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California rider habits


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I just got back from a 4 day vacation in the Anaheim/L.A. area, and I was pleasantly surprised by how much riding gear I saw.

Yes, CA has a strict helmet law, but virtually every rider I saw was also wearing gloves, a jacket, and appropriate footwear. I saw 1 rider in shorts, and maybe 2 without jackets.

It was unseasonably cool out there (low 70's - warmer in Cleveland than L.A.), but it was still surprising.

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With the amount of cars on the road out there and the fact that you can lane split its probably

in the riders best interest to gear up! Well its really always in their best interest but you know what I mean :p

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Moved to Ohio from L.A. Last year. More people where gear there then I have noticed here... I was amazed at the lack of appropriate Gear people wear in Cincinnati. Met a guy at my work last summer that asked if I wanted to hit some twisty roads after we got off... I said sure. Met up with him and his buddies and 3 of the 5 had shorts and cut off sleeve shirts. On guy had jeans t- shirt helmet and freaking flip flops... Needless to say " something" Came up and I couldn't take the ride with them

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If you are going to live in LA, you will need a motorcycle or you might pull a Micheal Douglas and get out of your car while still in traffic, claiming all you want to do is go home. Of course if you get a ticket, you will be paying out of your ass. I know someone that had to pay $300 just because she turned left as the traffic light turned red. Then she had to go to traffic school as well. If you're Mexican and you have alot of babies, that's ok though. No problemo...

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To each their own, I personally want the best chance to live if something happens.

From what I can tell there is 10 reasons why someone doesn't wear gear.

1) Your Stupid.

2) Your a vagina and can't handle the elements.

3) You want to die

4) You either wish to be mentally handicapped and sip food through a straw or have a sweet gimp walk that I'm sure all the ladies will appreciate.

5) Your just too cool for protective gear and want to appear as a "badass" when in reality your peers think of you as a "dumbass"

6) You just can't find the right gear to match your chromed to the teeth Harley and sweet skull bandana.

7) You just don't give a shit about anything in which case you should die.

8) Your a newb hillbilly or nig nog or foreigner and just don't know any better because of improper upbringing.

9) You don't want anyone to miss the fact that you have a motorcycle and your desperately trying to better your social standard.

10) Your too old for this malarky and its just time to ride however the fuck you want to cause your gonna die real soon anyways so what's the difference.

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To each their own, I personally want the best chance to live if something happens.

From what I can tell there is 10 reasons why someone doesn't wear gear.

1) Your Stupid. Nah brah, i got a degree.

2) Your a vagina and can't handle the elements. That's why i don't wear. Keeps me cool.

3) You want to die At least I'll look cool doing it.

4) You either wish to be mentally handicapped and sip food through a straw or have a sweet gimp walk that I'm sure all the ladies will appreciate. Leave my gimp alone, shit's pretty damn sexay.

5) Your just too cool for protective gear and want to appear as a "badass" when in reality your peers think of you as a "dumbass" No, no. Definitely badass.

6) You just can't find the right gear to match your chromed to the teeth Harley and sweet skull bandana. I'm more of a spikes kinda guy.

7) You just don't give a shit about anything in which case you should die. I cared about your mom, right before I took her out for a nice dinner...AND NEVER CALLED HER BACK!

8) Your a newb hillbilly or nig nog or foreigner and just don't know any better because of improper upbringing. You leave my father out of this boy, them's fightin' words.

9) You don't want anyone to miss the fact that you have a motorcycle and your desperately trying to better your social standard. You jelly of all the puss I get brah?

10) Your too old for this malarky and its just time to ride however the fuck you want to cause your gonna die real soon anyways so what's the difference. I got plenty of years left.

:bow:Shorts, flip-flops, and my Oakleys mayne. That's all ya need! :bow:

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If you are going to live in LA, you will need a motorcycle or you might pull a Micheal Douglas and get out of your car while still in traffic, claiming all you want to do is go home. Of course if you get a ticket, you will be paying out of your ass. I know someone that had to pay $300 just because she turned left as the traffic light turned red. Then she had to go to traffic school as well. If you're Mexican and you have alot of babies, that's ok though. No problemo...

Falling down was a great flick! The Wammy Burger scene was my favorite!

