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What the hell is China building??


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These pics have been around for a year or two. Most of the stuff is close to each other out there in the desert. For once I don't know exactly what they are doing. Basics are: it's a series of isolated test sites. Built for isolation and secrecy, but not from satellite observation.

I'm going to have to guess weapons testing of some sort. What type is a mystery.

If you look really close, some of the roads lead up to tunnel entrances on the sides of the mountains.

Try this one: It's a scale model of somewhere.



Or this one. Something about this one is rather disturbing. This is repeated attempts to do something, but what? And why all pointed the same direction? Each set nearly the same set of decreasing scale structures, each with a wall around it. No clue.



There's a ton of stuff like this in Iran also, but much easier to understand what it is.

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