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Novice Track Day


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I may sound stupid but I can't go wrong by asking.

So I'm doing my first track day on Tuesday and I just got my bike serviced and checked and all that. I know I have to tape my lights, remove my mirrors, I took out my anti freeze and replaced it with water. I've got a two piece suit (without pucks due to them being backordered...gay) boots, gloves stuff to wear underneath, my basic tools, tire pressure gauge, um...that's all I can think of at the moment.

I'm assuming I need to take off my license plate and my frame sliders

(although I read (online) those are optional but don't know exactly for mid ohio)

I'm sure I'm missing some things. But I'm also going to be in the novice group / class so I know I don't have to do some of the things to prep my bike like I would for the advanced class. I've noticed plenty of you guys and girls have been there multiple times and was wondering if you could help me out with a novice track day checklist ( I read the typical track q&a thread, just want to double check for novice riders ) so I can enjoy it even more and be safe! :)

Edited by Saacattack
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No need to remove frame slider. Take the plate off. And look at the sticky in the subforum labeled trackday list. You can find pucks if you plan on draggin knee.

Have fun and be safe. Warning it will be addicting.

The addiction leads to spending money, I feel like a crack addiction might be cheaper because I have only done three days and I'm ready to build/buy a dedicated track bike and go to every possible track day I can make.

On the original topic though, bring lots of water and something to snack on through the day. You don't want to get worn out/dehydrated out there because something could go wrong very quickly. My advice is to go out there and do what you can and leave your ego at home. Don't ride above your head and if you fall off pace, so be it. I fell off pace quite a few times my first time out but I would rather ride off pace then going down.

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I figure it'll get addicting and I'll get a track bike soon. but I can live with that!

I've read on water and snacks, which I know all about anyways due to being a serious runner for 10 years.

I plan on really enjoying this day! I plan going whatever pace I'm comfortable with which I do when I go out and ride. If it doesn't feel right, I don't push it.

Thanks for your guys input! I appreciate it!

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I may sound stupid but I can't go wrong by asking.

So I'm doing my first track day on Tuesday and I just got my bike serviced and checked and all that. I know I have to tape my lights, remove my mirrors, I took out my anti freeze and replaced it with water. I've got a two piece suit (without pucks due to them being backordered...gay) boots, gloves stuff to wear underneath, my basic tools, tire pressure gauge, um...that's all I can think of at the moment.

I'm assuming I need to take off my license plate and my frame sliders

(although I read (online) those are optional but don't know exactly for mid ohio)

I'm sure I'm missing some things. But I'm also going to be in the novice group / class so I know I don't have to do some of the things to prep my bike like I would for the advanced class. I've noticed plenty of you guys and girls have been there multiple times and was wondering if you could help me out with a novice track day checklist ( I read the typical track q&a thread, just want to double check for novice riders ) so I can enjoy it even more and be safe! :)

Obviously you won't need all of this, but its a good start...



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If you dont have a canopy and havent reached out to anyone who is going on OR I have one you can borrower. Just gotta let me know so I can get it from my trailer.

Check the link Dubguy posted, has everything there you could ask for. If you think you need 6 waters, bring 18, same with gatorade. Actually I am going to start bringing 2 pedialytes with me every weekend. It might sound stupid, but with riding as much and hard as you will, it will help with cramps. I had my quad and my tri crap so bad, my tri was still sore Wednesday after riding Fri, Sat, and Sunday.

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EZ-ups are high quality. They withstand the wind better than the cheap brands, but I have a $70 "first up" brand from Walmart that simply won't die on me either...

the biggest difference seems to be that the EZ up brand has side to side support that you can hit your head on, but also holds the thing together if there's a cross-wind.

the cheaper ones simply bend in a stiff breeze. But like I said, my Walmart special has lasted at least 2 years now. for less than half the price of an EZ up, they're not a bad value.

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EZ-ups are high quality. They withstand the wind better than the cheap brands, but I have a $70 "first up" brand from Walmart that simply won't die on me either...

the biggest difference seems to be that the EZ up brand has side to side support that you can hit your head on, but also holds the thing together if there's a cross-wind.

the cheaper ones simply bend in a stiff breeze. But like I said, my Walmart special has lasted at least 2 years now. for less than half the price of an EZ up, they're not a bad value.

o rly -


jk only in a freak storm with near tornado winds will ez up's fail.

