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To The Assholes On Harley's On Rt 2


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Please go faster than 50mph. These jackasses were backing up traffic pretty bad and I almost seen about 4 or 5 head on collisions with people trying to pass these guys. They were your typical jeans, sleeveless HD shirts and bandanna on their head (because it helps soak up the blood when you hit the ground) and on shiny HD bikes. Riding that slow on such a busy road especially along the lake on memorial day is not only dumb but dangerous.

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yeah, seen those before. Seen them merge onto a packed freeway at that speed also. 45-50... I suspect noobs. Probably should have the first year helmet on. As if they even had a temp...

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Reminds me of three of us coming up on the back end of a parade on 664 a couple of years back. Might have been moving at 25-30 mph and slower on the corners... Must have been 40 or 50 of them, no way to pass...

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I love when they go in the fast lane on 270 and they, seemingly, refuse to go more than 55. :nono:

I always pull up and "beep beep" like the roadrunner to the coyote, and take off... wheelies allowed in those cases... yeah, I'll wave, it always confuses them... no, they never wave back, hell, they never smile...

edit: so why the hell do they ride? everyone I know has a big smile when having fun riding.

Apparently those that are not smiling, are not having any fun...

Edited by ReconRat
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you guys are funny..

its not all Harley Riders

its every make and model with d bags on top of them

same goes with sport bikes with idiots on them blasting past you at over 100 when your already doing 10 - 15 over the speed limit

we had a great ride this weekend, and never held anyone up lol

had alot of floor board scrapin going on though

P.S. the only reason i hate owning a harley... Being Stereo Typed

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A couple weeks ago I saw three of the motor company's finest do a stupid stunt...even stupid by Hardly rider standards.They were coming into the west side of Zanesville on SR22 which is two lanes at that point,they were riding three abreast taking up both lanes,below the speed limit,holding up TWO lanes of traffic with a long line in both lanes.Insane!

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Too bad there wasn't a tasty freeze or an antique shop around.

They usually pull in. I don't know why those places attract gay pirates like that. :D

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you guys are funny..

its not all Harley Riders

its every make and model with d bags on top of them

same goes with sport bikes with idiots on them blasting past you at over 100 when your already doing 10 - 15 over the speed limit

we had a great ride this weekend, and never held anyone up lol

had alot of floor board scrapin going on though

P.S. the only reason i hate owning a harley... Being Stereo Typed

Yeah. :p

I always do 5- 10 above the speed limit on the freeway, tickets are the only thing that keep me from going faster.

While I do typically take it pretty easy on twisties, I'm usually 10-15 miles or so above the suggested speeds, and if someone really wants to pass, I give them room.

My floorboards scrape too, but damn, they are comfy. :)

Too bad there wasn't a tasty freeze or an antique shop around.

They usually pull in. I don't know why those places attract gay pirates like that. :D

Hey, I stopped at the antique places with the gf while riding hocking today.


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Tyler's gonna love riding with me :)

Saying all Harley riders are obnoxious and slow is the same as saying "all riders on sport bikes are dumbass kids trying to kill themselves"... it may be true, but it's still a generalization.

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Tyler's gonna love riding with me :)

Saying all Harley riders are obnoxious and slow is the same as saying "all riders on sport bikes are dumbass kids trying to kill themselves"... it may be true, but it's still a generalization.

Weren't you with us last year for the dtc wv rain ride?

Not generalizing all HD riders because I do know that there are true riders but these guys only prove the stereotype as quite a few do. I know there are douche bags of all types on all bikes. Believe me I seen plenty of sport bike dbs this weekend but I never got held up in traffic or seen an accident about occur due to them.

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Believe me I seen plenty of sport bike dbs this weekend but I never got held up in traffic or seen an accident about occur due to them.

there was two loser squids on stretched bikes tailgating me today in reynoldsburg....annoying as shit, no helmets, just black wife beaters and sunglasses... would go slow then speed way up and hit the brakes before slamming into me, weaving side to side seeing how far over they can lean in a straight line, just general douchebaggery....theyre lucky i give a shit about fellow riders or i would have brake checked them and it would have fucked up their day in a bad way...fuckin squids

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Weren't you with us last year for the dtc wv rain ride?

Yah but that wasn't a motorcycle ride, that was jet skiing.

Also, I didn't have a harley then (inb4, you still don't) so now I'm like 40 mph slower. Deal's gap is gonna be a blast!

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A couple weeks ago I saw three of the motor company's finest do a stupid stunt...even stupid by Hardly rider standards.They were coming into the west side of Zanesville on SR22 which is two lanes at that point,they were riding three abreast taking up both lanes,below the speed limit,holding up TWO lanes of traffic with a long line in both lanes.Insane!

I was behind some Harley's in C-Bus doing the same sh*t on route 40. Passed them in the suicide lane in my sis-in-laws ragged out chevy blazer...boy that pissed them off. They tried real hard to catch me and couldn't till I stopped for a light. They wanted to know wtf my problem was, I told them that they were going way under the speed limit and holding up traffic, they threatened to shoot me. I laughed....douche bags.

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Tyler's gonna love riding with me :)

Saying all Harley riders are obnoxious and slow

damnit if you didn't know Tony I'd totally crack on you saying well you fit that stereotype great :D

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