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iphone/ipad tracks your locations...


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That's what was discovered in a hidden file on the devices.

Checking other manufacturer's similar devices didn't find apps and data like that.

Apparently allowed by the itunes EULA.

And easily viewed with an open source app in OS X.

Not very nice.

iPhone Software Tracks Location Of Users - Information Week

Apple IPhone, IPad Tracking User Whereabouts, Researcher Says - Bloomberg


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When I bought my ipad they openly advertised that you could have an app track it. If you left it somewhere or lost it you could remotely delete everything or send it a message if someone found it with your phone number.

True. My droidX has that, my laptop too, and I added it to my computers at home. None of them records location data without my knowing it and hides it where I can't find it.

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When I bought my ipad they openly advertised that you could have an app track it. If you left it somewhere or lost it you could remotely delete everything or send it a message if someone found it with your phone number.

yep, that's the mobileme find me feature.

You know, having this data would actually be helpful data to estimate traffic density on internet enabled GPS apps.

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Meh. It's a phone. It can be tracked regardless. The GPS tags even show up in your photos if you want to see them.

Tracked for cause, sure. Tracked for no cause, wut? All cellphones can be tracked by signal location, or GPS if on. Or secretly having the GPS turned on remotely, if part of the design. We won't find too many phone manufacturers admitting to that either.

But yeah I agree. We give up all of that by owning a modern cell phone. It pretty much comes with it.

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None of them records location data without my knowing it and hides it where I can't find it.

Do you do code reviews on every app on your phone? If not, then I'd think twice about that statement. Lots of apps record data or access other parts of your phone that they have no reason to do, and do so without your knowledge.

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Do you do code reviews on every app on your phone? If not, then I'd think twice about that statement. Lots of apps record data or access other parts of your phone that they have no reason to do, and do so without your knowledge.

Qouted out of context, I was speaking about devices, not apps. Not a big difference though. I get the idea.

Code reviews? Yeah, I'll generally check out an app before I add it, and after. But that's the point. This one in question comes with the iphone. It isn't added by the user. It's part of the iOS4 operating system. Not really an opt-in.

Quick list:

Most of this has been known for about 6 months.

Comes with phone, isn't added by user. (iOS4)

List starts when phone is activated. (consolidated.db)

Stores a list of latitude/longitude locations and timestamps.

In one year of iOS4 it can record 60,000 locations.

Not controlled by user through location services.

Contains more data that hasn't been analyzed yet.

File is unencrypted and unprotected.

File is not truncated, it is continuous.

Actual data directory is ~Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup

Can be accessed by anyone without a court order.

Can be exported and viewed in Google maps and other apps.

Records and saves all movements, no exceptions. (a bit erratic)

Appears to be triggered by phone use and movement across tower cells.

Records using GPS location.

Records using cell tower triangulation location.

Records which wifi locations are accessible.

List is restored across backups.

List is restored across migrations.

A copy will be on any computer the phone syncs/backs up with.

Currently accessed in digital forensics.

No warrant necessary during an arrest. (Including traffic stops in Michigan.)


This is all for speed of device and connection. Makes it run better.

Apple used to pay Skyhook for this service and info. Now we're doing it for them.

This is targeted marketing. Money will be earned.

Google, Nokia, Skyhook Wireless also store information like this, in a lesser fashion.

Euro nations will find fault, same as suing Google Maps for recording wifi hotspots.

Can be used to prosecute/defend in court. Incriminate or exonerate.

Technology exists to copy this file and others including photos from your phone wirelessly by proximity, without your knowing it.

Data will be accessible wirelessly, in drive-by fashion, in the near future.

or... I have a tinfoil hat...

Best comment found:

It makes perfect sense. Since you agree to allow Steve Jobs to havest your organs to keep himself alive (did you miss that line in the iTunes user agreement you clicked on?) he obviously needs some way to find you so he can harvest them!
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Do you do code reviews on every app on your phone? If not, then I'd think twice about that statement. Lots of apps record data or access other parts of your phone that they have no reason to do, and do so without your knowledge.

iPhone apps don't let you know what services they are requesting access to before an install?

He's talking about the phone it self in any case recording this information...

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New news, somebody found similar on Droid. Which is normal. A location file of current wifi and cell towers is kept on all phones to speed it up. The Droid file keeps 20 days of one type of data and 30 days of the other. Not a continuous list. And it's rooted, kind of hard to get to.

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