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Ya they will withstand a little more, but the cost to me outweighs the difference, big time. I had a Wally World POS one that I couldnt kill. I had it for 5 years now and JUST through it out last weekend since it had a broken leg since last year end of season. After I tossed it, another guy came over and took the canopy off of it becuase it was 100% perfect.

I now run a 8x8 one from Kroger, paid 50 OUT THE DOOR for it. I would love an EZ Up brand, but I can buy like 6 of these for the cost of that.

I will have one some day, but for now, the cheapy's seem to work.

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If you're doing the novice group much of your time is going to be spent inside in the classroom, so don't sweat having a canopy for this first event too much.

Def leave the frame sliders on. Make sure the bike is sound, no loose screws (be sure to check your levers). I also suggest unplugging all of your lights in addition to taping them, especially the brake light. Lights can be a distraction to other riders and they often are still visible through the tape.

Otherwise, be prepared to have a blast, cause you will!

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If you're doing the novice group much of your time is going to be spent inside in the classroom, so don't sweat having a canopy for this first event too much.

Def leave the frame sliders on. Make sure the bike is sound, no loose screws (be sure to check your levers). I also suggest unplugging all of your lights in addition to taping them, especially the brake light. Lights can be a distraction to other riders and they often are still visible through the tape.

Otherwise, be prepared to have a blast, cause you will!

This....and don't run just straight water, throw sme water wetter in with it. Ask question, have fun and most of all be safe, concentrate on what lines t run and not worry about speed.

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Ok, I didnt get an "official" EZ up. Kinda like "Kleenex" I guess. Bought the one at krogers for $50, but took it back for one I saw at dicks for $60. Came w a carrying bag w wheels on it. Plus I fell for the deceptive marketing and thought it was a 10x10. That's the "footprint", not the canopy size

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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o rly -


jk only in a freak storm with near tornado winds will ez up's fail.

Hey now...my Ez-UP held up just fine. I got called at 9:15 about the storm and expected the worse though. Gf had put two cross directional stakes in the ground and I tied it down to my rain tires and air compressor before we left around 5. Got back an it moved all of one foot :D. Though some guys beside us said they pushed the top to get about 80lbs of water off it.

Still a really fun weekend though with one podium.

Edited by SJC1000rr
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Frame sliders are something you probably need to remove for the fact that they are more harm than good. Bike slides on pavement, but when getting into the grass/dirt, they tend to hook and tumble. Look in any race paddock and you will see...

Second, it is fine to have a canopy. Actually, not something I would say run out and buy, but realize that a cool and shaded rider is more likely to be a better conditioned and ready to go rider than one sitting on a tail gate in the blasting sun draining their energy. Get with some folks and share a ride and share a canopy. They are worth their weight in gold in my opinion...

Grab a cooler and fill it with stuff that makes sense. WATER, Gatorade or similar and avoid energy drinks as they dehydrate you and are sugar filled which hurts you in the long run.

Get some cold sandwiches and some stuff like granola bars, etc.

You can probably borrow some pucks. If I am there, I probably have half a dozen sets sitting around you can borrow. TRUST me, you don't want to get your knee down and not have a puck... Not a big deal if you don't in the first event you run, but let's say you learn things well enough and touch the ground with your knee... You will want pucks...

Overall, the baseline of things are important and covered endlessly around the web. Basics are fine, but remember that creature comforts may be on the list of many as "Not required", but understand that if they make you more comfortable and can actually make you be better and fresher on the track, get them. Afterall, you need to be as sharp as you can be and if you are drained and fatigued, guess when the problems arise?

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Thanks guys! I really appreciate all the input!

I'd prefer to have pucks just in case I get my knee down (I'd rather have them and not need them than to need them and not have them). I have the two piece Coretech Latigo suit, and I haven't seen any general pucks anywhere (must not be looking hard enough) and not sure if i can just buy a different set since the Coretch ones are velcro patches.

If It's recommended I bring a canopy for my first track day I can get a hold of one from where I work. Bringing some extra fluid is smart, never would have really thought about that other than some gas lol So thank you for that!

Everyone's input is extremely helpful

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