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Lions & Tigers & Bears....


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I'm not going to "armchair" this by suggesting there was something else that could have been done, but that makes me sick. Killing and hunting are two very different things.

Not sure that I agree with you on this, hunting is killing for little reason other than the pleasure of the hunter. These animals were killed for the saftey of citizens. Ohio lets people hunt certain animals to control their population but hunters dont care about the population of the animal being hunted its the thrill of the kill. That picture kinda makes me sick but at the same time I can not see any other way to control a situation of this nature. Had the police not shot these animals and someone been killed by one everyone would have a different outlook on the situation

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Not sure that I agree with you on this, hunting is killing for little reason other than the pleasure of the hunter. These animals were killed for the saftey of citizens. Ohio lets people hunt certain animals to control their population but hunters dont care about the population of the animal being hunted its the thrill of the kill. That picture kinda makes me sick but at the same time I can not see any other way to control a situation of this nature. Had the police not shot these animals and someone been killed by one everyone would have a different outlook on the situation

I disagree with you on hunting, while some may hunt for your stated reason more do not. Many people hunt to feed their family especially in these economic times, yet others hunt tovhelp keep the animal population manageable. I have no issues with hunting as long as the hunter uses the animal. Hunters donate a lot of meat to charities!

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Ok let me reword that , most of the hunters I know and have met do not care about the population of the animals, they care about the thrill of the hunt. Hunting is a game, its a sport people do it for both fun and pleasure not because we have to many of a certain animal. People would hunt anything you give them permission to hunt

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People have no business having collections of animials like the this, and for exactly this reason. Animals like these belong in zoos, or in their natural habitat, which is not Zanseville. It takes one single, and perhaps innocent, mistake and suddenly you have the general public at risk and safety crews left to handle a situation they are not properly trained for to resolve. Its sad that for whatever reason the owner is dead, and that these animals are gone becuse they were kept in an improper home, one that obviously could not properly protect them, nor those outside of it.

Gotta be careful with your words and what you're saying. Would you feel the same if your statement was this:

"People have no business having collections of guns like the this, and for exactly this reason. Guns like these belong in military, or destroyed. It takes one single, and perhaps innocent, mistake and suddenly you have the general public at risk and safety crews left to handle a situation they are not properly trained for to resolve. Its sad that for whatever reason the owner is dead, and that these guns are gone becuse they were kept in an improper home, one that obviously could not properly protect them, nor those outside of it."

It's exactly this kind of mentality that is trying to take away our right to bear arms. You shouldn't just pass laws outlawing people from owning exotic animals over one incident just like you shouldn't take away our rights to own guns just because some idiot goes on a shooting spree.

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and im not trying to start an argument about which is right or wrong because im not for or against hunting. all im saying is that shooting these animals in this case was 1000 times more justified than people hunting due to the threat these animals posed on the public

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As for the "donating the meat" question.. I don't think you can trust this meat to be safe for consumption. The late owner of these animals doesn't seem to have had a strong grip on things. It's a shame' date=' all around... but I wouldn't go near that stuff.


Ill have to disagree with this statement and say that the times I was around this guy and these animals he had a strong grip on them. There were care takers and staff to help out with them. They had feeding times and were taken care of. The animals were properly caged and when there were reports of abuse to them people came out and investigated and found otherwise. I would have to say the meat cant be donated because after the animals were shot they sat outside all night because they were part of a crime scene

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I disagree with you on hunting, while some may hunt for your stated reason more do not. Many people hunt to feed their family especially in these economic times, yet others hunt tovhelp keep the animal population manageable. I have no issues with hunting as long as the hunter uses the animal. Hunters donate a lot of meat to charities!

I believe Pauly's point was that hunters enjoy hunting, so they do their best to preserve the supply of game.

I like trackdays. If tires were "game," I'd make damn sure I was taking steps to secure that baby tires were growing up for future "hunting."

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Gotta be careful with your words and what you're saying. Would you feel the same if your statement was this:

"People have no business having collections of guns like the this, and for exactly this reason. Guns like these belong in military, or destroyed. It takes one single, and perhaps innocent, mistake and suddenly you have the general public at risk and safety crews left to handle a situation they are not properly trained for to resolve. Its sad that for whatever reason the owner is dead, and that these guns are gone becuse they were kept in an improper home, one that obviously could not properly protect them, nor those outside of it."

It's exactly this kind of mentality that is trying to take away our right to bear arms. You shouldn't just pass laws outlawing people from owning exotic animals over one incident just like you shouldn't take away our rights to own guns just because some idiot goes on a shooting spree.

This is exactly what I was thinking just watching the governor and all the standard knee-jerk reactionary 'We have to do SOMETHING' mentality on the news just now.

The situation is a giant mess, but rushing in with new ill-conceived legislation never really seems to help.

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From Reuters:

As of Wednesday afternoon, 49 of the animals had been killed and buried on the farm, six had been recaptured and one remained missing, officials said.

18 Bengal tigers Dead

9 male lions Dead

8 female lions Dead

6 black bears Dead

3 mountain lions Dead

2 grizzly bears Dead

1 baboon Dead

2 wolves Dead

1 grizzly bear Recaptured

3 leopards Recaptured

2 monkeys Recaptured

1 macaque monkey Missing

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This is what had to happen under this particular circumstance. It still bothers me to see those dead animals. My hunt/kill comment was simply that I hunt, but can't stomach killing. If my kids eventually take a deer, gut it, hang it, skin it, eat it...

.. I'll be a proud father. If my kids catch frogs and slam them down on the driveway for shits and giggles, they may end up gutting it, skinning it, and eating it.

