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Alleged Attempted Burglar Assaulted By Homeowner


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I hate how the media twist things. I feel if you become injured or die while commiting a crime against some one else or there property you and your family should not be able to sue the property owner or any persons who live in the home for defending themselves....or something like that.

Edited by snot
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true, but the fact there was witnesses makes me think it didnt happen inside the house

Its thats the case the home owner extended the attack by following the bad guy. That I'm turn made him the aggressor and he was no longer defending himself he was attacking.

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Its thats the case the home owner extended the attack by following the bad guy. That I'm turn made him the aggressor and he was no longer defending himself he was attacking.

Agreed - if the homeowner chases the bad guy down the street and beat him to death then that's not a defensive situation any more. That's revenge.

Still haven't heard a good full story yet - but it sounds like he was chased outside and beaten in the street. I would expect charges against the homeowner in that case.

Edited by Scruit
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If you chase him out into the street and beat his unconscious body to a jelly-like consistency then you're likely to get charged for it.

Still, I'd like to hear why they say it was an assault, not a defensive situation.

He was probably chased out of the house and beat where he was found. I say F-HIM!!

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so heres something to think about... this guy tries to break in and you catch him and allow him to flee. He comes back a day later with a gun and is ready to shoot you. I think the guy was completely right to do what he did in the spirt of the moment.

If he comes back later then deal with it later. Once someone has stopped attacking you and runs away* the confrontation is over. You cannot chase them down and kill them.

runs away = distinctly different from "retreats to find better cover". If the guy runs out of the house and down the street then he's not looking for cover.

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If they enter your house, you can do whatever it takes to subdue them. If they go outside, do the same thing, but drag their useless ass back in the house, move them around so it looks like you started the ass kicking inside, then drag them back outside to bleed out.

Go back inside, make a sandwich, have an ice tea and wait for the cops. Tell the cops you were just starting to have a bite to eat when they came in. And of course, you didn't want to waste a good sandwich.

Just my $.02, hope it helps. :rolleyes:

Ride safe all,


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If they enter your house, you can do whatever it takes to subdue them. If they go outside, do the same thing, but drag their useless ass back in the house, move them around so it looks like you started the ass kicking inside, then drag them back outside to bleed out.

Go back inside, make a sandwich, have an ice tea and wait for the cops. Tell the cops you were just starting to have a bite to eat when they came in. And of course, you didn't want to waste a good sandwich.

Just my $.02, hope it helps. :rolleyes:

Ride safe all,


Say Hi to Bubba for ne.

*unless you were joking about tampering with a crime scene and expecting the cops to not figure it out....

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This is not my concieved plan, this is from not one, not two, but 3 diff. cops that I ride with.

Tampering was my question, all said the same thing, a dead man doesn't talk.

You do what you want , but I have this concept.

An armed man is a Patriot, an unarmed man is a victim. Especially with a home invasion.

Ride safe all,


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An armed man that goes out of the bounds of self defense and kills another man is a murderer.

also true Kawi, I would never leave my house in this circumstance, not only because of possible legal ramifications but because it would leave my wife alone in the house.I was just agreeing with Greg that if someone ewas to enter my dwelling uninvited I would be armed and waiting.

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And that is completely within your right. I am the same way. If someone enters my home and plans in doing me or my wife harm they are going to wish they picked a different house.

But to say dead bodies don't talk and lead me to believe that you would go after a guy after he is stopped the atttack and has retreated and bring him back to the scene is not how it works.

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An armed man that goes out of the bounds of self defense and kills another man is a murderer.

And a man who tampers with a crime scene is a convict.

If you think you can tamper with a crime scene and not be detected then good luck in prison. I don't care what anyone tells you, if you kill a man outside your house then drag him back into your house to make it look legal then you are in trouble.

You may think you have covered everything and manipulated enough evidence that they won't figure it out, but think back to the story... Witnesses saw it go down in the street. You can 't control everything.

PLEASE let's all understand that the whole "drag him back into the house and put a knife in his hand" is just as stupid as the "shoot the gun out of his hand" myth.

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This is not my concieved plan, this is from not one, not two, but 3 diff. cops that I ride with.

unfortunately, cops are not the best people to ask for legal advice or about the intricacies of the law. they are not always well versed in the INTERPRETATION or APPLICATION of the law in court. its not intentional really, they just don't know. i mean, they didn't go to law school or anything lol.

ask your local prosecutor, or consult an attorney for legal advice you can rely on.

example: i had one cop tell me open carry was against the law. another told me that it was legal, but you'd still get arrested for it :rolleyes:

Edited by John
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I love how the attempted burglary is "alleged" but the assault is apparently a fact.

News outlets like to use "allegedly", "reportedly" or "according to police" to protect themselves from libel/slander accusations. No such care taken when describing the "assault".

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PLEASE let's all understand that the whole "drag him back into the house and put a knife in his hand" is just as stupid as the "shoot the gun out of his hand" myth.

I've actually seen that done...sniper blasted a revolver out of a suspect's hand, then the ground team went in and arrested him.

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I've actually seen that done...sniper blasted a revolver out of a suspect's hand, then the ground team went in and arrested him.

I've seen that too. Bent Tree Blvd in Columbus. The difference is that it was a trained sniper who had several minutes to aim because the man sat still in a lawn chair with his hand returning to the same position on a regular basis. The sniper aimed at the gun's resting place then waited for it to go back there next time...


You know what I mean... When a police shooting happens people always say; "You should have shot him in the leg" or "Why didn't you shoot the gun out his hand?"

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Typically there is also a second overwatch to take a triangle shot, if the 1st shooter has a miss.

When things go right once, that becomes the expectation.

If the target is moving or knows use of cover hand shots can make the situation go south.

Some folks take 100+ yard shots at ballons held by people for trainng....But they ain't waving them around...;)

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