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I hate thieves!


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So I was out at an evening charity event and rode the bike. I was going to lock my jacket onto the bike with my python lock but I just kept it on because it was an outdoor event so it wasn't too hot. Stuffed gloves in the helmet and locked the helmet. Came back a few hours later after the even ended and my helmet and gloves are gone.....:eek::eek:.......Why the heck would you cut the strap and take a strapless helmet? And the gloves weren't anything special but c'mon! Stealing outside of a chairity event!!! I hate thieves, that's like breaking into someones car to steal their seabelts! So now I have to spend $$$ on a new helmet.

So be on the lookout, I'm going to keep my eye on Craigslist just in case it pops up. It was a large hjc is-16 "scratch" helmet along with blue gloves from a taiwanese company "kuxia". If I find them on CL i'm going to see if I can buy them back....I wouldn't be the one paying for it though.:mad:

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Dude, that really sucks. Never heard of someone cutting the strap to get a helmet. That's retarded.


Who the hell is going to buy a used helmet that doesn't fasten?:wtf:

Unless maybe they're going to strap it on the side of the bike with some duct tape and use it as one of the giant frame sliders I see so many helmet-less riders using these days.

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ha, i dont even leave my $100 helmet on my bike, i carry it into stores with me because people will steal anything without really thinking about how much its worth first, steal first appraise later.

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Dude, that really sucks. Never heard of someone cutting the strap to get a helmet. That's retarded.

i have.

they didnt steal the helmet because they needed one. they stole it because they are trash. they dont really care that the helmet is ruined.

maybe they just thought the helmet was cool and wanted it to pose with.

or they could sell it to some unlicensed scooter rider for like 20 bucks. thats enough to get some meth with, which is all they really care about.

they could stitch a new strap in then sell it at a swap meet or something... safety is not of a concern to them. once the buyer realizes whats up, they already got your money...

if you cut it just at the D ring, you could probably just sew new rings in.

i always took my helmet with me anyway. chicks dig it and its a good conversation starter. also, it could end up puked in or pissed in, in which case id probably prefer that they just steal it.

Edited by John
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I feel your pain brother, our house got broken into yesterday and they took all of our electronics. Try not to let it get to you too much.

That sucks man, people move to Dublin to get away from that kind of shit.:nono:

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Geez, that does suck. I used to use a bicycle cable lock to lock my helmet through the chinbar to the ex passenger grab bar. Now I put it in my locking luggage on my Sprint.


I use this and go thru the chin bar around my rearset and hang it on my peg. They may still get it but they will have to work on it. I've had the straps cut on me before. I also use a bike cable(heavy duty) thru my sleeves and lock it to the passenger bar on the back seat.

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At my cousins wedding reception, someone stole his billfold out of his jacket and they maxed-out all the cards the next day. Nice:nono:

Sadly that means more than likely its someone he's pretty close to. sad sad sad

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That sucks. How do you steal safety ger from someone? You might as well take the airbags out of their car.

I always lock my helmet in the haard case, or take it with me. I don't leave my jacket on the bike until the bike stays in sight all the time.

I have an older black HJC full-face helmet that's a Large. Yours for free if you want it.

EDIT: Just saw you're in Cleveland. I'm in Columbus. Still, if you want to pay the shipping I can get it up to you.

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At my cousins wedding reception, someone stole his billfold out of his jacket and they maxed-out all the cards the next day. Nice:nono:

At my cousins wedding, they left everything in the reception hall of the hotel that was supposed to be locked up. They came down the next morning to clean up and someone stole all of their cards with money. Only family and hotel staff had access and I wouldn't put it past a couple family members sadly enough.

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Today while at work a co worker went out at lunch and found some one cut off his converter. His exhaust was draging the ground. Brave thief it happened at 9:00am and we caught the car on video.

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Now this goes back a few yrs now, but I got a thief in a way I gaurantee you have never heard.

My 79 Mustang was one of the easiest cars ever made to get into. A huge door window, due to it being a 2 door, , a screwdriver and you are in.

In the 4 yrs I owned it, it was broken into 6 times, and the stereo was the only thing taken.

The 6th time was it, the next stereo I put in was a cheap one, I screwed razor blades to the top side edges, hanging just 1/4" over the edges. I then mounted a chain on the back of it, so it can only come out of the dash about 12".

I had the car in for service, it was parked outside at the dealership and the first night it was broken into. I got a call from the service manager and he told me the car got broken into, and i should come out to inspect the damage.

I got there and there was blood all over the seat, floor and door. Not to mention a large puddle of blood on the ground beside the car.

Who ever tried to pull the stereo out had his hands sliced open from the razor blades. I immediatly called the 2 local hospitals and asked if there was anyone in with large cuts on their hands. It only took one call to find the culprit, he was till in the emergency room getting stitched up.

It turned out it was one of the service tecks that was working on my car. He called in sick and wasn't at work, odviously.

I called the cops, they went to the Hospital and he claims he cut his hands on a windshiel that broke.

The cops liked my idea, but also warned me that I could be in trouble if he pushes it. He never did, but he doesn't have full use of his hands due to the damage from his little stunt. I don't feel sorry for him in the least, Turnabouts fareplay, Don't fuck with me, and I won't fuck with you.

Ride safe all.


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