can. It could save your skin one day.

Or, help you win races!


Welcome to the forum Joe, good to see you!

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I saw that green helmet from you sig pic on Saturday..... it looks better now, has character ;)

LOL! Not the same helmet! The one in the photo (Bell Star) is alive and well. That was taken at VIR the weekend before we came to see you guys. I have a few of those. It's my own custom paint job. The improved one is a Shoei RF1000 that I tooled in May of 2010.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is the write-up I've posted on other forums about your clinic. Enjoy!

Draggin’ Knee in Ohio!

JUN 25 2011, Columbus, OH

This event was a long time coming! We had tried to do it in 2010 but the dates just wouldn’t work out. But, God had a plan, we went along for the ride and one sweet Saturday in June, it all came together!

Bob Brown and I are always eager to put on these events and this one was to be really special. John Mathis (a CSBA (http://www.ChristianSportBike.com) member and chapter leader) did a load of ground work along with his fellow member Phil Stearns. Together, they secured a great lot (special thanks to Xenos Christian Fellowship), set up a great break area with snacks and drinks and, most importantly, did a great job of getting the word out! Not only did they hit the local bike shops with flyers but the Ohio Riders forum (http://ohioriders.net) was abuzz with talk of the event. We only allow 25 riders at these clinics to ensure adequate seat time for all. This clinic not only filled the 25 but had a wait list ready to fill any holes should someone drop out!

The day, for Bob and I, really started out on Friday. I was able to leave work at 1500 with Bob already eating into the 2 hour trip to my house. I had already loaded up the KTM on Thursday so once Bob arrived, we simply added his gear to the trailer and waved goodbye to Denise. I love a good road trip and with Bob as company, this one was quite awesome.


Disciples going out in pairs.

We arrived at the Mathis Homestead around 0030. John had waited up for us and we sat and talked for an hour or so before hitting the sack. I was very pumped up as our new CSBA Racing shirts (shipped them to Ohio for expedition) had arrived as planned. I spent the night, wiped out, sleeping in the room of John’s daughter, Ashley. I was surrounded by pictures and figurines of horses and felt like a kid again. In fact, Ashley was at Horse Camp that very weekend which is what made her room available. (Thanks Ashley!)

Saturday AM came way too early when Bob came to my door making some “time to get up Sunshine” comment. I stumbled out of bed and made ready. A short trip to Xenos Christian Fellowship church and we were instantly busy setting up. Bob laid out the course with cones, I set up the pit area, and John and Phil worked the power, video and snack situation. Soon bikes started filtering in and we were ready to start.


The "pit" is almost ready.

Bob began with a description of who we were and what we were going to do. His description of me was so flattering, my face had to be as red as my shirt. All of this coming from a guy who was the root of my learning to ride properly in the first place. Bob then moved into an analogy that explained faith. He started out that the day at hand was one of Faith and Courage. It was about our faith that the riders would trust in what we said and taught, and their having the courage to act on it. The day was a chance to put ones faith into action. Bob used the correlation between the riders trusting us with their physical life (the reason they were here) and that we also cared about and had answers regarding their spiritual life. He also asked, that at the end of the day, if each of the guys at the riders meeting had the faith and courage to put into practice what we taught them in their physical life, that they give us the opportunity to share the same insight when it comes to their spiritual life. If they walked away knowing that they were better and safer riders from this experience, they should be willing to try our faith as a way to better their life as well. Bob challenged them by saying if they thought we had steered them wrong about riding then to ignore what we had to share about our faith as well. If however, they felt that they were better riders by the end of the day, then Bob wanted them to give our advice on spiritual matters a chance just as they had with our teachings when it came to riding motorcycles. This is the other half of what we get out of this deal. Not only are we able to teach techniques that can and will save riders a lot of money in repairs, pain from injuries and yes, even from death, but, we are able to share the Gospel with them in a non-threatening way. Whether they hear it or not is up to Him. But, we do His work as commanded with joy in our hearts.


After the initial meeting, we secured a donor bike for the static body position training. We moved the crowd over to the “pit” and with the help of a volunteer, provided visual instruction on proper body position. After this, Bob moved onto the course with John manning the camera and I took up residence in the pit to personally put each rider on the bike and get them into the proper positions.


The KTM was a bit cantankerous all day. We had some problems with the throttle that I ruined my brand new team shirt fixing, it would not idle, and after stalling, gave us all a workout and a sore right foot trying to restart! But, it did its job on the course without fail. Rider after rider hopped on and gave it a whirl. This bike is perfect for what we do because it is so different from anyone’s street bike. Well, there was one guy there with a Husky but we won’t count that.


As the day progressed, the riders gained confidence and showed improvement. Riders were able to watch themselves instantly on the laptop as each time a rider came off the course, the video card was switched out. I would then help them with any questions and/or the issues Bob told them to work on as they climbed back aboard the static bike. Then things swung the other way. The first crash happened. We were expecting crashes so this was no big deal. But, the reality of the first “rider down” event had to sink in to the rider’s minds. But they all kept going, and pushing. Eventually, we would have 16-17 crashes that day with several riders crashing multiple times in one ride session! No one was hurt and only some scuffed gear was left to show for it. Everyone took the crashing in stride and supported each other which was nice.


In all, the event was a great success. Riders learned a lot, the fellow who donated his Ducati 748 had his suspension set by yours truly, no one was hurt, and the Gospel was shared to many. I was able to speak one-on-one with a young man about his faith and the Word as well. This makes it all worth it.

As Bob says: “Where else can you go to get free riding instruction from seasoned racing champions, on someone else’s bike, and lunch all for FREE?” The answer is: nowhere.

This is the CSBA’s way of sharing God’s love that we personally experience every day. Some have felt it, some have seen it but on days like this, we try to show it. In this day and age, it is painfully obvious that nothing is free in this world. But, we are not of this world, are we? (Colossians 2:8, Romans 12:2)

Stay tuned for more!

We have plenty on and off track work to do for Him!

………….Joe (Cowboy 6) Cotterino

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Awesome write up! I'm a bit disappointed that I had to work, and only got a short time to hang out after that, but there was a bit more than just working to that day for me, as well. More on that another time though.

You are doing an amazing ministry, keep it up! This reminds me of a passage 1 Corinthians 9:21-23 says:

21 To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law. 22 To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. 23 I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.

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