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Based on Jack Hanna's facial and body expression during the press conference the dumb fuck Sheriff had this afternoon about 1:30, he was not on board with the course of action taken and would like to kill the Sheriff.

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Gotta be careful with your words and what you're saying. Would you feel the same if your statement was this:

"People have no business having collections of guns like the this, and for exactly this reason. Guns like these belong in military, or destroyed. It takes one single, and perhaps innocent, mistake and suddenly you have the general public at risk and safety crews left to handle a situation they are not properly trained for to resolve. Its sad that for whatever reason the owner is dead, and that these guns are gone becuse they were kept in an improper home, one that obviously could not properly protect them, nor those outside of it."

It's exactly this kind of mentality that is trying to take away our right to bear arms. You shouldn't just pass laws outlawing people from owning exotic animals over one incident just like you shouldn't take away our rights to own guns just because some idiot goes on a shooting spree.

I was careful with my words. Comparing the legislation of gun laws to legislating one's right to house animals they are not capable of a)protecting the public from and b) protecting from the immediate environment outside of their fences is unreasonable. The fact that the right to each would be legislated upon is the only thing that makes these scenarios even remotely related. If I leave my gun locker unlocked and decide to use one to blow my brains out, my neighbors are not in danger of my other guns walking out of the locker on their own and shooting them. As well, if I leave my gun locker unlocked, my guns are not in potential danger of leaving an environment they shouldn't be confined to and getting themselves in a place where they have to be destroyed for the safety of the populace. You can't use the fact that we have to legislate and vote upon everything in our society to paint everything the same color with such a broad brush. Fact is,

There isn't a single thing today worth celebrating aside from possibly that these incredibly dangerous creatures, stranded in what must have been a frightening and alien environment, did not harm anyone. The only human casualty today was by that individual's own hand. This gentlemen was the epitome of irresponsible, endangering countless area residents, and exposing those innocent animals to certain death by letting them loose into an environment that has but one means to handle them and that is to destroy them. Whatsmore, there have been numerous additional incidents where animals of this nature escaped because suitable measures to confine them were not in place, because the owner either wasn't able to or chose not to provide them. Unless your address is the zoo, you have no business keeping animals of this nature. Most people are not capable of having the means to provide the proper environment for them. Which is completely unlike guns. Any Joe Citizen can provide a place for a gun to be left alone and not hurt a soul; a $40 fire safe or $400 gun locker. If you can afford the gun, you can afford to safely confine it. You'll never see a 1911 crawl out of one and kill anybody, or get melted down to scrap because it found its way onto some unsuspecting neighbor's farm on its own.

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Cops. Almost as dumb as teachers.

Fucking bumpkins.

Sorry Jagr. For once we disagree. They did their job, which was to protect the populace with the means at their disposal. I'd venture a guess that a good bit of them were not happy with what they had to do, but know that the alternative would be much, much worse. If the man responsible for those animals did right by them, they would have never been in a position that this would be their ending. That is a truly saddening picture, and I am not at all pleased to see it. But I am relieved that we didn't hear that a young, unsuspecting child or any other human was hurt due to the incredible negligence of their owner.

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RVT, not all of those animals had to be killed. Many were shot and killed while still in their cages. There is no reason what so ever they could not have been left in those cages till a solution was come up with. Did he open all the cages, yes he did. However not all animals left the cages many stayed in or in front of and could've just been relocked and left there instead of shot.

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RVT, not all of those animals had to be killed. Many were shot and killed while still in their cages. There is no reason what so ever they could not have been left in those cages till a solution was come up with. Did he open all the cages, yes he did. However not all animals left the cages many stayed in or in front of and could've just been relocked and left there instead of shot.

if that's the case, then I tend to agree. I stopped reading updates on this story after the 3rd or 4th article had conflicting information.

Taking out legitimate dangers to society is one thing. Killing off caged animals (endangered or not) is dumb. I question who would have paid for their transport and care, but it should have at least been DISCUSSED before pulling the trigger.

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Sorry Jagr. For once we disagree. They did their job, which was to protect the populace with the means at their disposal. I'd venture a guess that a good bit of them were not happy with what they had to do, but know that the alternative would be much, much worse. If the man responsible for those animals did right by them, they would have never been in a position that this would be their ending. That is a truly saddening picture, and I am not at all pleased to see it. But I am relieved that we didn't hear that a young, unsuspecting child or any other human was hurt due to the incredible negligence of their owner.

Yeah well I hate children too so as long as someone got a vid of the feedin I'd be happy.

I bet half those cops are making their BBW sister wives suck them off whilst ordering "LIONTMR" plates on Oplates.com.

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Gotta be careful with your words and what you're saying. Would you feel the same if your statement was this:

"People have no business having collections of guns like the this, and for exactly this reason. Guns like these belong in military, or destroyed. It takes one single, and perhaps innocent, mistake and suddenly you have the general public at risk and safety crews left to handle a situation they are not properly trained for to resolve. Its sad that for whatever reason the owner is dead, and that these guns are gone becuse they were kept in an improper home, one that obviously could not properly protect them, nor those outside of it."

It's exactly this kind of mentality that is trying to take away our right to bear arms. You shouldn't just pass laws outlawing people from owning exotic animals over one incident just like you shouldn't take away our rights to own guns just because some idiot goes on a shooting spree.

umm...bad example.

guns dont kill people by themselves, they are just tools

im not against exotic pet ownerships at all...i think there needs to be some new legislation though, maybe a bi-annual inspection of the property they are being kept to make sure the living conditions are kept right etc...but not a ban

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