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Taking away our rights


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Why do you people need guns anyway? :dunno:

Learn you sum fisticuffs pussys!!!

You warm up your boxing skills, and I'll ro-shambo you squaaar in the nootz.

That's all I will be able to do because Obama himself will come to my house and confiscate all my guns, knives and everything dangerous from my house except for dull sporks. (which I will have to get a permit for). Right after that hes going to start tattooing and gassing people, because he's hitler reincarnate, supposedly. :rolleyes:

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I am pro-gun and even I can't make it through that propaganda.

So youre saying the no more than (2) purchases is not factual? That's propaganda? Do you not see anything wrong with even that alone? Prove me wrong

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So youre saying the no more than (2) purchases is not factual? That's propaganda? Do you not see anything wrong with even that alone? Prove me wrong

The bit I can't get past is where footage of the mass Katrina confiscation is portrayed, without clarification, as a potential threat under "Obama's" new ATF rules. The style and content of that video was intended to stir emotion and fear, not rational debate and discourse - otherwise why the unattributed katrina video?

The Katrina confiscation was a huge travesty and massive violation of the constitution. What president would allow that?

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If the ATF ever rang on my door bell. it would go a lot like this.....

Ring ring..


Hi we are from the ATF an.....

I'm sorry i sold all my guns.. Shut door

I believe its not a law that i have to be able to show proof that i sold my firearms privately, and who too. although its probably a good idea if i did incase the police ever recovered one. but either way..

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Do away with the atf plain and simple. Name me on other government organization that is more against the second amendment.

The CDC.

(My son's pediatrician always hands me a flyer of CDC "home safety tips" that explicitly states that you should never have guns in the house)

According to CDC figures for 2004, there were 143 kids killed in gun accidents in 2004 (most recent data at this site I'm looking at). According the NHTSA there were ~230 children killed in non-traffic car accidents (run over in own driveway). Back-over accidents are considered just regular accidents, "one of those things" etc, yet gun accidents, which account for fewer deaths, are evidence of a flawed constitution?? Wankers.

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The CDC.

(My son's pediatrician always hands me a flyer of CDC "home safety tips" that explicitly states that you should never have guns in the house)

Well thats just silly. I could leave them on the porch but then anyone could just walk up and take one. Besides, they would get all rusty!

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The CDC.

(My son's pediatrician always hands me a flyer of CDC "home safety tips" that explicitly states that you should never have guns in the house)

According to CDC figures for 2004, there were 143 kids killed in gun accidents in 2004 (most recent data at this site I'm looking at). According the NHTSA there were ~230 children killed in non-traffic car accidents (run over in own driveway). Back-over accidents are considered just regular accidents, "one of those things" etc, yet gun accidents, which account for fewer deaths, are evidence of a flawed constitution?? Wankers.

How many time heard of the CDC seizing somebody's guns? Lol

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Fear the government that fears your guns. There has been a lot of backlash lately but you can't argue with statistics. A majority of states now have ccw licenses. A good deal of those states have reciprocity laws. Gun sales have been going up month after month the last 3 years. Crime has gone down since Ohio passed ccw license laws. Of course the hippies and the bradys are all screaming about blood in the streets and bars now that Ohio passed the restaurant carry law, but they were crying about blood in the streets when ccw was passed. The fact is that the pro-gun movement is winning, more people.are buying guns and more are carrying them legally. The atf can't circumnavigate the constitution and they are in trouble for fast and furious anyway. The cdc can suck balls, guns have nothing to do with disease control, they should concentrate on aids and cancer.

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I am pro-gun and even I can't make it through that propaganda.


These fucking mouth breathers think everything that happens is somehow a secret attempt by OBAMA to seize everyone's guns.

News flash, idiots, there is a bigger picture you need to step back and look at.

And as far as Obama taking our guns, I know I'm still reeling from all the black suited agents storming into my house just after he was elected. They took my guns and fucked my dog up the ass. Heartless bastards.

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