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father of the year....

Steve Butters

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wtf is wrong with people?

this guy and his wife beat the shit out of their daughter with a belt for downloading a game or music or something off the interent...

their daughter has cerebral palsy on top of it all

she knew something bad was about to happen so she secretly recorded them....video was taken when she was 16, in 2004, and she put it on youtube last week





if my parents had treated me like that - i would have killed them in their fucking sleep

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Not condoning it' date=' but that was standard practice at my place. Well, aside from the whining and whatnot. It's bullshit, but definitely not near the beatings I used to get. If I made a sound, I got hit harder. Most times it was on the ass with the belt, but sometimes my step-mom would just punch me in the face until she was tired of it.

Still.. it's bullshit what this jackass was doing.[/quote']

getting smacked with a belt on the ass is a little overboard - but not a beating.

but to just hit her anywhere with it, and just keep beating her definitely is, he was hitting her on the legs, back, hips, arms, everywhere.....and who the fuck beats their disabled child until they are on the ground crying like that?

like i said before - it would not have happened that way with me......if you endured that regularly, you must be a better man than me, because i would be in prison right now

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I am a full supporter of physical dicipline however there is a line that becomes straight beating I am not in support of.

I'm torn on this video because 95% of me knows its over the line and 5% of me thinks if she would've done what she was told in the first place then she woulda gotten a couple licks and been over and done with. The original punishment does not fit the crime in my mind though and she made it worse but continuing to disobey

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I am a full supporter of physical dicipline however there is a line that becomes straight beating I am not in support of.

I'm torn on this video because 95% of me knows its over the line and 5% of me thinks if she would've done what she was told in the first place then she woulda gotten a couple licks and been over and done with. The original punishment does not fit the crime in my mind though and she made it worse but continuing to disobey

theres nothing a child can do that warrants being beaten like that

i hope you never have kids if you honestly believe what you just typed

im sure he says the same thing "well if she had done as she was told i wouldnt have been forced to beat her"

im all for people spanking their kids - but that was well beyond that....he was hitting her with that thing everywhere

and really? she made it worse by disobeying? shes fucking disabled dude...give her a break

Ataxia type symptoms can be caused by damage to the cerebellum. The forms of ataxia are less common types of cerebral palsy, occurring in at most 10% of all cases. Some of these individuals have hypotonia and tremors. Motor skills such as writing, typing, or using scissors might be affected, as well as balance, especially while walking. It is common for individuals to have difficulty with visual and/or auditory processing.
Edited by Steve Butters
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not cool

I got smacked with a belt all the time growing up there was also a paddle with holes and my name on it :D

I also got "love taps" all my life from my step and real dad (usually a smack on the head or punch in the shoulder) I still flinch when ever they make a move towards me :lol:

I have the utmost respect for my parents and we get along great and joke bout these things now I was a pretty bad kid growing up and deserved it

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not cool

I got smacked with a belt all the time growing up there was also a paddle with holes and my name on it :D

I also got "love taps" all my life from my step and real dad (usually a smack on the head or punch in the shoulder) I still flinch when ever they make a move towards me :lol:

I have the utmost respect for my parents and we get along great and joke bout these things now I was a pretty bad kid growing up and deserved it

exactly...my dad had a wooden paddle with holes drilled in it....one or two was PLENTY to set my ass straight

my mom used her hand and would slap me in the face if i was bad

i usually deserved it, and i am a strong believer in people spanking their kids...i dont believe in the time out only type of thinking

thats why im shocked that theres people who think this video is ok

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theres nothing a child can do that warrants being beaten like that

i hope you never have kids if you honestly believe what you just typed

im sure he says the same thing "well if she had done as she was told i wouldnt have been forced to beat her"

im all for people spanking their kids - but that was well beyond that....he was hitting her with that thing everywhere

I don't think you fully understand my point. No way would I ever go that far or that long. I said thats straight beating a child and even breaking out the belt for playing games or downloading music is ridiculous. Just take away the computer and ground the kid, end of story

BUT, if he was hell bent on a physical punishment then a couple smacks across the backside isn't that bad. It was her fighting it and continuiing to disobey is more than likely what pissed him off further to beat more and harder. If she listens the first time then he doesn't go that far but you have to fully expect that if this happened before, she disobeyed on purpose to get the video to make her point

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I don't think you fully understand my point. No way would I ever go that far or that long. I said thats straight beating a child and even breaking out the belt for playing games or downloading music is ridiculous. Just take away the computer and ground the kid, end of story

