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Email from ASU president to students


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To the untrained people having possession, maybe he should offer a weapons training class.

To the comment on swat not knowing who to shoot due to everyone having a gun and shooting, in guessing they are all going to be shooting at the bad guy(that's the guy shooting at your face as soon as he sees your police badge)

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If I were a student there, I'd be transferring schools immediately.

I would be writing a strong second amendment supporting congressman or Senator and letting them know how a school official is using their position to influence students views.

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He is woefully uneducated. There HAVE been incidents where law abiding citizens have stopped shooters on campus (Virginia State Law School (?) at Blacksburg and another one down south immediately come to mind.)

Of course, he is right that keeping guns off of campus would prevent problems. However, he is too dumb to realize that criminals don't obey laws.

However, perhaps criminals would rethink their plans if they knew they were attacking an armed group instead of disarmed students trapped in a free fire zone.


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that email is ridiculous. for someone who is supposed to be educated and in such a position that person has come across looking like a complete imbecile. does he not know that to obtain a license to carry, one HAS to be trained... albeit not to a very high standard, but trained none the less.

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If a massive firefight of untrained hysterical people has ever errupted, don't you think everyone would have heard of it?

Infact I believe the opposite happens.. If you have little to no training or range time and you just got surprised by the deafening sound and concussion of close gunfire; How confident would you be to pull out a weapon and immediately become target #1?

Edited by DrewsBrews
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If I'm anywhere and heaar gunfire break out my first action is find my wife. Secondly I find the nearest exit.... If anyone tries to get between me and the exit in a harmful way ill deal with it. I'm not gong to act like the typical tough guy and say I'm taking the shooter out. No thanks. That's for the police. I am responsible for me and my own.

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I wouldn't even consider going to a school that allowed students to carry weapons. Don't know why some people are so upset when it shouldn't be allowed anyway.

So you prefer to be a like one.of those ducks in an old fashioned shooting gallery while sitting in a lecture hall?

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