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Ouch, markets taking the debt downgrade pretty hard


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The President is talking, so of coarse there will be a rally at the close...


President finished talking, marked drops -443.81. :nono:

Can we just go ahead and call a do-over? We need to go ahead and get a new president/congress in now.

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Notice that this Monday that the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were downgraded, and hints about downgrading France and Britain were announced. Stay tuned for more...

More would be the 10 billion lawsuit against Bank of America for being greedy.

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Not true. You have to start somewhere. My first trade 10yrs ago was only for 400.00. Tripled it up and went from there.

honestly though, the average joe has no business investing in the stock market anyway. you're not making much money unless you dump 50-60k into it.

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Well, it's Tuesday morning @ 6:30am, and the Asian and European markets are already down as much as they were yesterday. It looks like a rough week ahead. I'm just hoping it's not a rough month/year/decade/century.

Example: The European DAX was a 9.36% drop on Monday. DAX dropped 9.46% in the first hour on Tuesday. This is panic selling. It's recovered a little already.

edit: European market actually showing a recovery early on, for the losses on Tuesday. Asian market, no.

Edited by ReconRat
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