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Some thoughts on why I like riding


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I usually commute to work and the last month or so when I walk out at night and look at the parking lot there's about a hundred cars and trucks and one bike,mine.So on the ride home tonight I was thinking about why I like to ride so much.I'll ride in the rain,wind,cold(to about 20) and of course on the nice days like today.Powerfull bikes and not so powerfull bikes like the KLR...it doesn't matter.So why do I choose to ride when most people choose to drive.Here's what I came up with...

I think that riding a bike brings the art of driving back.For the most part,modern cars are pretty much a point and shoot affair...auto trany,climate controled environment,traction control,entertainment(music,dvd,telephone) and even cup holders so you can eat and drink while you "drive".Not much real driving here.

But on a bike you are intimately involved with the art of driving/riding.You do the shifting,work the clutch,brakes,cancel turn signals,read the pavement condition,judge the cornering speed and line,watch more attentively for animals,feel the weather,smell the smells...in short you,are fully immersed in driving/riding.I think that's what keeps me riding regardless of the conditions.I have always been a purist,I like things in their most pure form and riding a bike,at least to me,is the most encompassing form of driving.Unlike a car,it engages all the senses.

Now I know what to tell people when they ask me why I'm riding in the rain or cold.

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Well put. I just started riding but find that I have not found anything but maybe flying that comes close to the feeling when I'm riding. I've been asked several times lately why I started riding at 40 and have several random thoughts on it.

I find that riding allows me to put all my everyday stress out of my mind for a while. A friend once described riding as heightend concentration that helps you relax. You see, hear, feel and even smell everything, you are aware of every vehicle around you, you look out not only for yourself, but also for those around you because there is an element of vulnerability and through it all still have a grin from ear to ear. Every trip promises adventure around every corner. How can you not want that in your life?

As an engineer, a motorcycle is a very primal blend of man and machine working in harmony like few other things can. To be successful, the rider and bike must act as one. Body position, shifting, braking, countersteer and lean must all combine with throttle and traction to be successful even in the most mundane curve.

When I think about it, when I'm in a car its about the destination. On a bike its about the trip.

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I agree with both posts, especially when riding in the rain, it requires more finesse but I like watching the water beads roll off my face-shield and the smell of rainy air, people say I'm crazy but they just don't know how to ride or dive well for that matter.

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I was just reminded of one of my favorite aspects of riding last night...... a cold tank of fresh gas resting against a sack full of hot balls.... ahhhhhhhh.

I just read all of the other posts and they didnt do much for me, but this post ^ made my balls feel good for a moment while I read it. Bravo

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I was just reminded of one of my favorite aspects of riding last night...... a cold tank of fresh gas resting against a sack full of hot balls.... ahhhhhhhh.

Wait, I want to change my answer!!!

This about made me spit out the drink I had while reading it! :cheers:

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There are several reasons I love to ride...

1) The feeling of freedom it gives the wife and I

2) Places you can go on 2 wheels that you can't on 4

3) Parking options are twice as good on 2 wheels

4) Pure acceleration is incomparable with ANYTHING of it's price range

5) Some of the best mpg's is important with todays gas $'s

6) Cheaper to insure and maintain than my truck

7) Lane-splitting CAN be an option when traffic's stopped or extra heavy

8) Pack riding feels like I'm part of something more important

9) Comradery amongst bikers is more brotherhood than a cage club offers

10) Blastin' past idiots that can't drive without a cel phone to their ear, much less WITH one interupting their already poor operating skills :D

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