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Ok imprez lets see the knee.


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  imprez55 said:
Welp, I guess its my turn to chime in. I guess it doesn't really matter that people know, you could easily see my bike and guess what happened. Also, now everyone knows my awesome luck with OR events, I can ride thousands of miles (and even the first part of my ride through cbus that day) but once I'm on my way to something relating to OR something happens haha. So, the knee is fine as you can see in the picture below, 2 days after. I went to the hospital yesterday to make sure nothing was messed, and it wasn't (so I danced on it yesterday night)

Story: It rained the night previously and there was some gravel in a banked interchange between two freeways (I couldn't tell you where, I was on my 3rd set of directions from people) and the back started to slide out. Nothing new, but I think I might have been fixating on the side of the road (telling myself not to go there...) and by the time I stood her back up and tried to lean back into the turn the front was washing out and the rear followed. I stayed on trying to correct for it until it hit (and watched it slide away :( ) and that is when my knee got pinned. Helmet, gauntlets, armored mc boots, armored jacket and leather pants = not a thing wrong besides a swollen knee, a bruised ego and some fairing rash. The frame slider did its job and the swingarm spool helped as well but the slipon still got dented. There wasn't even any contact with the handlebars, so all is well.

Redkow: I already pm'd you, but I will still be going to the track day if it isn't raining. I rode another 3 hours after I fell, I'm sure by next weekend I will be better.


Anti-inflammatory and ice!

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  shittygsxr said:
were you the dude that looped his zx14?

These are those pictures I think. The guy that ran from the cops at 140 on streets he didn't know at all at 4 a.m. in the dark, and got caught on straight roads on the zx14. Scars and stories are cooool.

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  Radio Flyer said:
These are those pictures I think. The guy that ran from the cops at 140 on streets he didn't know at all at 4 a.m. in the dark, and got caught on straight roads on the zx14. Scars and stories are cooool.

same guy - but he also looped his bike wearing a t shirt lol

  Ringo said:
LOOL he got caught on straight roads on a zx14? What did the cops send an apache or was he just an idiot.

said he was doing 170 coming into a town and had to slow down since he didnt know the area and the police got him...supposedly at least....he didnt wreck though during that incident....got ticket for 130

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nice collection of weapons!

  tbutera2112 said:
same guy - but he also looped his bike wearing a t shirt lol

said he was doing 170 coming into a town and had to slow down since he didnt know the area and the police got him...supposedly at least....he didnt wreck though during that incident....got ticket for 130

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  gsxr07 said:
2nd one; clipped by a driver on my ZX14. It was a nasty accident glad to have walked away from it and still have a ZX to ride.


you the same guy as NINJA14?

i thought you just snagged those pics outta his thread, didnt realize it was the same person lol

so you sold the zx14 and got the gsxr, it got stolen, and now you have the 636?

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  cmh_sprint said:
OP has about as much etiquette and discretion as a bull in a china shop based on the majority of his posts. Fits his age IMO. Comment is not meant as an attack just an observation of the age group. I was like that once but age is good for some things.

Mythbusters actually proved that bulls aren't really that clumsy. They put some bulls in a pen and put shelves of breakables in it. They didn't knock that much down.

  CarWhore said:
OP is 19. and a Squid. If you haven't wrecked you haven't rode.

OP post a picture of your rear tire.

Wrecking doesn't make you a rider. Chicken strips don't mean shit either. Talk to anyone who has ridden with Uncle Punk. I hear he has huge chicken strips but will outride most anyone on here.

  gen3flygirl said:
I don't see how, you don't have that far to fall


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