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Visit Starbucks on Feb 14th


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Not really pro-gun or anti-gun.......yeah makes sense to me.:wtf:

What doesn't make sense? They are a company who is beholden to its shareholders and doesn't want their name in the news for stupid shit that has nothing to do with anything except the marketing of their products in a positive way. Makes prefect sense to me. I wish more companies would have similar policies instead of trying to be so PC all the time.

Just don't mistake it for being pro gun. I'm sure it makes the brand marketing people at Starbucks cringe every time they see see their brand referred to as pro gun.

Edited by kiggy74
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  • 3 weeks later...
Yea, like Ohio actually. :lol: No offense but the way you worded that sounded like you were not including Ohio in that statement.

actually, ohio does not allow concealed carry of long guns. thats why i mentioned open and concealed carry, not just open.

we have concealed handgun licenses, not concealed weapon permits.

some states its perfectly legal to have a loaded long gun in your car, i wouldnt advise this in ohio

Edited by Steve Butters
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A "large, black, strong coffee" = "Venti, bold".

"Dude that makes the coffee" = "Barista"

My I.Q., already dangerously low, just dropped a few more points...

The "barista" at the Starbucks I visited had no idea there was any protest going on today... So much for the Anti's and their organizing abilities...

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Four boxes of Pike's for the office.

did you go to my store?

you the man! Im going to be at polaris starbucks here pretty soon, then have a protest for Conceal and Carry on Campus in front of the campus starbucks later. My girlfriend said that she and her coworkers have been getting lots of two dollar bills today, so the efforts of the NGAC are really going well huh!


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If you are planning on supporting Starbucks today and haven't, please do. I just left the one in Mill Run, and the girl behind the counter said business has been the slowest she has ever seen today. Maybe it's the cold/snow, but maybe not.

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If you are planning on supporting Starbucks today and haven't, please do. I just left the one in Mill Run, and the girl behind the counter said business has been the slowest she has ever seen today. Maybe it's the cold/snow, but maybe not.

always refreshing to see cops who support the right to carry.....too many of them are against it for my liking

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