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About to kill my roommate


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I am about ready to murder my roommate. He moved in back in the spring as a temporary thing since he was "moving to California". Well that ended up not working out so he has stuck around. Like all roommates there are certain things he does that make me want to kill him but recently it has gotten worse. His american bull dog had her second litter of puppies on monday. Since my parents own the house I live in my mother asked him not to keep the puppies here, they destroy things. Well I come home the day after they are born to find 6 puppies and mamma dog. Rather than take care of them himself he has had his women ( a whole other story in its self ) take care of them. He went to a wedding this weekend and left a girl that went to rehab for coke in charge of the pups. He left for work almost 2 hours ago and took the girl with him. So now I am left with the pups and have no clue how to take care of them. Oh and I have a midterm tomorrow morning that I need to study for.

before any one asks or says something, we are not nor have we ever dated.

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in the pics they actually look like english bulldogs....if they were american bull dogs i would tell ya to just drop them off at a shelter, but since theyre english i think the roommate's women should "forget" the door open one day and they will escape...you could get a pretty penny for them, my girls uncle paid 4500 for his english bulldog

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Get his dog spayed.

Eviction is a decent route, but long and slow. Like possibly multiple years. Not kidding.

The threat of legal action is usually more effective than actual legal action.

Is this roommate's name on a lease? If not, just move his crap out and change the locks.

I hate to see the puppies suffer because of a human's stupidity, but they are his problem; not yours. How much (if any) warning you give is up to you.

Depending on the living arrangement, he may have some legal rights. How has he been paying? (generally if someone is paying ever 30 days, you have to give them 30 days notice to end the lease, even if nothing is in writing)

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Then just change the locks and leave his stuff outside. The cost of locks are much less than damage to the house, or getting lawyers involved.

If you want to give him a few days notice, that's your call. Be prepared to call the police when he tries to enter the house though.

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Don't just chuck him out and change the locks... that'll make an enemy. Sit him down and say that things haven't worked out and his behavior is unacceptable... and that he has 30 days, or THEN you will kick him out. If he's been warned he'll have no one to blame but himself, and hopefully he'll just find a place before then and be gone.

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in the pics they actually look like english bulldogs....if they were american bull dogs i would tell ya to just drop them off at a shelter, but since theyre english i think the roommate's women should "forget" the door open one day and they will escape...you could get a pretty penny for them, my girls uncle paid 4500 for his english bulldog

Oh, and if they are English Bulldogs you have to feed them a different diet than American Bulldogs.

Fish and Chips is good for starters, then a spot of tea. Possibly a crumpet.

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Has he been there long enough to have established residency? It was a temporary thing and he has renenged on that. Consult a laywer, of course, but DON'T wait too long. If he has not establish residency then ask him to move out, gie him a set date/time, get it in writing that he is moving out and when, and get ready to change the lock and set his crap outside on moving day if he's not gone yet.

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You really need to at least consult with an attorney if you want to force him out because tenants have rights. The lack of a written lease simply makes him a month-to-month tenant under an oral agreement (IB: is that how he pays the rent?). Like it or not, he is a legal tenant and your eviction of him must be lawful or else he can sue you for damages.

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