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ahh yes, its time for fall beers :)


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so ive been patrolling the shelves and im glad to say ive come across quite a few good beers new to the shelves for this season, two of which i can say are worth picking up, if your lucky enough to find them, the first is easier to find, its dogfish-head's pumpkin ale, goin about 8-9 bucks a 4 pack, and the better and harder to find would be southern tier's pumKING ale, goin about 8-9 bucks per bomber (1 pint bottle). ive probably had over 8 or 9 of these pumpkin brews and all but these 2 have been crap so just wanted to pass the info to anyone who has a decent beer pallet

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also just tonight i came across a fantastic sierra nevada bomber "estate"...they run about 10 bucks a bomber, if your lucky enough to find it i would recommend buying as many as your can carry because they wont be around for long...this one ranks up there with the hardcore ipa and founders double trouble for me

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  • 3 weeks later...

These aren't quite in that scale......

But picked up some Leiny Oktoberfest couple weeks ago, & some Beck's Oktoberfest today, that hopefully I'll be givin' a try tonight

Didn't even know Beck's brewed an Oktoberfest

Don't think I like the Leiny as well as I did the Sam Adams

Wanna try some of that new BL Golden Wheat too, just for shit's & giggles. Hopefully it doesn't taste as watered down as regular Bud Light

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^ ^ ^ OctoberFest

Completed the Big 3 OktoberFest Trifecta last week...... Sam Adams, Becks & Leiny ;)

Also tried some of that Bud Light Golden Wheat. Not bad. Didn't taste watery to me like regular Bud Light. No real aftertaste to it..... Kinda hard to explain it, but nothing seemed to "linger" to me. "Crisp" maybe?? Not sure what you'd call it

Picked up some Dos Equis Amber the other night. Had it before, but it's been quite awhile. Probably try their lager soon too

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It is probably too late in the season and its VERY hard to come by anywhere north of Cincinnati however my favorite Oktoberfest of all time comes from the Hofbrauhaus in Newport, KY. It is hands down the best of all the Oktoberfests I've had

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Only because I just learned of these social group things and I happened to find one last 6 pack they had at the local grocery store. It was behind something else and was a freakin miracle I found it :)

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