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I had this app for a while on my Droid called Untapped. Kind of like this thread but mobile and you can create a friends list and share what you've been drinking. You also get badges for drinking different things and at different places.

I did a quick site search and didn't see that anyone posted up about it.


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I've only recently started to find beers that I really like, it all started with trying this guy(I'm usually a whiskey fan but trying to find things I can drink more reasonably out in restaurants without going broke)


Then at world of beer the bartender let me try a few different things on tap and I really liked the Fathead IPA, so I've begun trying various IPAs and here is what I've had thus far at home:










I'm a huge fan of the Hop Crisis, Dogfish 60min, Founder's Red's rye, Four C's American PA

So-so on the great divide Rumble

Not really a fan of the great divide titan or the souther tier 2xIPA or the founder's centennial.

Also have had the dogfish 90min IPA :D, but was unimpressed with the Great lakes Burning River.

So my question is, with this background, what do you guys suggest I try next? I've got a few ideas from this thread but would like to continue to expand my sampling. Preferably staying within hoppy beers for now, and avoiding anything remotely close to Guinness (tried it on tap in the factory in Dublin and cannot stand the stuff). Thanks

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Welcome to the best type of beer :D Fatheads is one of the better ipa's. I would suggest brew kettle white rajah, ballast point sculpin ipa, DFH 75 minute

And burton baton (oak aged), Stone ruination ipa (might be to bitter for you), stone ipa, Columbus Brewing Ipa. Should be some good ones for you to look for. White rajah has a nice taste along the ones you like and is one of my favorites.

Edited by Mykill
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Oh I forgot I have had the regular stone IPA and that is damn good. And I posted a pic of the Bell's Two-hearted but didn't mention that it is my go-to if they have it on tap. Thanks for the suggestions, and they're definitely the best type, everything else had turned me off to beer for the past 5-10 years.

Also, this is the worst beer I've had since getting into it,tastes like bitter pisswater(but when in NOLA, I had to give something local a try): picture-131jpg-7b25c354b88db93e_medium.jpg

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