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Ohio Senate Passes CCW Bill to Allow Carry in Restarunts and Bars that Serve Alcohol


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My wife and I did Gallery Hop in the Short North a couple of weekends ago. Walking from Rossi to our parking spot was some tenuous shit. The likelihood of me getting jacked outside of Lowes on Saturday afternoon is minimal. The likelihood of me getting jacked at midnight on high street is a bit greater. I'm all for it. Just like any other situation in which I'm carrying .... I guarantee I'll be far more polite and tolerant. No way in hell am I going to get liquored-up and pull a gun. I prefer to see my kids grow up without the aid of the warden.

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Ok... what about restaurants that serve alcohol? :dunno:

Oh.. and call me a retard. Sometimes I just order water... especially when I have my gun on me.

I meant Restaurants that serve Alcohol is ok, but some of these bar only bars get nuts and I could just see some drunken bafoon start shit and a fight then somehow a gun lands on the floor and drunk bubba finds it and starts blasting people...

But I'm still for it all. Just sayin

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I am always the DD with all my friends when we go out as I do not drink. I am a military member and used to carrying a weapon on me day and night. I am thankful that they are allowing it to be. People with a conceal carry permit are usually more responsible anyways because they are aware that it is a privilege, not a right. Therefore, they will at accordingly and responsibly when carrying a weapon. Carrying a loaded weapon is always just one twitch away from making a mistake so those carrying are always more responsible than those breaking the law...not to mention, we know that if we are to claim self defense, we have a duty to retreat in all situations and must not start the situation or we will pay.

Bottom line was said before...the only people the law effects are those that follow it. My carrying a loaded weapon is a privilege and this law is only making it easier to protect my family and those I care about the most.

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Ohioans cannot handle this responsibility.

Sure, it's legal to ccw in restaurants in all the states around Ohio...and there have not been massive casualties in those states...

...But I think everyone should move back into their Y2k bunker.

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I'll just kindly disagree with your assertation that carrying a loaded weapon is a privilege.

You guys just let me know when I can carry concealed wherever I want without risking a felony by a misstep and without jumping through a bunch of hoops to acquire my "right."

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People with a conceal carry permit are usually more responsible anyways because they are aware that it is a privilege, not a right.

I carry every day and do not view it as a privilege at all. It is without a doubt a right.

You guys just let me know when I can carry concealed wherever I want without risking a felony by a misstep and without jumping through a bunch of hoops to acquire my "right."

There are several states now that don't require any permit to carry open or concealed. This should be Ohio's next step in restoring our rights back to what they should be.

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There are several states now that don't require any permit to carry open or concealed. This should be Ohio's next step in restoring our rights back to what they should be.

I personally think "OLTCACH" was a major setback to this.

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