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Scooterific River Run June 5th 2011

Uncle Punk

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Closer....so this is what facebook is like? It says it is burning my dvd. Hope Y'all like polka music..had to cover up the wind noise somehow.

UP is the oh-fishul distribution house....I mean should it actually burn my master.

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I have news and permission to post about our injured rider.

Roy, the non OR rider is the guy who went down on 555. He rode my scooter the 30 miles or so to Zanesville and decided he should probably have himself checked out. We were in the line at the Wendy's discussing the logistics of what to do with his scooter and about Slowroller (Rick) taking him to the hospital when another guy in line asked us what was going on, stated that he is an EMT and would be happy to check him out. After doing so he convinced Roy to let an ambulance be called to transport him. I would stay with the scooter until AAA showed up to tow it and Rick would follow Roy to the hospital. Roy's wife headed down to tend to him so Roy sent Rick on his way but he came to where the scooter and I were at. We waited until the towing was all taken care of and the two of us rode to Millersburg together. Rick was anxious to get home because he was to become a grandpa that day so he went on from there on his own to get to the hospital where his new grandson was born.

Roy spent the night at Genesis hospital and his wife was able to take him home with a few broken ribs. I hope he recovers well and gets a new scooter. He had over 15,000 miles on this one so he definitely likes to ride.

Roy and Rick know each other so Rick took it upon himself to look after him. In fact he went above the call of duty. Roy has AAA but they only cover 100 miles for a tow. The tow company charges $4.25 a mile for anything over 100 miles and Rick paid the extra $236 fee for the extra miles. A very nice thing to do and is cool to see someone stepping up to help a friend. Roy doesn't know me, had never met me so he might have been a little leery of my alternative suggestions to get his scooter home. We have a lot of people on this board who are willing to help out and I don't mind asking them because I would help out if possible just like they will. Having that safety net when riding so far away from home is comforting and a bonus to being on this site.

I have had another rider go down on this same curve and I consider him to be one of the best riders I ride with. It is a very tricky curve that sucks you into thinking you are done braking so you set up for the curve only to find out that you need to brake again. If you aren't riding with anything in reserve or there is gravel in the curve or the illusion of gravel in the road a lot goes wrong quickly. I don't know exactly where it is but it is just south of Elliot's crossing. It's an uphill left hand curve that falls off after the apex, a very difficult curve to figure out and get right. The more local guys may know which one I'm talking about.

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I've had two crash in that corner riding with me also...And coulda called me and we coulda got the scooter here till he was ready for it.

That corner gives me the biggest pucker moment on that whole road. I don't ride the road enough to remember it until after I have gone through it. I especially hate it because it makes me tired pushing the bike back up the hill to get it on the road.

I would have called you if Roy's wishes weren't for the bike to be towed back up north. I would have doubled my girlfriend down and rode it home for him next weekend of came down with a trailer some night this week. I don't blame him for not knowing or trusting what we could have done for him and now it was done the way he wanted it done.

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YouTube....dvd is 22 + minutes and I sampled music....and this lil' phone ain't capable. Spend $3 & get a post office box for a coupla months and i'll mail ys.

Lacking that I could pop for a flash drive and transfer still pics to it...then find a computer to borrow. BUT last time I tried sending it thru one of dem places....a.no.go..didn't recognize my format......IT folks welcome.

Edited by littlecarbsbigsmiles
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I have news and permission to post about our injured rider.

Roy, the non OR rider is the guy who went down on 555. He rode my scooter the 30 miles or so to Zanesville and decided he should probably have himself checked out. We were in the line at the Wendy's discussing the logistics of what to do with his scooter and about Slowroller (Rick) taking him to the hospital when another guy in line asked us what was going on, stated that he is an EMT and would be happy to check him out. After doing so he convinced Roy to let an ambulance be called to transport him. I would stay with the scooter until AAA showed up to tow it and Rick would follow Roy to the hospital. Roy's wife headed down to tend to him so Roy sent Rick on his way but he came to where the scooter and I were at. We waited until the towing was all taken care of and the two of us rode to Millersburg together. Rick was anxious to get home because he was to become a grandpa that day so he went on from there on his own to get to the hospital where his new grandson was born.

Roy spent the night at Genesis hospital and his wife was able to take him home with a few broken ribs. I hope he recovers well and gets a new scooter. He had over 15,000 miles on this one so he definitely likes to ride.

