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Cage takes one for the team


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Was riding east through Browns-town tonight on Euclid from Case area to downtown. 2-up with my girl on the back. In the city, and with my girl, I am mellow on the ride, but I'll try to pass to get away from annoying situations.

Anyway, somewhere east I moved past a seriously pumped-up ride. An old plymouth, it looked like, a duster or something. Rear end jacked up high, big time intake up through a cut-open hood, race stickers, and *loud* exhaust.

I didn't think much of it, but I think dude was pissed that some biker (me) dissed his ride by movin' by. So I guess, anyway, as events unfolded. Over a few miles, he moves up slowly on what is effectively a one-lane road. (Bus lane, but all involved were respecting the bus only thing.)

When we got near the bridge on Superior, dude *jumped* past to get up to the light in front on the left. As I say, I'm with my girl, it's the city, I don't care. There's another car in front of me in the right lane, and that car is next to the Ply, who's in front in the left.

Anyway, right behind the hot rod rolls a CLE cop on a duty Harley. He was suited up, but without that green vest they wear when they're working events downtown.

Ply driver doesn't realize this is five-oh behind him, I guess. At the light, he stomps on the pedal. Thunders up to the bridge, then does the same at the next light, then just *jams* up the bridge-- I guess he wants to make a serious statement about his 0-60 capabilities.

John Law's zeroed in now, and halfway up the bridge the lights come on...

I often get followed by cop m/c's or even 4-doors for a few blocks in the city. I'm not sure why. This happens even with the hard bags on, we always have helmets, gear, etc. I'm guessing the fuzz are checking about an m/c endorsement for the registered owner-- a lot of guys around here ride without it, as I've learned. I don't really know.

Tonight, though, all eyes were on my new friend... With his car in full cop-magnet dress, I hope he was able to talk his way into a warning.

I've not found CLE all that hard-nosed about traffic enforcement, even on bar nights. Bars are the one growth industry in town, sad to say...

Anyway, that happened. Long story, as it worked out...

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Tonight, though, all eyes were on my new friend... With his car in full cop-magnet dress, I hope he was able to talk his way into a warning.

Fuck him he sounds like a D-bag, hope he got a ticket.

...and the thread title indicates that because the D-bag captured the attention of the officer, the officer wasn't following or stopping the OP...

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