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thought i would share my moment


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I got off work at 11 tonight and I picked up a 6 pack on the way home...my wife has to work in the morning so I didn't want to disturb her sleep so I bypassed my house and went down to the lake (I live 1 mile from Knox lake)...im sitting here on the tail gate of the truck enjoying a few brews listening to crickets, frogs, ect, there are a few boats on the water fishing the channel, and a family of racoon's walk by a few minutes ago. There is some lightning in the sky and what looks to be a full moon. Kinda of a Zen moment after a hard weeks work, makes you think (just maybe)its all worth it.......that is all....just thought id share

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my mom and her bf went out drinking with his best friend...i just had to drive over to the bar they walked to and take my mom and her bf's friend to the hospital because her bf collapsed and the squad had to come get him.....and almost had to kick the shit out of his drunk friend

yaaaay alcohol


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One of my dogs is terrified of thunder (really any noise). He woke me up at 3 trying to dig under the nightstand; after I got him situated I couldn't fall asleep so I went outside with a couple Fat Tires to watch the second storm cell roll in. Between cells the sky cleared out, so the moon was lighting up the clouds as the next cell rolled over us and the light show started again. Very cool...

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my mom and her bf went out drinking with his best friend...i just had to drive over to the bar they walked to and take my mom and her bf's friend to the hospital because her bf collapsed and the squad had to come get him.....and almost had to kick the shit out of his drunk friend

yaaaay alcohol


I cant stand bad drunks.

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How did you get the truck home again? Or did you drive drunk?

I'm not a real big fan of drunk drivers after the being the victim of a one who crossed the center line and hit me head on at 80mph. This was 20 years ago and it's still as fresh in my mind as on that night.

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I cant stand bad drunks.

I used to work in a bar. Some folks should be banned from drinking (this whole tirade is directed at bad drunks, not 2talltim). In fact anyone who ever does anything horrible and then says; "It was the booze" should take it upon themselves to never drink again. If you know that booze turns you into a belligerent violent asshole then you are being even more of an asshole by drinking again.

But don't let anyone ever blame their drunken behavior on the booze. All the booze does is remove inhibitions and make you act like the person you really are deep down. If you are a happy drunk then you're a good person deep down. If you are a belligerent drunk then you are an asshole in real life.

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I got off work at 11 tonight and I picked up a 6 pack on the way home...my wife has to work in the morning so I didn't want to disturb her sleep so I bypassed my house and went down to the lake (I live 1 mile from Knox lake)...im sitting here on the tail gate of the truck enjoying a few brews listening to crickets, frogs, ect, there are a few boats on the water fishing the channel, and a family of racoon's walk by a few minutes ago. There is some lightning in the sky and what looks to be a full moon. Kinda of a Zen moment after a hard weeks work, makes you think (just maybe)its all worth it.......that is all....just thought id share

2TT: Very cool that you took time to just breathe and listen! Cold beer on the tailgate by the lake is also cool.

My full moon zen moment happened a couple of years back. Was on a 3-week road trip (cagin' it) in the early fall out west and had planned on camping at the Grand Canyon NP. Got to the park gates--a 60+ mile drive from anywhere--and found the 'Full' sign out. So I had a quick conversation with the ranger about what to do/where to go, and he gave me a tip about a primitive camp site at the end of about 8 miles of dirt road in a NF area that was on the north rim of the canyon. I had 4WD, so I headed out.

The spot that I camped was set under huge Ponderosa pines right at the edge of the Canyon's north rim, overlooking the abyss. Had a great dinner of beans 'n franks grilled over the campfire, watched a perfect full moon rise over the canyon and light the whole scene like a torch, and sat around until after 2 AM just listening to the wind and the crackling fire and sipping a glass of good Canadian whiskey. Sometime later, I heard the sound of another car bouncing down the road. Turned out to be a beat-up, 60s-vintage VW micro-bus that pulled into the turn-around and parked right at the edge of the canyon rim. Dude got out--long hair, beatnik-earth child-type--with his coon dog, slid the side door of the bus open, sat with his legs dangling over the canyon and proceeded to break out the bongo drums and do a solo act while the dog accompanied him soulfully howling at the moon....and I was thinking the whole time: "Vuja De--NOTHING like this is gonna happen EVER again!"

Just might have to go back there soon, with more whiskey!

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How did you get the truck home again? Or did you drive drunk?

I'm not a real big fan of drunk drivers after the being the victim of a one who crossed the center line and hit me head on at 80mph. This was 20 years ago and it's still as fresh in my mind as on that night.


I lost a brother to drinking and driving..... who knows what exactly happened but he hit a pole and rolled the car, no belt so his head went out the sunroof when it rolled.... Coroner wouldn't even let me see him...

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I lost a brother to drinking and driving..... who knows what exactly happened but he hit a pole and rolled the car, no belt so his head went out the sunroof when it rolled.... Coroner wouldn't even let me see him...

Sorry to hear. Coroner had your best interests at heart. My dad used to be a traffic cop. They see horrible things at accident scenes.

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I hate the .08 limit. It gives people a target to aim for. The limit should be so low that one drink puts you over.

I dont know what to say with out starting a pissin match...im 1000% against DD too, 3 beers is my limit to drive always has been, i feel at 3 i am more than safe, dont matter it the legal limit is .08 or .80. I dont know what my "legal limit" is, i dont care, id probobly be "legal" with a couple more but its not about seeing how much i can drink. Last night i had 3 drove to my house and downed the other 3 on my porch. We cant pad every sharp cornner and put everything in plastic bubbles, we have to rely on peoples common sense, and its sad to say some people in the world have none, and those are the people that you speak of that dont know their personal limits and need laws to govern them.

Sorry to hear what happend to you

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