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Woman kidnapped from drive-thru, raped


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There is nothing more I hate in this world than rapists and thieves. If my girlfriend, mother, sister, ever got raped I would hunt them down and kill them without a doubt. If they went to jail I would be waiting when they got out. This shit pisses me off!! This is why I carry.

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This is exactly why I made my GF soon to be fiance get out of home health care. She is a PT and was working on hilltop, Parson, Sullivant, etc. and when her car finally got surrounded by SWAT 1 morning after she had gone to the same house they then raided, and she was told to stay in her car I said game over.

Just gives me another reason to exercise my CCW rights and start carrying more often. People are so sick anymore.

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I know I'll be having a little teach/learn lesson with the wife tonight...lock the doors when you get in the vehicle.

Jesus Christ what is this world coming too...

and if someone does jump in. FOR GODS SAKE JUMP OUT AND RUN!!!

same thing if someone pulls a gun on you and tries to make you get in their car or van DO NOT DO IT.

tell them to screw off, and RUN... you may get shot...but if you get in the van, you are most likely going to be killed anyway... after they do whatever to you.

screw all that noise.

Edited by John
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5 years of probation for the father/shooter.

Seems OK to me, though 0 years would've been more better.

Not gonna lie, I'd do the same thing. Nothing in the world more important to me than my boy.

Although I would probably wait until he was found guilty unless the evidence was overwhelming.

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Sad story. This why is both my wife and I have our CHL, and our doors are locked whenever we are in the car. If I am sitting still, my mirrors are always getting checked for someone walking up from behind and I always have a way to drive out of a situation.

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