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Mind elaborating? Just for my personal knowledge?

I like getting other people opinions.....

Bought a 32GB thumb/USB drive from them 3 or so years ago via Amazon.

It died 3 months later.

E-mailed OCZ for an RMA, sent it in, I expected a replacement in about 2 weeks.

2 weeks came and went. E-mail asking status went un-returned, as did a second, a third, a fourth, and a fifth, all 1 day apart.

Posted up my experiences in the ratings section of Newegg and Amazon for that drive, received a response immediately from them.

Asked when I could expect a new one, their reply was that they were out of them, but would make some new ones in 2 or 3 weeks.

Replacement showed up around 3 weeks after that, or 5 weeks in total. Since they make zillions of them (and every online retailer had them "in stock") it seemed to me as though it was unreasonable.

Had they bothered to reply to my inquiries (as opposed to trolling product review sites) I wouldn't have been as upset.

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Bought a 32GB thumb/USB drive from them 3 or so years ago via Amazon.

It died 3 months later.

E-mailed OCZ for an RMA, sent it in, I expected a replacement in about 2 weeks.

2 weeks came and went. E-mail asking status went un-returned, as did a second, a third, a fourth, and a fifth, all 1 day apart.

Posted up my experiences in the ratings section of Newegg and Amazon for that drive, received a response immediately from them.

Asked when I could expect a new one, their reply was that they were out of them, but would make some new ones in 2 or 3 weeks.

Replacement showed up around 3 weeks after that, or 5 weeks in total. Since they make zillions of them (and every online retailer had them "in stock") it seemed to me as though it was unreasonable.

Had they bothered to reply to my inquiries (as opposed to trolling product review sites) I wouldn't have been as upset.

Yeah I would have been pissed off about that too. The power supply replacement for me was the end of last year. Hopefully the issue you had isn't a trend. I really like their PSs I'd hate to have to switch to something else because they have crappy CS.

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Sounds like the minutia on parts has been picked over, so I'll start on storage solutions. I don't know if you leave this PC on all the time or not, if you don't (and at these PSU loads nowadays, I don't blame you), you obviously don't have to spring for a full-out RAID0/1/5 NAS. I have a single 500GB that's got all the biggies; iTunes library, pr0n collection, stuff like that. If I had sufficient coin, that would end up being a 3TB RAID5 dumb SAN with a eSATA connection back to the PC. All the redundancy of RAID, none of the expensive backplane stuff or internal resources. Of course, if you turn your rig off that kills the connection, so a NAS might not be a terrible thing. As I recall I think there are NAS's that also have eSATA, if you're trying to do something hardcore on it on your primary rig, doing it over a network (wired or especially wireless) probably isn't the best thing to do.

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