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No, I hit a raccoon on the Strom doing about 50mph. It busted a perfect hole in the plastic engine guard and shattered the rest. Engine was unharmed, raccoon did the drunk sailer walk off the road and I rode on home. Later I made a stainless Steel engine guard to replace the plastic thing.

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I thought those were speed bumps....I did hit a ground hog once, lucky I hit it square with both wheels, and it did feel like a speedbump at 60mph

Edited by 2talltim
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Buddy hit a small small deer on his Busa a couple weeks ago.... fairing damage on left side, fur in bead of front tire, bent t-rex slider, bunch of mud all over and some blood $1900 in repairs and it cut our ride to Kinzua short.... deer did not make it out so well

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I hit some squishy roadkill on my GPZ once. I think it had been a possum. No matter how much I washed my headers, for the rest of the summer my bike smelled liked cooked roadkill. It was a nasty funk. ;-)

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I had a rabbit run between my tires a few years ago. hit it with the back wheel doing way faster than i should have been.. not sure how it stayed in one peice but its insides were strung out and you could see the path from where i hit it to the far left side of the road where it finally stopped..

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I've hit several birds. Pulled into work one time and didn't realize it had exploded across my helmet. The joke of the day was how I was given the bird on the way to work. :)

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ive hit a rabbit and a squirrel.

never hit a bird on the bike, but ive hit two in my car. one was a sparrow that got lodged in the grille, and the other was either a hummingbird, or the world's largest mosquito.

as for running over stuff on the bike, if you are prepared, its not that bad.

stand up on the pegs a little, knees bent and flexing to absorb the shock. gas it to lighten the front end and power the rear over it.

sorta like going over a log on a dirtbike.

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There are two types of animals on the road - smooshable, and not smooshable. Smooshable things are about cat down in size, not smooshable things are about dog up in size.

smooshability factor is related to vehicle size.

on a motorcycle a dog is not smooshable.

in my truck, its most definitely smooshable.

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smooshability factor is related to vehicle size.

on a motorcycle a dog is not smooshable.

in my truck, its most definitely smooshable.

Smooshabillity factor, is also related to animal size! There are some pretty tiny dogs out there, and plenty of them are smooshable, even with the smallest of bikes!

Over the years, I have hit coons, rabbit, squirrels, a couple of birds, and depending on the bird and where they hit, they can be scary! None of them have actually caused any damage, just some cleaning. Some have been dead already, some were in my path.

The one that you don't want to tangle with, dead or alive, would be a Skunk! Now that would just be horrible! Unsmooshable with any size bike! (unless you are borrowing a friends bike, then maybe)


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I ran over a black cat on the way to meet my brother for a planned all day ride. I was 15 minutes from the house when I hit it. Not a very superstitious person, but I just went home and called it a day. If the cat would have crossed in front of me, or been a different color I would have not gave it a second thought, but running it over just seemed like it would be pushing it.

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I ran over a rabbit in my car once - about 20 years ago. I saw it run out from the side of the road and under the wheels of the semi in front of me. I thought; "Smooshed." But it turns out the bunny made it across the road under the semi, then changed it mind and ran back out in front of me. I swear it sounded and felt like I hit a curb. I was doing about 40.

And, more recently... (Start watching at 1:40)


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If you hit it square no problems. A ground hog was the largest critter I ran over. The turkey buzzard does not count. It was in the air. Had a stiff neck for a few days. One of my friends ran over a dead deer. It was late at night. He stood up on the pegs and hit it square. :eek:

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I was riding my DR650 this spring on a back road and a big ground hog was running up the middle of the road in front of me. I chashed him down and road right up its back and over its head. I hit road kill all the time its not bad at all and you know how the bikes going to act if you have to hit a live critter.

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Well that makes me feel a little bit better. I had my first scare a few nights ago. I was in Delaware on some back roads and I had a bunny literally criss-cross in front of me and I'm amazed I didn't hit his rear end. Usually I'm pretty good at spotting things going across the road but I swear this thing came out from a ditch and made a b line straight at me. I always had it in my head that no matter how small, a rabbit, groundhog, squirrel, whatever...you'd wreck. Guess not...

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I hit a racoon on the R6, scratched the fairing up. :mad: Nothing else really hurt, just the coon..(yes I took my truck back to the scene to run it over again :mad:)

I've taken a bird to the shoulder on the R6, thats a shocker like a kick in the nuts.

More recently, I ran over a groundhog (roadkill) on the busa at about 70. Scratched fairing, bloody parts smeared on the outside and inside of the fairing and the bike stinks for about a week......(I'm not touching that nasty shizz)

Those were all "ugh" :puke:..the only thing that made me think I was gonna wreck was a grapefuit sized rock I hit with an old 750 I had..bent the back wheel.

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