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This guy will get my vote.


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Weapons grade crazy? Why? Have missed something bat blane crazy she has said? I have to turn politics off because I tend to yell at the tv or radio because I hate politicians and their lies and BS. We don't gave weapons grade crazy in office now?

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Oh come on! How can you not like a guy that wants an electrified fence with an alligator-filled moat at the southern border? That's some forward thinking. We could pay for social security by charging for webcams showing the carnage.

Actually I think they should sell "Hunting Licenses". Government provides the ammo and weapon of choice for a fee. "Hunter" takes said weapon and eliminates illegal "moles" and "vermin" crossing borders illegally. Rewards offered for most kills with a single bullet, most head shots per mag, longest shot and some more creative ones. Penalties (monetary) for misses, and wounded victims left for more than 20 minutes.

Edit: A mini gun would be freakin' awesome.

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Actually I think they should sell "Hunting Licenses". Government provides the ammo and weapon of choice for a fee. "Hunter" takes said weapon and eliminates illegal "moles" and "vermin" crossing borders illegally. Rewards offered for most kills with a single bullet, most head shots per mag, longest shot and some more creative ones. Penalties (monetary) for misses, and wounded victims left for more than 20 minutes.

Edit: A mini gun would be freakin' awesome.

I'll take the barret 50 cal please and can I start a tab for the licenses or do they have to be prepaid?

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Actually I think they should sell "Hunting Licenses". Government provides the ammo and weapon of choice for a fee. "Hunter" takes said weapon and eliminates illegal "moles" and "vermin" crossing borders illegally. Rewards offered for most kills with a single bullet, most head shots per mag, longest shot and some more creative ones. Penalties (monetary) for misses, and wounded victims left for more than 20 minutes.

Edit: A mini gun would be freakin' awesome.

indiscriminate murder is fun! there's totally no difference between a human being and, say, a deer.

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indiscriminate murder is fun! there's totally no difference between a human being and, say, a deer.

if they arent white, dont speak english and dont pray to jesus, there isnt.

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indiscriminate murder is fun! there's totally no difference between a human being and, say, a deer.

No its more fun to allow these ILLEGAL ALIENS cross the border to rape, murder, steal, and receive welfare, foodstamps, government housing, free education, and now California wants to give these felon's children who are also ILLEGAL in state college tuition! All hail the recipient!

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Herman - He has good ideas on how the debt ceilling should have been fixed and on energy independence in the US. Generally he's got my attention.

Bachman - Said women should obey their significant others.... I agree but its the 2011. He shady business practices alone are enough for lose my vote.

Ron Paul - While i know I may be taking this out of context he did say Iran should have nuclear weapons because everyone around them does and we need to mind our own business. I just cant get behind these statements since its a world economy and what they do directly affects us. I do like his other aspects though like small government and abidding by the constitution.

Newt - too much personal baggage might be good vp candidate.

Romney - Shucking and Jiving on the podium to not answer questions.

Rick Perry - To early to tell but texas hasn't produced good results.

Pawlenty - doesnt stand a chance he cant get the funds to run.

Huntsman - would make a good VP and knowledgable on China... thats about it.

Santorum - overboard conservative not a chance

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No its more fun to allow these ILLEGAL ALIENS cross the border to rape, murder, steal, and receive welfare, foodstamps, government housing, free education, and now California wants to give these felon's children who are also ILLEGAL in state college tuition! All hail the recipient!

+1. Fuck the illegals. They ARE vermin.

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I know Cain is a little out there, but wouldn't it be nice for a change to have someone as president that knows how to successfully run a business?

government is not a business though... i mean, the goal of a business is profit over everything else. is that how the government should be run? profit over the general welfare of its citizens?

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government is not a business though... i mean, the goal of a business is profit over everything else. is that how the government should be run? profit over the general welfare of its citizens?

I would be more happy if they spent less than they took in that would be a good start anyway which is a goal of business.

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lol if you could make 20 times what you make now in canada with no documentation, youd jump the border. guaranteed.

Oh hell no. Fuck Canuckistan.

I wouldn't go up there to live with 20 other filthy scum bags in an apartment for anything, but thats largely because I'm not a criminal. If I was running from the law, then maybe.

When did Mexicos economic situation become our problem? Why would you feel bad for their people? They can deal with their own problems in their own shithole country. We have our own issues to deal with and don't need to support their criminals and vermin.

Edited by max power
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Weapons grade crazy? Why? Have missed something bat blane crazy she has said? I have to turn politics off because I tend to yell at the tv or radio because I hate politicians and their lies and BS. We don't gave weapons grade crazy in office now?

come on, you know the only reason you'd vote for her is because you think she's hot.

she's as dumb as sara palin and speaks without thinking.

wait, that must mean she's the perfect republican candiate:D

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