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My buddy is gone...


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Visited my fiance this morning on Campus. My buddy (our Large male English Springer Spaniel) came running into the room. Hopped around me a few times like normal, I made it to the kitchen table and set my stuff down and turned around to find him dead on the floor, that fast.

OSU Vet hospital said he suffered a massive heart failure. They could not get him revived.

5 1/2 year old English Springer Spaniel. Great dogs only come along so often and he was one in a million...

My Friend

My Hunting partner

My Fiances Protector at Campus

Her Neice and Nephews Halloween crutch and protector

My Buddy

Edited by Beegreenstrings
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If that happened to me I would be in therapy. It's one thing to know that your pet is old and the end is near but when something like that happens, you don't have time to mentally prepare yourself. Sorry for your loss...

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That's rough, man. They are most definitely family members. I've lost four dogs through the years and there's no real easy way for it to happen - quick, slow, old, young - makes no difference. My best dog lived to a ripe old age and I will confess plainly that I cried like a kid when we lost her.

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Sorry for your loss. At least you didn't have to take that painful trip to the vet that most of us eventually suffer through.

That was me, about 8 months ago. The absolute toughest decision I've ever made. I know how you feel. Sorry for your loss - there's no words to describe the pain.

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