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Outage yesterday and today


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Hey folks, I'm very sorry about the outages yesterday and today. I've had no official explanation from our host, however both outages coincided with the severe storms that went through their area. They're based in Raleigh, NC. I can say with today's outage, even their phones were down.

Looking at the uptime on the server, it's been almost two days since the server itself was restarted:

[xxxxxxx@ohioriders]# uptime

16:35:09 up 1 day, 23:10, 1 user, load average: 0.52, 0.97, 0.44

So obviously our server didn't lose power. Something in the datacenter must have lost power or they lost internet connection. I'm not entirely sure. Either way, I apologize for the downtown. Hopefully we can eliminate this problem.

PS: No, my username isn't xxxxxxx on the server. I purposely x'd it out for obvious reasons. :)

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