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I've seen it in three threads in three days.


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if we're grammar ranting...

"alot" is not a word. If it were, it would be pronounced as if it were spelled al-ut

"a lot" means multiple or many of something; or to a high degree. There are a lot of squids out riding today.

allot means to set aside. "allot some extra emergency room beds for all the squids who are going to crash today."

And one that pisses me off in classified ads: "good" versus "well."

You do things well. You are good at them.

"runs good" is incorrect. The bike runs well. It is a good bike because it runs well. The bike handles well. It does a good job of handling.

Alot vs a lot is a problem of mine actually. I've tried to break the habit, but generally fail. LOL

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aight andy man dis ones fer yous..

ya did done dat thing wheres ya go on out yonder. then ya holler at dem kids cuz they gots lose and ya didnt not wanna tell em twiced

I heard a kid talking on a phone like that today.

It brought a grin, that I could even understand it.

I almost asked some lady that heard it, what foreign language that was.

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None of this will matter when we stop communicating in sentences.

I was in the store the other day and I saw two young teens (brother & sister?) arguing. As the girl walked away the boy smacked her on the butt, kinda like a towel flick but with the back of his hand... It must have stung - she was livid...

"I as *SO* telling Dad!! Look, I'm texting him now..."

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For a minute i thought I logged in and somehow I got in the ladies forum! Quit yer bitching.

which is interesting, because the ladies forum doesn't really have any bitching... at all.... its just the dudes complaining all the time... makin drama... :p

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which is interesting, because the ladies forum doesn't really have any bitching... at all.... its just the dudes complaining all the time... makin drama... :p

If you have a ladies forum that we all can't see, then you shouldn't be able to see these forums that us men chat in. :nono:

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