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This kinda goes with the topic. I was sitting at a red light in zanesville and a harley pulls up beside me to my right. I have the icon born sinner helmet with the naked angel on the side. The conversation follows:

Harley dude "hey!! Nice helmet!" Turns and starts giggling with the Meth addict behind him

Me "thanks. Nice bandana."

Harley dude "nice bike! Sounds good..... my stereo is louder!!!!!!!" Turns to mock me with his Hooker again.

Me "thanks but the problem is real motorcycles don't have radios!"

Harley dude *speachless*

Light *green*

Me *smiling*

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I find it funny and sort of sad the number of older cruiser riders I talk with who say they used to ride dirt until their knees, arms, back was so beaten up they couldn't do it anymore. Then they see my dual sport rides and say, "I like that and could probably get into gravel roads and such again, but I have so much money in this bike".

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I met a Harley guy in traffic... I was in front of him and he came up next to me.. First words out of his mouth were' "I bored are you how about some friendly conversation. He asked about my bike. If I rode all street or track also. He then said man I miss my younger days. I loved my sport bikes. miss them... He then started laughing when a Harley passed in the other direction and said oh no another Harley rider caught me talking to a sporter.... I listed it laughing so hard

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seeing that I'm not laying down on the tank (ive got helibars), some cruiser owner at the gas station asks "so is that a real crotch rocket?" so my reply "no, but if you have a daughter between 18-25 she can surely find out"

I love when I say things and don't really think/care about the consequences

This kinda goes with the topic. I was sitting at a red light in zanesville and a harley pulls up beside me to my right. I have the icon born sinner helmet with the naked angel on the side. The conversation follows:

Harley dude "hey!! Nice helmet!" Turns and starts giggling with the Meth addict behind him

Me "thanks. Nice bandana."

Harley dude "nice bike! Sounds good..... my stereo is louder!!!!!!!" Turns to mock me with his Hooker again.

Me "thanks but the problem is real motorcycles don't have radios!"

Harley dude *speachless*

Light *green*

Me *smiling*

So Full of Win....

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love this topic. Have probably shared some of these before but:

- walking up to my EX500, some guy asked me, "is it a 1000?" My only guess is that he thought because it's got dual pipes, it must be a 1000...

- 25 yr old female coworker: "how fast can it go?" (i told her 120 down hill). "really? It won't do more like 150?"

- 35 yr old male coworker: "how fast does it go?" (i told him 120 with a tail-wind.) "JESUS CHRIST! YOU CAN RIDE THAT THING ON THE INTERSTATE?" I guess he thought a 500 was too small(?)

- random at a gas station: "what kind of gas mileage does your bike get?" Me: "realistically? 58 mpg or so if I do 5-10 over." random: "really? is that all?" (i guess 58mpg and the ability to do 0-60 in 5 seconds isn't a winning combo for that guy)

- random in parking lot at work: "why'd you buy a crotch rocket instead of a harley?" I told the guy I look gay in a bandana.

- guy fixing the wiring for my trailer hookup on our new car last year, after I mentioned the trailer was going to be used to tow my bike around. "I used to have a 750. sold it to my brother." Seems like EVERYONE likes to tell me about the bike they used to have. His was stretched, and make "200 horsepower." sure.

- Mexican guy who was friends with the guy who lived below me when I rented IN Cleveland, commenting on my browns painted F2 in the bed of my truck: "you taking it to a show?" No, a race (with this guy's limited mastery of the English language, trying to explain a trackday was going to be like punching myself in the nuts). "ooh. So you take it to a lot of shows?" My bike was (is) COVERED in scratches, scuffs, bugs, etc...

- woman in our Phoenix accounting office who found out I ride, and her husband works at MMI (or some similar mechanic's school): "so i heard you race? like with jumps and stuff?" No, i don't have a dirt bike, I road-race. "...like on a drag strip?" No, on a full race track. "...like an oval?" No, left AND right turns, like what Formula 1 cars drive on.

she still doesn't get it.

Just reading all those ignorant comments got me annoyed. :mead::lol: Seriously did.

Upon seeing my helmet sitting on my desk...

Co-worker: Do you always wear a helmet?

Me: No. Only when I'm riding my motorcycle.

:lol: Very nice.

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Nice, good to see someone other than a tourer with full gerbings out in the snow. I wasn't home in that photo, I had ridden 75 miles to a garage day in "Crazyberg". It stopped snowing before I got home that evening. Lots of people were giving me thumbs up from inside their cars as I plowed through the snow. :D

Haha, I'd love having gerbings, but i doubt my bike would run more than a just one item. I'm getting hippo hands before next winter, right now that is the only part of me that gets cold even in the single digits or below.