BUT, if he was hell bent on a physical punishment then a couple smacks across the backside isn't that bad. It was her fighting it and continuiing to disobey is more than likely what pissed him off further to beat more and harder. If she listens the first time then he doesn't go that far but you have to fully expect that if this happened before, she disobeyed on purpose to get the video to make her point

i doubt shes a maniacal genius like youre suggesting....i would bank more on the fact that she was scared shitless and was in survival mode since she is used to her parents beating the shit out of her, and due to her disability it might be hard for her to process commands while someone is yelling at her and beating her....she says it was not the first time it happened, and she has publicly said she doesnt want her dad to go to jail, she just wants a court to force him to get help for his anger....it doesnt seem like a vendetta to me

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Eh.. belts were flown fairly indiscriminately. Wherever it landed.. that's where it landed. My dad was less careless about it. My step-mother didn't mind hitting me in the back or face with the belt. She smacked me in the face with a baking sheet' date=' once. LoL.. that hurt.

Not sure about the 'better man' part, but I intercepted a lot of negative attention away from my little brothers and little sister. Not sure if it was worth it, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. I should have just punched them both (parents) in the face and driven the kids and myself to the police station. Hindsight... and all that.

I was unsure of my stance, until I heard the father say, "Wait.. I didn't get my licks in." That's when I made my mind that it was abuse, and not punishment. The mother hitting her? I recognized that as "interference" right away. She coerced the girl to roll over, smacked her directly on the ass, and was hoping that would quell dad's rage. It didn't work, but she gets points for trying. My dad used to do that.. never worked. When he'd go to work, she just picked up where she left off.

The mother and daughter were trapped by the fear this man expected. They'll both need counseling for a long time.[/quote']

the woman says in the article she was brain washed by the guy (theyre divorced now)...im not buying it, but i wasnt there

the girl says she isnt mad at her mom, so apparently the mom wasnt too bad

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i doubt shes a maniacal genius like youre suggesting....i would bank more on the fact that she was scared shitless and was in survival mode since she is used to her parents beating the shit out of her, and due to her disability it might be hard for her to process commands while someone is yelling at her and beating her....she says it was not the first time it happened, and she has publicly said she doesnt want her dad to go to jail, she just wants a court to force him to get help for his anger....it doesnt seem like a vendetta to me

scared and the form of Cerebral Palsy she has (Ataxic Cerebral Palsy) makes it hard to control limbs and balance

"This form of cerebral palsy still deals with muscular control problems but instead of stiff, tight muscles, a person with ataxic cerebral palsy is plagued with low muscle tone. Sometimes people with Ataxic cerebral palsy are described as looking flaccid or limp. People with ataxic cerebral palsy experience a difficulty in keeping their limbs steady, called dysmetria. Reaching for objects can initiate an "intention tremor." The tremor gets worse as the person's hand gets closer to the object they are trying to reach. Tremors also occur when an Ataxic cerebral palsy sufferer attempts actions requiring specific muscle control, such as writing. Difficulties with motor skills become much more pronounced the longer the person with ataxic cerebral palsy attempts motor specific tasks.

Brain damage to the cerebellum or spinal cord causing ataxic cerebral palsy results in difficulties maintaining balance. Some wobbling of the trunk, called titubation, occurs as the person continually tries to balance their body. Since balance is impaired, people with Ataxic cerebral palsy often walk with an ungainly gait. Many people with Ataxic cerebral palsy will attempt to correct their balance by walking with their feet far apart in a staggering, unsteady manner.

Ataxic cerebral palsy affects the entire body rather than just certain limbs or muscle groups. The muscles of the face can be affected as well. The most common facial ataxic symptoms are jerky speech patterns and abnormal eye movements called nystagmus."


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My dad used to do that.. never worked. When he'd go to work' date=' she just picked up where she left off.


and this is bullshit....if i end up having a kid with a woman and then divorcing and remarrying, my new wife will never lay a hand on my kid. its my kid, i will discipline them, and she better not lay a hand on them.

thats how i was raised (my dads gf didnt dare try to discipline me - my dad made it clear that im not her kid and she has no right), and thats how i would raise my kid also if that situation occured.

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i doubt shes a maniacal genius like youre suggesting....i would bank more on the fact that she was scared shitless and was in survival mode since she is used to her parents beating the shit out of her, and due to her disability it might be hard for her to process commands while someone is yelling at her and beating her....she says it was not the first time it happened, and she has publicly said she doesnt want her dad to go to jail, she just wants a court to force him to get help for his anger....it doesnt seem like a vendetta to me

it doesnt take a maniacal genius to know how to piss of your parents at 16. If she was smart enough to set up a camera knowing she was about to get beat then shes smart enough to realize how to further enrage him

I already agreed its a straight beating after about the 3rd strike but from being a kid and in that position (physical discipline but never straight beaten or abused), I knew exactly how to de-escalate or escalate the discipline I was to recieve and I was only 9 :dunno:

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it doesnt take a maniacal genius to know how to piss of your parents at 16. If she was smart enough to set up a camera knowing she was about to get beat then shes smart enough to realize how to further enrage him

its not a matter of being smart enough.

theres a difference knowing something bad is about to happen and getting a camera ready and trying to process commands while being beaten....if it was a normal kid, i might agree with you....maybe you should look up ataxic cerebral palsy before assuming that the girl did this on purpose.

if it was truly her goal to put up a struggle to generate a reaction, she would not have rolled over once her father left the room and let her mom hit her.