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Moved to Ohio from L.A. Last year. More people where gear there then I have noticed here... I was amazed at the lack of appropriate Gear people wear in Cincinnati. Met a guy at my work last summer that asked if I wanted to hit some twisty roads after we got off... I said sure. Met up with him and his buddies and 3 of the 5 had shorts and cut off sleeve shirts. On guy had jeans t- shirt helmet and freaking flip flops... Needless to say " something" Came up and I couldn't take the ride with them

Totally feel ya. Moved from LA in '09 and I'll never get over the lack or regard for protective gear here in Ohio. Took a vacation back home in February, borrowed a friend's '09 BMW K1300S, and had a blast in my favorite twisty roads and splitting traffic like a motorcycle is designed to do. It was 76 degrees during the day and it was refreshing to see EVERYONE in helmets and majority of the crowd in jeans and jackets, including the cruiser riders!

My favorite excuse here in Ohio is, "It's too hot to wear gear!" It's 90 degrees on any given day in November in LA. Please. We've gotten over it already.

I'm returning to CA (San Jose) next month for a motorcycle rally and I'm stoked to actually do everything with a motorcycle that's illegal to do everywhere else for the second time this year. What can I say? I rode in SoCal for six years straight, and once you master that universe, you can ride damn near anywhere. It's also refreshing to return back to a place where drivers don't actually try to kill you on purpose because you're on a bike.

We need a CA ex-patriate support group here. I miss actually using my bike to its potential. :cry:

Edited by the_silverfox
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Big Bear area is a hoot. I've done Rim of the World quite a number of times. I lived in the South Bay area so I had access to the Palos Verdes Loop, Angeles Crest Hwy, CA-39, PCH, and Ortega Hwy on a regular basis among other roads. Good times and I could ride the coast anytime of the day or night. Ten minutes from my house and I've got something scenic. Can't say the same about Columbus and it just makes me more homesick.

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To each their own, I personally want the best chance to live if something happens.

From what I can tell there is 10 reasons why someone doesn't wear gear.

1) You're Stupid.

2) You're a vagina and can't handle the elements.

3) You want to die

4) You either wish to be mentally handicapped and sip food through a straw or have a sweet gimp walk that I'm sure all the ladies will appreciate.

5) You're just too cool for protective gear and want to appear as a "badass" when in reality your peers think of you as a "dumbass"

6) You just can't find the right gear to match your chromed to the teeth Harley and sweet skull bandana.

7) You just don't give a shit about anything in which case you should die.

8) You're a newb hillbilly or nig nog or foreigner and just don't know any better because of improper upbringing.

9) You don't want anyone to miss the fact that you have a motorcycle and your desperately trying to better your social standard.

10) You're too old for this malarky and its just time to ride however the fuck you want to cause your gonna die real soon anyways so what's the difference.

jeebus. your and you're. their/there/they're different.

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Random CA note - if you ever get a chance to ride the Ortega Highway (74) West from Lake Elsinore, it is a hell of a road.

The drop-offs make it too unsafe to ride "fast," but the posted limit is between 45 and 55, which is plenty fun.

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:lol: Cheered up!

Just miss the scenery, the awesome roads within close proximity, and the more infrequent appearance of squids. Why did my childhood home have to be soooo expensive? :nono:

I lived in So. Cal as a kid, and Arizona, loved both of them and miss 'em, but it got stupid expensive to live out there.

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Let me cheer you up: Tax rate.


You can actually carry a firearm and own mags that hold more than 10 rounds here plus you don't have to check the approved firearm list before buying something. I know the 2nd amendment laws are not perfect here but we have more rights.

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jeebus. your and you're. their/there/they're different.

Wow, gramar polease huh?

I apologise, i browse the internet on my phone 99.9% of the time and not only is it difficult to type but it does not come equipped with spell and grammar check.

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You can actually carry a firearm and own mags that hold more than 10 rounds here plus you don't have to check the approved firearm list before buying something. I know the 2nd amendment laws are not perfect here but we have more rights.

open carry law ain't no different here than 47 of the other states of this union. I was even allowed to "import" my AK-47 sans Russian military issued expanded magazine. Yeah, they're kinda ATGATT nazis out here. Saved my life this past Wednesday though!


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Are you allowed to carry that firearm loaded while you're open carrying like the rest of us?

You beat me to it uncle punk:)

What good is your firearm if its not loaded are you gonna throw it at the BG?

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