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Casey Anthony Not Guilty


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Another epic fail on our justice system... When do we get to get Old Sparky back out for some fun?


I mean for real, what is the worst part of this? That she just partied balls for 31 days before even reporting her own child missing? That her dad has now basically been called out for molesting his daughter so she is nuts(But not nuts per the lawyers)? The fact that she most likely will serve NO time after she gets her time served awarded?

I mean someone needs to put a bullet in her head, wait that is too easy. Feed her to alligators? Sharks? Maybe just a trip to a real prison for a few days?

The US is just totally fucked these days.

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That it is such a national crisis.



i've seen enough of this shit on facebook. I don't know why people whine and cry over shit they can't control but don't do shit about things they can control to make a brighter future. They're whats wrong with America, not the god damn verdict

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She's got the best sort of birth control.

National Enquirer (or one of those rags in the checkout line at the Kroger) said she's "in the family way" again...:nono:

Unless there's absolutely NO chance of the jury coming to the wrong verdict, e.g. this trial, O.J.'s criminal trial; cases like this need to be held in front of a "hangin' Judge", not a jury. Justice my ass. The whole fam damily was guilty, mom, dad, womb (Casey), the whole lot of 'em should be in jail, forever.

Anyone ever see the movie "Star Chamber", early 80's, Michael Douglas? We need something like that now for this dumb twat and her egg/sperm donor "parents".

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Another epic fail on our justice system... When do we get to get Old Sparky back out for some fun?


I mean for real, what is the worst part of this? That she just partied balls for 31 days before even reporting her own child missing? That her dad has now basically been called out for molesting his daughter so she is nuts(But not nuts per the lawyers)? The fact that she most likely will serve NO time after she gets her time served awarded?

I mean someone needs to put a bullet in her head, wait that is too easy. Feed her to alligators? Sharks? Maybe just a trip to a real prison for a few days?

The US is just totally fucked these days.

how do you know she is guilty? She was tried by a jury of her piers and found not guilty. Do you have some proof that was not presented in the court room?

Our system is what it is. Yes the media has painted her a monster, yes most people think she is a monster, hell even I think she is not right in the head, but 12 what I can only assume sane, simi-educated people said that after listening to everything, that she did not do it. What we is going on all over the web and media right now is a good old fashion lynch mob. Our system was designed intentionally to prevent lynch mobs from dishing out "emotional justice."

did she do it? I don't know. What I do know is the lynch mob needs to stay out of it.

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That it is such a national crisis.


Seriously. I honestly just heard about this yesterday, but based primarily on Facebook apparently the media has had most of the country hooked for quite some time. What do I care what some random chick in Florida did?

On a less serious note, isn't it still common practice in some places to drown infant daughters in the river? Deal with it.

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Little girls die all time. Its not fair or right but it happens. Just so happens the media jumped on this got the coutry's emotions wrapped into it. It'd be nice to see people take the emotions they feel right now and put them to good use and stand up to child abuse and the such. Instead we react to the after math and say it was so bad what happened to the little girl. Not saying she was a used before she died but how many kids are abused, people do nothing and then they are raped and/or killed? Then all of a sudden people notice.

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Little girls die all time. Its not fair or right but it happens. Just so happens the media jumped on this got the coutry's emotions wrapped into it. It'd be nice to see people take the emotions they feel right now and put them to good use and stand up to child abuse and the such. Instead we react to the after math and say it was so bad what happened to the little girl. Not saying she was a used before she died but how many kids are abused, people do nothing and then they are raped and/or killed? Then all of a sudden people notice.

In other words, it takes and extreme situation before people are willing to take "a stand" on something. People are too wishy-washy anymore. :(

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I can honest to go happily say I know nothing about this case. I checked out of giving a shit about this and other things I can't control.

The only thing I knew about this case was there was a semi attractive female on TV... I'd go to lunch and see the her on the TV, "Oh hey, she's kind of hot"

That was it, now everyone is talking about how this is an injustice and the justice system sucks and how they're SO sure she's guilty and I just want to punch faces.

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The only thing I knew about this case was there was a semi attractive female on TV... I'd go to lunch and see the her on the TV, "Oh hey, she's kind of hot"

That was it, now everyone is talking about how this is an injustice and the justice system sucks and how they're SO sure she's guilty and I just want to punch faces.

And in the end, it's not the people that will be judging her anyway. If she did get away with murder, she will get it in the end.

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And in the end, it's not the people that will be judging her anyway. If she did get away with murder, she will get it in the end.


Good chance if she did do it and get away with she will do it again and may not be so lucky next time. Hell I believe OJ is in jail again.

I think its crazy all these kids are disappearing and being murdered the last several years.

What is wrong with this country?

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Good chance if she did do it and get away with she will do it again and may not be so lucky next time. Hell I believe OJ is in jail again.

I think its crazy all these kids are disappearing and being murdered the last several years.

What is wrong with this country?

Has been happening for a long long time, it was much more of a local issue before. Now with the internet and 24 hour news networks, more information passes much faster than it has ever before. Before maybe people in the surrounding counties, or state(s) may have heard about it but now everyone in the world can follow it second by second from the internet, tv, or twitter.

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i've seen enough of this shit on facebook. I don't know why people whine and cry over shit they can't control but don't do shit about things they can control to make a brighter future. They're whats wrong with America, not the god damn verdict

go back & read what you typed you answered your own question ...I highlited it to help you out :)

why does everyone love facebook so damn much? its not just FB but the whole FB type mentailty.

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The funny part was when they interviewed the old boyfriend, he wants to get back together with her but just to ask her what happened. :rolleyes: Anyone hear banjos playing in the court room? :D

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Our system is what it is. Yes the media has painted her a monster, yes most people think she is a monster, hell even I think she is not right in the head, but 12 what I can only assume sane, simi-educated people said that after listening to everything, that she did not do it.

Correction.... They said they could not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she did it. (they likely still think she's guilty)

Prosecution failed/no concrete evidence

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