Roy and Rick know each other so Rick took it upon himself to look after him. In fact he went above the call of duty. Roy has AAA but they only cover 100 miles for a tow. The tow company charges $4.25 a mile for anything over 100 miles and Rick paid the extra $236 fee for the extra miles. A very nice thing to do and is cool to see someone stepping up to help a friend. Roy doesn't know me, had never met me so he might have been a little leery of my alternative suggestions to get his scooter home. We have a lot of people on this board who are willing to help out and I don't mind asking them because I would help out if possible just like they will. Having that safety net when riding so far away from home is comforting and a bonus to being on this site.

I have had another rider go down on this same curve and I consider him to be one of the best riders I ride with. It is a very tricky curve that sucks you into thinking you are done braking so you set up for the curve only to find out that you need to brake again. If you aren't riding with anything in reserve or there is gravel in the curve or the illusion of gravel in the road a lot goes wrong quickly. I don't know exactly where it is but it is just south of Elliot's crossing. It's an uphill left hand curve that falls off after the apex, a very difficult curve to figure out and get right. The more local guys may know which one I'm talking about.

Always nice write-ups punk it sucks waiting for them when your first post home after a ride is usually I will rest and post later. And yes it is nice to know people on this board really care and do alot for eachother. You helped me big time, as well as 1000rr rider who doesnt even know me it really couldnt believe the amoumt of help I got. If I can help I will as well just felt the need to say this

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The whole idea of a group ride with scooters sounds gay. The pics of scooters lined up and guys standing by them look gay. The pace had to be boring compared to my usuall rides with Punk.....................Yet some how I am so sad that I couldnt get a scooter and go. :(

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You helped me big time, as well as 1000rr rider who doesnt even know me it really couldnt believe the amoumt of help I got. If I can help I will as well just felt the need to say this

Couldnt leave you in the hospital in a strange town and your bike in a yard on a rural county road, just wouldnt be right when I was in a postion to help.

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Overall sounds like fun! Now I wanna scooter..so is this going to b an annual thing now?

I kind of doubt an annual thing. I had fun and can say I've been to the river and back in a day but not enough fun to do it again unless others really want to do it; won't be my idea.

A few thoughts on scooter rides. With the exception of my scooter (because I was leading the route) everyone was positioned in the conga line by scooter size for the most part. Your skill set can't make a little scooter faster no matter what you do. I expected to be able to dice it up with people and do some same lane passing unlike most sport bike rides. I know this is frowned upon but I don't care we were going slowly enough and people were skilled enough to handle people riding that close to them. A 250 scooter is so much faster than a 150 it isn't even funny so if I would have wanted to dice it up with them I would have had to stop after a couple curves, let them all pass and buzz them. That is not really all that fun. It would have been more fun if everyone was on the same size scooter because no matter your skill level most people can ride to the limits of a scooter. Think of an advanced track rider riding in the novice group, it wouldn't be much fun for them. Riding a 250 scooter with a 125 scooter is about the same as an expert riding with a novice on the track, you pass them and you’re gone only to ride on your own. (I wouldn't suggest this behavior on a sport bike group ride that kind of riding should be done at a track.) I can ride okay but put me on a 125 scooter and anyone else on a 250 and they will check out on me. I guess I was expecting something different than what we ended up with. Two of the folks I had in mind when this ride was planned didn't show up with the bigger scooters so we didn't do any swapping around scooters which I expected to take place.

Riding a scooter makes every redneck driving a pickup into an instant asshole. I guess they have the power to keep you behind them so they have fun fucking with you. The same holds true with most every dumb fuck riding a Harley. I had a guy flip me off while I was passing him, he then gets up on my ass to show me who was boss, I could do nothing about him being there and thankfully a few curves came up so he disappeared. I am used to being able to pass slow moving vehicles at will which can't even begin to happen on a scooter, even farming equipment will keep you behind them until you get a long downhill grade without any oncoming traffic. It is a very frustrating experience for me and it doesn't offset the fun you can have on a road like 555.

I would trailer down to 555 and trailer home before I would ride there again but probably not because I have a sport bike to ride down there on. I will definitely take a scooter to Deal's Gap again, the last time I had a 150 there and had as much fun as I did on the sport bike. This new 250 will kick ass there and I am looking forward to getting down there. I know I can get through there faster on the bike but on that road a scooter is so much fun.

The scooter is a great 2 up machine to ride through the park and get some ice-cream but it's not a ride around the state looking for good roads machine. YMMV.

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What does someone have to do to be able to eat a frostie in peace? First it's quick then it's the rescue squad. I think there is something wrong with Wendy's in Zanesville.

Didn't I hear that Zach and Sue thought they would skip another scooter ride if one gets planned? So much hurt.

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