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New plates and License for Ohio


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I think they are ugly and a waste of time! Good job Ksuck.. Just because u don't like a color?!? He said it isn't going to cost anymore to change.. But it costs us, since I JUST got a new license.. Are they going to force the new ones on you when u go and renew tags?

Edited by fireman_343
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Awesome! I really do not like the new "Beautiful Ohio" plates. I'm a bit partial to the red, white and blue that the previous design had...

I currently have those on my car and they are by far my favorite but at least these are a step in that direction :D

My bike has the B plates :(

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I think they are ugly and a waste of time! Good job Ksuck.. Just because u don't like a color?!? He said it isn't going to cost anymore to change.. But it costs us, since I JUST got a new license.. Are they going to force the new ones on you when u go and renew tags?

no, it won't cost you extra money. You won't get the new license ID or plate until you have to get a new license or get new plates. Its no different than its always been.

The reason for the license change is due to federal guidelines and the reason for the plate change is because anyone that likes the current ones should not be allowed to register for a plate :D

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I think they are ugly and a waste of time! Good job Ksuck.. Just because u don't like a color?!? He said it isn't going to cost anymore to change.. But it costs us, since I JUST got a new license.. Are they going to force the new ones on you when u go and renew tags?

you won't have to get a new license until yours expires. They can't make you replace something that's still good.

Between turning 25, getting her M endorsement, getting married to my stupid ass, and having her wallet lost or stolen twice in the last 3 years, my wife has had a LOT of licenses.

I have had 1 that entire time, and I know she has had at least 2 different designs. She was among the first to get the pink license.

I couldn't care less what the design of my drivers' license looks like, but it causes some serious delays at out of town establishments when we have the same last name, come from the same state, but have two very different state ID's...

They instantly assume one of them is fake, or expired.

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I've had the same "Dirty Brown Ohio" plates on my truck for 16 years now...Haven't had to change them yet.

The red white and blue plates were nice... Not sure on these new ones? Trying to think.. There is another state that has the same plate? Iowa? Idaho?

South Dakota and Ohio had very similar plates with the R/W/B scheme a few years ago. Every time I would go home, I kept thinking I was seeing Ohio drivers everywhere...

Loved that design!!:usa:

Luckily, the last time I registered a bike, I still had one of those plates sitting in the garage. They let me re-register it to the new bike so I didn't have to get the "Bob Evens Kids Menu" design (Beautiful Ohio). Even better that it matches the color scheme of the bike!

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Hate the "Beutiful Ohio" design. I ordered a replacement fro my old red/white/blue vanity plate on my bike - and the replacement was this pastel bs. Kept the old plate instead (same number, so who cares?)

I was weirded out by the pink license design because it looks just like a UK Driving License. The resemblance was uncanny.



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Please just go back to the red/white/blue plates. No need to change them.

In the UK they have used the same simple license plate design for decades and it's not a problem there. The only changes are the numbering scheme (ran out twice) and the addition of the country code on the left (blue bar with GB on it on newer plates ) (all european countries use this plate design)


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My car still has the Ohio Bicentennial plates with the 2 letter, 2 number, 2 letter numbering convention from 10 years ago. I'm planning to keep it as long as I can (the plates and the car.) My other car has the older yet plate with gold at the (top?) and bottom. I'm pretty sure they'll make me replace that one, since it's been expired for a few years. If not, I'll keep it, too!

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My car still has the Ohio Bicentennial plates with the 2 letter, 2 number, 2 letter numbering convention from 10 years ago. I'm planning to keep it as long as I can (the plates and the car.) My other car has the older yet plate with gold at the (top?) and bottom. I'm pretty sure they'll make me replace that one, since it's been expired for a few years. If not, I'll keep it, too!

I never figured out what happened to that format. My wife had XX99XX on one vehicle and I had XXX9999. Then soon after that all the XX99XX plates just stopped being issued and they went back to XXX9999.

I saw plenty of EQ99XX but never AX99XX, BX99XX or any other letter combination. Was that a one-year-only deal?

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I could care less what my plates or license look like, but hey I'm weird like that.

i used to care a lot more when I had cars that the plates didn't "match" my color theme going on. Now that I have my truck, I could care less pretty much since we have commercial plates

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Please just go back to the red/white/blue plates. No need to change them.

In the UK they have used the same simple license plate design for decades and it's not a problem there. The only changes are the numbering scheme (ran out twice) and the addition of the country code on the left (blue bar with GB on it on newer plates ) (all european countries use this plate design)


I like the euro style of plate, I wish we could opt for them here. :cry:

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