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thoughts on selling


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Some time in the next 6 months I am planning on buying a Suzi M109R..my original plan was to keep my TL and have the best of both worlds...now im second thinking this...should I keep it?..im going to bet ill ride the 109 90% of the time, and my garage space is limited. Then again my TL is cherry and I've got it just the way I want it, and ill never get what I want out of it. What are your thoughts?

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I would say to see how it pans out with the 109 and see how much use you get outta the TL and as for garage space look into these


my $0.02 :D

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is the TL paid off? Can you afford insurance and registration on 2 bikes? If the answer is yes to both then keep the TL

I've been contemplating this same thing for the last 6 months, picking up a cruiser but the only ones I like are out of the price range I want to spend for how much I would use it. I know for a fact not a chance in hell I would be able to get rid of the VFR for a cruiser, I would need to keep both to be happy

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  Bad324 said:
is the TL paid off? Can you afford insurance and registration on 2 bikes? If the answer is yes to both then keep the TL

Yes its paid for, I paid cash for it. And I plan on paying cash for the 109, ill never have a bike payment. Insurance and tags on the TL is only about $150 for the year so not that big of a deal.

I guess the biggest thing is if I sell I can get the 109 now if not ill have to wait till tax return time, like I said I don't want a loan and im only up to $4500 saved right now. On the other hand I will proboly find a better deal during the winter months

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  2talltim said:
Some time in the next 6 months I am planning on buying a Suzi M109R..my original plan was to keep my TL and have the best of both worlds...now im second thinking this...should I keep it?..im going to bet ill ride the 109 90% of the time, and my garage space is limited. Then again my TL is cherry and I've got it just the way I want it, and ill never get what I want out of it. What are your thoughts?

I've never seen a white guy with a m109R... gl hf

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  2talltim said:
Some time in the next 6 months I am planning on buying a Suzi M109R..my original plan was to keep my TL and have the best of both worlds...now im second thinking this...should I keep it?..im going to bet ill ride the 109 90% of the time, and my garage space is limited. Then again my TL is cherry and I've got it just the way I want it, and ill never get what I want out of it. What are your thoughts?

Your in the dillema I discovered years back - I like both sport riding and cruiser riding. Having two style of riding available is a great way to go. I go thru cycles of doing 75% cruise/25% sport and then maybe a while where I'm 80% sport and only 20% cruiser.

I went bonkers a while back when I spent the better part of a year with my VFR down for mods. I have found if I have only one or the other - I miss the one I dont have.

Try keeping your TL a while and see how it goes. Of course with a new bike you wil want to play with that for the most part at first, but maybe the urge for some sporting work will tug at you and if you dont have that handy you'll regret it.

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  2talltim said:
Yes its paid for, I paid cash for it. And I plan on paying cash for the 109, ill never have a bike payment. Insurance and tags on the TL is only about $150 for the year so not that big of a deal.

I guess the biggest thing is if I sell I can get the 109 now if not ill have to wait till tax return time, like I said I don't want a loan and im only up to $4500 saved right now. On the other hand I will proboly find a better deal during the winter months

thats the perfect way to do it. Honestly, I'd wait and have both then if you find you never touch the TL sell it later. That way you avoid the "shit I wish I didn't sell that bike" feeling.

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  Bad324 said:
thats the perfect way to do it. Honestly, I'd wait and have both then if you find you never touch the TL sell it later. That way you avoid the "shit I wish I didn't sell that bike" feeling.

I agree, I got that feeling after I sold my street bike for a track bike I should of kept the street bike and just bought a track bike and had best of both worlds

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  DAC said:
So . . . What kind of cruiser does a VFR rider buy?

me? I'd only get a midnight warrior or street glide. I had a sad that when Curby put his up for sale, I didn't have the available funds free :(

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  Likwid said:
I've never seen a white guy with a m109R... gl hf

I've been accused of being a wanna be many times...I buy my hats so they fit comfortably backwards..LOL..pls the 109 fits me so perfect, im a big dude 6'4" 270lbs

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  Bad324 said:
me? I'd only get a midnight warrior or street glide. I had a sad that when Curby put his up for sale, I didn't have the available funds free :(

I'd probably go the Road Glide route. Also fun would be a Bonnie. But that's more of a standard.

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  drew95gt said:
Tough choice, but I would try to keep both bikes if possible. The M109R's are tough looking bikes, hope you find the perfect one!!

Im not worried about color or year..wanna find the best one close to stock..for around $7k..ill take my time and ill be willing to travel to get it..thinking about taking a weeks vacation in feb. dedicated to finding one

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  DAC said:
So . . . What kind of cruiser does a VFR rider buy?

I have a '99 Valkyrie. I like bikes that are kinda unusual and funky weird and the Valky fits the bill. Six cylinder, six carbs, mondo torque. More torque at 1800 rpm than the viffer at peak. Whack the throttle and it moves --NOW. Mean sounding engine....

Good handling and brakes. A couch for a seat and ez ergos.. - Yeah, I like it.

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  Bad324 said:
me? I'd only get a midnight warrior or street glide. I had a sad that when Curby put his up for sale, I didn't have the available funds free :(

I stopped at Rick Rousch on the way home last week. They have a purdy brand new leftover warrior for $7900. I think it's an '08 or '09.

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Man, I am a bike finatic. The only thing, bad, already touched on. If you can afford it you might as well keep it. It's about like my superhawk, you wont get out of it what you have in it. About the only bike I have in my stable I could make money on is the VTX.

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Keep both and sell later if you find you dont ride it anymore.

I am looking for a touring/two up bike and definitely keeping a SS of some sort around to keep that fix and for the track. Cant seem to sell mine so prolly keeping it.

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If you can, I agree with the advice to keep both until you see how you feel about both of them. I figured I'd sell the Nighthawk when I got the Goldwing, but the NH is much better for the twisty roads and on hot summer days when the GW is too darned protected to ride.



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