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To those who have or will admit to being beaten as a child...I give you free hugs!!

That makes me very sad.


when you go out to the garage grab a rake and start busting out windows cause your mad ya kinda deserve a whopping lol

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To be fair' date=' she was mentally unstable. She's now on meds and isn't quite the ice queen she used to be. It was pretty random with her. Actually, that was the worst part. I never knew when the ass kicking was coming, but I knew it was imminent. Most days, she acted like she was my best friend. Other days, I got jacked up.

I still keep as little contact with her as I can. She's the mother of my youngest brother and little sister, so there's always some kind of interaction. I'm fairly certain she knows I hate her, though. LoL..[/quote']

having siblings in the mix might be why our views are so different....you even said before you had to do what you had to do to keep them safe or draw attention from them or whatever

im an only child so ive always just had to look out for myself....did my parents spank me? sure, but once i was in middle school my parents split up and my dad moved out, so my mom was the only one who disciplined me - and all she did was smack me which didnt hurt anyways to be honest...i had a limit to how much i would take from either of my parents, and neither of them ever hit that limit....i knew when i deserved to be punished, and i also knew where that line is between how much i deserve and how much im willing to take

oh, and my dads gf hated me too ;)

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I'm not exactly thrilled with the comments about Cerebral Palsy. Many cases only cause physical difficulties. My son has CP. He gets a nice little smack on the hand when he pushes things, such as flat out disobeying something I'm telling him not to do.

spastic or ataxic? there is a difference. ataxic affects the entire body (physically - and mentally, causing difficulty processing vocal commands) and could easily cause a child to act exactly like that girl did in that situation

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scared and the form of Cerebral Palsy she has (Ataxic Cerebral Palsy) makes it hard to control limbs and balance

"This form of cerebral palsy still deals with muscular control problems but instead of stiff, tight muscles, a person with ataxic cerebral palsy is plagued with low muscle tone. Sometimes people with Ataxic cerebral palsy are described as looking flaccid or limp. People with ataxic cerebral palsy experience a difficulty in keeping their limbs steady, called dysmetria. Reaching for objects can initiate an "intention tremor." The tremor gets worse as the person's hand gets closer to the object they are trying to reach. Tremors also occur when an Ataxic cerebral palsy sufferer attempts actions requiring specific muscle control, such as writing. Difficulties with motor skills become much more pronounced the longer the person with ataxic cerebral palsy attempts motor specific tasks.

Brain damage to the cerebellum or spinal cord causing ataxic cerebral palsy results in difficulties maintaining balance. Some wobbling of the trunk, called titubation, occurs as the person continually tries to balance their body. Since balance is impaired, people with Ataxic cerebral palsy often walk with an ungainly gait. Many people with Ataxic cerebral palsy will attempt to correct their balance by walking with their feet far apart in a staggering, unsteady manner.

Ataxic cerebral palsy affects the entire body rather than just certain limbs or muscle groups. The muscles of the face can be affected as well. The most common facial ataxic symptoms are jerky speech patterns and abnormal eye movements called nystagmus."


I'm not exactly thrilled with the comments about Cerebral Palsy. Many cases only cause physical difficulties. My son has CP. He gets a nice little smack on the hand when he pushes things, such as flat out disobeying something I'm telling him not to do.

I'm pretty sure I covered that

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its not a matter of being smart enough.

theres a difference knowing something bad is about to happen and getting a camera ready and trying to process commands while being beaten....if it was a normal kid, i might agree with you....maybe you should look up ataxic cerebral palsy before assuming that the girl did this on purpose.

if it was truly her goal to put up a struggle to generate a reaction, she would not have rolled over once her father left the room and let her mom hit her.

I was only using that point because you said it took a maniacal genius to do something of that order

I did look it up and maybe I am misunderstanding it however it looked like she was able to stand up fine. I'm not doubting the disability whatsoever so don't think thats what I'm saying. From what I took of it, reactions were just a bit slower

And again in my childhood experience, I'd sure as shit rather take a couple spankings from my mother than I would my Dad and I'm betting most people would as well

regardless of your feelings on corporeal punishment, my issue with this guy is that he's not punishing her, he's taking his anger out on her. There's a huge difference.

100% this, I just didn't use the right wording I suppose

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