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No Smoking in Cars with Children?


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So how does that work if an adult male has his 12-year old wife (who happens to also be his cousin, but twice removed, so its okay in AR...) in the car with him? No smokin'?

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That's it I'm moving back to the mid to late 80's. So I can smoke while I beat my kids in the grocery.

You can still do all of that in any WalMart that you choose. I've seen it. Nobody gave it a second thought, except the little bastard that was gettin' slapped upside his haid (head).

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Honestly ... most of my marital arguments revolve around... "that ---- is wrong and should be illegal" or "there needs to be a law against....." Wrong/Bad/Immoral /Unsafe does not equal illegal. People need to have the freedom to make bad choices and accept those consequences.

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So we can't beat them or smoke around them but we can drink around them pop pills and claim welfare. Next it will be we can't smoke around our pets.

I say if they tell us what we can do around them then we should tell them what not to feed them or what to teach them.

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I am all for anything that bans motorcycles. My parents rode all the time, and I can not stand it.

both my parents (and my little sister) smoke all the time, I have no issues with it. I tried it once when i was 12, coughed, choked a little and decided "this is not for me"

Tried it one more time a couple years ago (there was a hot girl involved, i figured i'd let her talk me into some stuff, maybe i could talk her out of some clothes) didn't like it at all, and I don't have the money to waste on it anyway.

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My parents smoked and I did for a short time as a teenager. I feel that you should not smoke around your kids or in the vehicle with them but by no means does that mean make another law. I am getting tired of these bullshit laws and the government creeping deeper and deeper into everything that we do.

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I am a smoker and totally agree with this proposed law. From now on when I want a smoke I'll kick the kids out of the car and make them walk behind me down the freeway till I'm done. People will see this and hail me as a savior of the children! :lol:

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I can see both sides of this. I don't like the idea of laws like this in general, BUT I can't tell you how many times at work (hospital) I have had to take care of little kids that come in the ER with bronchitis and asthma issues that are just reaking of cigarette smoke. The parents are always "Oh I don't smoke around the kids..." Yeah whatever you dumb shit, I wasn't born yesterday. Then they go outside to smoke while they leave their kids in the ER getting breathing treatments and steroids. Parents like that are the reason people even consider laws like this, it should be common sense.

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My car, my rules. As soon as the government pays for my car they can tell me what I can and cant do in it, until then leave me the fuck alone when I am in my vehicle that I pay for. I know a lot of people do not like to hear the slippery slope theory but seriously how far is this from saying you are not allowed to smoke in your home if children under a certain age live there?

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My car, my rules. As soon as the government pays for my car they can tell me what I can and cant do in it, until then leave me the fuck alone when I am in my vehicle that I pay for. I know a lot of people do not like to hear the slippery slope theory but seriously how far is this from saying you are not allowed to smoke in your home if children under a certain age live there?

About as far away as the government prepackaging meals for us and having us all line up for our Soil and Green. :rolleyes:


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Okay consider this, there are psychopathic parents out there who torture, molest and harm their children causing physical and mental health issues the rest of their lives, wouldn't you want laws to protect these unfortunate kids.... Now passive smoking causes physical and mental health issues to growing kids but in a socially acceptable way... There should be laws to protect these kIds who have no other option but to depend on their parents. All kinds of laws affect the majority because of ignorant few without cOmmon sense.

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Okay consider this, there are psychopathic parents out there who torture, molest and harm their children causing physical and mental health issues the rest of their lives, wouldn't you want laws to protect these unfortunate kids.... Now passive smoking causes physical and mental health issues to growing kids but in a socially acceptable way... There should be laws to protect these kIds who have no other option but to depend on their parents. All kinds of laws affect the majority because of ignorant few without cOmmon sense.

As our Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement continues to erode, we're going to have to depend on volume. Amright? Damnit man!

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My car, my rules. As soon as the government pays for my car they can tell me what I can and cant do in it, until then leave me the fuck alone when I am in my vehicle that I pay for.

They already do tell you what you can and can not do in your car. Example: seat belt laws, or texting while driving.

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