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Motorcyclist killed by semi tread


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My wife nailed one on 270 recently, did a bit of damage to her car too "at least she wasnt hurt"!! ODOT needs to get that crap cleaned up ASAP, it is a huge danger to all. Stupid re-treads on tires, at least that is what I am guessing is exploding?

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I have thought about what would happen while passing one on the freeway if you are next to the truck and a tire blows out. not good!!!

If your next to a truck or trailer when it blows a tire, if you don't crash from shitting yourself and freaking make sure you get clear of it fast!! from experience of driving a truck it will either loose the tread cap which turns it into a heavy ass rolling doughnut or turns it into a lot of flying shards!!

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I was on 270 a couple of years ago when a garbage truck blew a tire less than 50 feet ahead of me. When that thing popped, I thought I was going to die! There was no warning, just going home on a nice day with the windows down, and the sunroof open, and then POW! The front of my car got peppered with gravel and debris, and the truck immediately moved over to the shoulder. I nearly pooped myself.

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I have thought about what would happen while passing one on the freeway if you are next to the truck and a tire blows out. not good!!!

I've actually had the pleasure of being next to a semi when they had a blowout. I about went off the side of the road, and pretty sure I shoulda stopped to wipe my ass.

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I had s trailer tire blow and it made me jump in the drivers seat sounded like a 12 gauge shotgun and it was 50 ft behind me. I've never understood why cars and motorcycles sit by our tires. Both new and recap tires can easily blow especially when its hot. The new recap compounds are much better than the old ones. Just wait till you see a super single blow that's a huge chunk of rubber. I had a steer tire blow in Texas come off the rim and was in median 50 ft in front of me and 15 from the side of my truck. I was on the rum for about 150 ft. You don't want to be beside a truck if it blows a steer for sure.

Edited by crb
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I've actually had the pleasure of being next to a semi when they had a blowout. I about went off the side of the road, and pretty sure I shoulda stopped to wipe my ass.

Been near one in my work van when it happened, it'll scare you alright!

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I had s trailer tire blow and it made me jump in the drivers seat sounded like a 12 and it was 50 ft behind me. I've never understood why cars and motorcycles sit by our tires. Both new and recap tires can easily blow especially when its hot. The new recap compounds are much better than the old ones. Just wait till you see a super single blow that's a huge chunk of rubber. I had a steer tire blow in Texas come off the rim and was in median 50 ft in front of me and 15 from the side of my truck. I was on the rum for about 150 ft. You don't want to be beside a truck if it blows a steer for sure.

Isn't that what happened to the dump truck that crashed into the median wall here in Cleveland about a month ago?

After having a retread come apart on a truck in front of me years ago, I stay the hell away from trucks, whether on my bike or in my car. When something goes wrong, I certainly don't want to be in its path. Plus there's those huge blind spots, which I don't know why people insist on sitting in.

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Good possibility that's what happened. I had to call my safety department because it tore up some plastic when it blew. The safety guy just kept asking me if my courier (wife) was okay. Have you talked to her, is she okay....? He asked if I needed a wrecker because if figured we were off the road. He was amazed that we weren't laid over. I had to have him talk to my wife because he was so concerned. I will tell you when the steer blows the truck goes quickly, it will put you in the other lane. I was lucky I was slowing for my exit in a mile truck dipped and didn't feel right so I goosed the throttle to regain control. It didn't even disturb my wife who was in the bunk.

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Dad drives a truck for a living (20+ years). From the beginning he instilled in me the importance of passing trucks in courteous yet quick manner. To this day, I still feel anxious being next to or right behind semis, on 2 or 4 wheels.

Sorry to read about the accident, but curious about specifics.

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I had a re-tread let loose off of a semi up in front of me a ways, and it sailed in the air and landed on the bed of a truck right beside me. Just judging from the sound it made hitting, which I heard above the wind noise and earbuds playing music in my ears, I'd wager it would have killed me.

I never ride behind or along side a big truck, if I'm there, it's for a short time.

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I had a re-tread let loose off of a semi up in front of me a ways, and it sailed in the air and landed on the bed of a truck right beside me. Just judging from the sound it made hitting, which I heard above the wind noise and earbuds playing music in my ears, I'd wager it would have killed me.

I never ride behind or along side a big truck, if I'm there, it's for a short time.

Hey Craig......its Brian "BigB"!!!!! You coming to the rally or what? A big +1 on not staying near any semi for long.......blow on by!

Edited by Pokey
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if a semi has a blowout and the tread flies off and hits and kills somebody, would the truck driver be held responsible for involuntary manslaughter or criminal negligence or anything? for not properly inspecting his tires, not keeping them aired properly, etc?

(i realize the thread was about a car that ran over tread and kicked it up, but im asking about an actual blowout)

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if a semi has a blowout and the tread flies off and hits and kills somebody, would the truck driver be held responsible for involuntary manslaughter or criminal negligence or anything? for not properly inspecting his tires, not keeping them aired properly, etc?

(i realize the thread was about a car that ran over tread and kicked it up, but im asking about an actual blowout)

from the way I understand it, if OSHAA completes an inspection and finds that it was due to improper maintenance the company would actually be held responsible as a whole. As far as whether the driver is held accountable I believe that would then be up to the discretion of the company as I'm 100% sure they carry insurance for these types of reasons. The driver can and most likely will be named in a lawsuit where the trucking company would hire a lawyer on the company and its employee's behalf

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from the way I understand it, if OSHAA completes an inspection and finds that it was due to improper maintenance the company would actually be held responsible as a whole. As far as whether the driver is held accountable I believe that would then be up to the discretion of the company as I'm 100% sure they carry insurance for these types of reasons. The driver can and most likely will be named in a lawsuit where the trucking company would hire a lawyer on the company and its employee's behalf

Its not OSHA that does the inspection it is DOT unless it is a major accident then the NTSB will also investigate, although they rarely get involved.

For a driver to be held responsible or charged with murder/manslaughter you would have to prove they didn't perform the pretrip or they had prior knowledge the tire would fail or they could be charged, but it would be hard to convict them lets put it that way. A company very well could be sued and just like any other company. I mean Mcdonalds got sued cause the lady burned herself on hot coffee.

Either way it is highly unlikely the driver would be charged, now if he cheated his log book and shouldn't have been there then yes that is possible, but that is a whole new story.

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My ex-brother-in-law (big harley guy, but does not look down on other bikes) was coming back from one of his rides somewhere about 6 years ago. Semi blows a tire all over the freeway. His brand new springer takes the blunt of the hit, schreds the bike. Literally. Seat tank part of the clutch side handle bars front tire rear shock front fender and rear fender all taken out or off. Now he was on this bike. The gash through his leg bought him a few days in the hospital. Lucky him it missed his junk! Right across the top/side of his thigh (if seated on a harley). he had levi's and leather chaps while riding and he usually does when he plans on going out of state.

I guess that could also be a reason I am worried of riding on the freeways.

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Just last night the truck in front of me had a steer tire blow out, I was glad I was in the jeep, the sound made me jump up out of my seat, I can imagine what would of happened had I jumped like that on the bike. To the drivers credit, he didn't even swerve, he keep it under control and got it over and off the road.

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