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Bike night gone bad - Tampa Florida


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Pinellas Park near Tampa Florida.

Everyone survived, but it wasn't a fun night for some.


8 bikes down

3 cars damaged

6 riders injured

one car driver injured


one U-turn by 17yo in a Lincoln

metal debris on the roadway

three rear end collisions at prior scene of accident

one rider run over on the road by a bike

What happened:

About a 1000 bikes at the Tampa Quaker State bike night. Accidents happened when people left.

The u-turn took out 3 bikes approaching at speed. The youngest rider crushes in the rear of the Lincoln and is thrown 250 feet. The middle age rider slides 200 feet for road rash. The oldest one rides the bike down for 200 feet. All three treated, one serious. Alcohol factors suspected.

About 40 minutes later, nearby, a car runs over a piece of metal in the roadway. It disables the car, and tosses the metal debris into a bike behind it, disabling the bike. Another motorcycle hits a car that slows down for the accident. No injuries.

Two of three more older riders on cruiser motorcycles passing the accident collide. The one had gunned his engine without looking. They both go down. The third runs him over. Life flight sent. That was the most serious critical injury.


It is hard to avoid a car making a U-turn.

Accidents happen at the scene of an accident.

Don't gun your engine without looking.

Don't run a rider over if they come off their bike.

We're not done yet...

An hour later, a teenager in the median of the road with friends, runs in front of a car and bounces off. While a patrolman is watching. Not hurt too bad.

Later at 7am, a pickup truck pulls out in front of a police car which can't stop and they collide. Both go spinning down the road. Pickup driver ejected, and gets life flight. Both hospitalized. Cruiser totaled.

A bad night...

Seven people injured in night of motorcycle crashes in Pinellas Park

Five vehicle crashes reported in 12 hours in Pinellas Park



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  ReconRat said:


It is hard to avoid a car making a U-turn.

Accidents happen at the scene of an accident.

Don't gun your engine without looking.

Don't run a rider over if they come off their bike.

Don't drink & ride.

Fixed that for you, you left one out (in my opinion)

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  SWing said:
Fixed that for you' date=' you left one out (in my opinion)[/quote']

Agreed in general, but I've seen drunks ride better than sober riders.

So it has to make you wonder...

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  babybear said:
We lived in St Pete, just south of this location. The locals refer to US 19 as useless 19...I don't miss the Fla traffic or drivers...

Yes, I've been there. Frustrating road. A1 and A1A on the East coast aren't much fun either.

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