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A very random edit of group ride Sep3 & 5


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Alright here goes a very random and different edit of our group rides from two different days, two entirely different climate and group, combined into one. I am gonna be slapped for using this very strange unheard of music, but wanted something neutral and long enuf to last the length of video. Any ways here it goes, hope at least some people like the different take of thing.


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Very DOCumentary style video. :lol:

Hahaha :) just shot it randomly as test, after plYing around with sound a bit I think it's pretty audible, I want to do this in a bigger scale and do it as a regular documentary, for that have to get most of the north east riders on board initially, then extend it to rest of OR, someday for shooooree

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musics good, who be dat

I am tryin to figure it out myself, had these clips with me with pretty much some others on a cd, I believe it's some unknown artist as it seems free, I was hoping YouTube to pick it up, some of the music I have is good, am keepin it aside for serious projects :) , name on my system is Cali rock ..

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.... random?... yes... different?... yes... do I like?... YES!!!!!!........

As always thanks mike, and as I said before hopefully every one is as relaxed like you and be colorful when I am shooting around, that's the key to good video, impromptu fun characters :)

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no. I bet it'll be fine if you just take it out of the windgaurd....

I am gonna mix iPhone vids with the gopro ones, that wud make it easier, rather than me taking it out all the time, am always worried that I am delaying the group because of my attaching adjusting etc etc

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Hahaha :) I want to do this in a bigger scale and do it as a regular documentary, for that have to get most of the north east riders on board initially, then extend it to rest of OR, someday for shooooree

I've worked on doing that for four years now. It is almost impossible to do any sort of good ride video with just one camera and one camera man. I've determined to do it right requires three things:

1. A team of people doing video, some stationary some mobile.

2. A willing and patient group who is able to accept periods of waiting for equipment to be set up to either get the best shot or reload batteries and video recording media as needed.

3. Good equipment. That can mean front and rear mounted cameras with vibration isolators and audio recordings that allow for on the fly comments while riding.

In the end I've decided the $100,000 in equipment and bribes to accumulate all this is worthless unless you have something epic to show or discuss. So I just shoot what I can, slap it together and throw it up on you tube. I've yet to have one of those 100,000 views videos but six have over 1,000 views. So at least someone is interested or at the most curious about this ADVfilmer guy. ;)

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ah you are right, to do it officially it would be a mammoth effort, but what i would try is do as much as i can with the resource i have, i will try to tweak as much as possible. the only restriction in my mind right now is getting as many riders as possible. of course not having those added perks is gonna affect the work by 90% but some thing is better than nothing :)

btw i just saw ur channel, very neat work. I subbed already

i realize only like crash videos hit the one million mark :wtf: over here i guess only few of the OR peeps watch us

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If you just wanna have lots of riders, that's easy. Go explore, find the cool roads and put together a nice route and invite people. If it's good word will spread and you'll have them lining up.

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