Riding in snow is so much fun, It just sucks i have to share the road with so many idiot drivers, thats the only thing that keeps me from doing it full time. The 350F is a perfect bike for snow. Very easy to powerslide around corners. I run some shinko knobbies that do a pretty good job, looking at studding a set for next winter.

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I have an uncle with a Harley and he keeps telling me to get a reel bike lol a few days after that I hear that my other uncle (his brother) is holding his Harley until he pays him back for getting him outta trouble with a DUI I'm pretty sure was on the harley lol but to be fair I have Harley friends that don't drink an drive they also don't were helmets but that's their preference but they always have pants and boots and jackets when it's cold lol also they don't knock sport bikes except for our friends that won't ride for long periods of times :p

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Upon seeing my helmet sitting on my desk...

Co-worker: Do you always wear a helmet?

Me: No. Only when I'm riding my motorcycle.

We had a rather ugly software implementation recently, and I was planning to wear my helmet and jacket into a meeting 'just in case things got ugly'. Sadly my CIO saw me in the hall and made me go change. Something about 'professionalism'.

But there are these two women I see every morning walking in the basement. Without fail, I'm carrying helmet, jacket, and tankbag, and they still ask 'did you RIDE today?!' like it's amazing that you can ride if it's not bright sunshine and 70-80.

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Why not? Do you have a radio?

yes, I'm "that guy" (not to be confused with "that dude") who put a stereo on a sport bike...

used to be mounted up like frame sliders...


then this happened on the NM/AZ border....



So now I've moved them to a more secure location, they are louder here, too.


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So now I've moved them to a more secure location, they are louder here, too.


Are those Shark Audio speakers? They look a lot like the ones I had on my bike mine were chrome with 150w amp those things get loud regardless of where you put them lol

Nice set up btw

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Last week, I mentioned a friend of mine was unfortunate enough to have and encounter with a deer on his way to work riding his (now christened "deer KLR") motorcycle to work. The next day, I come walking in with my helmet in my hand, and jacket on when my boss' boss' boss' stops me in the hall.

Him:"didn't you hear about Wayde yesterday?"

Me:"yeah, he has 6 broken ribs, and a half removed toenail"

Him:"so why are you riding today?!?"

Me:"cause, that's what I do"

Him:"is it really worth it?"


I thought it was a perfect question and answer for this thread.

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Similar happen to me...

I work I a operating room. Couple days ago a guy wreck a motorcycle. I say "a", because he was drunk and stole the motorcycle at 3 in the morning. I was call that night came in and we stocked the dumbass up.... I ride in the next day I worked and everyone seemed to be looking at me funny on the way to and in the locker room. When I left the Locker room one of the nurses pulls me aside and asked what the he'll I was doing rising in to day.... I told her I'm always happier at work when I ride in and the laughed. She goes but what about the guy that almost killed him self couple nights ago. I chuckled and said.... I wear boots, pants, jacket, gloves and a helmet. I don't drink when I ride either. And I haves owned a bike since I was 18.... You guys joke about me being a power ranger but guess what... I'm protected so if I go down there is a better chance I will just ride home instead of being naked on the operating table for you to take advantage of...... (this chick is smokin hot) she giggled and said sorry.... Then asked to ride the next weekend... I was dumbfounded

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there are these two women I see every morning walking in the basement. Without fail, I'm carrying helmet, jacket, and tankbag, and they still ask 'did you RIDE today?!' like it's amazing that you can ride if it's not bright sunshine and 70-80.

I always liked the people who asked "do you have a bike?" when they saw my helmet.

Every so often I would be in a snotty mood and say, "no, I just carry the helmet around to look cool."

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got this one over the weekend while at Deals Gap. Apply your best douchey french accent for maximum lulz:

weird sounding french guy "i have 94 VFR, is yours more sport or tourer"

me: "more sport for a real rider"

french fag: "can i haz a lewk see"

me: "sure"

frenchy: "by z way, its a tour-air. Cleep ons too tall"

me: "thats cuz they are heli-bars"

fenchy: "for zeez roads you need lower. y no stock"

at this point I just said fuck it and walked in the cabin because he was annoying and sounded even more motorcycle dumb than me

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I was parked, sitting on my bike waiting on some company to join me when this kid, I'd say probably 10-12 years old, comes strolling by on his bicycle. Comes up to me, says, "Nice bike. Is it a Ninja?" Other than the fact that my bike is RED with huge YAMAHA stickers, I decided to be nice and tell him no. Even if he can't read, he should be able to tell colors, lol. Can't blame him since he's so young but I still got a kick out of it.

ummm they come in red


And I always think of Yamaha as blue, though it doesn't stand out as much as Kawi green


Still the kid should have been able to read. Unfortunately for some people Ninja is synonymous with sport bike, no matter what the brand.


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