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Police brutality... fucked up


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I'm too lazy to read all the replies right now but I'll leave it at this...

If you have a problem cooperating with authority whether you are guilty or not, you are only making problems for yourself and quite frankly you should get some sense beaten in to you.

This fucking country is full of wimpy fucking pansies anymore, I want the days where you did shit wrong you got your ass beat and crying to mommy only got you slapped with a wooden spoon for being a god damn cunt

*However on the flip side, if you are cooperating and truly catch an undeserving beating then I understand. But more times than not I think we all know that the beating was deserved

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Yea, Dad was a LEO, I grew up around LEOs and as a result I view most LEOs as bullies that get their rocks off by abusing the power they have.

Well I have personally been on the receiving end of the subject in question, I have the scars, and the court papers to prove it.

They tried many scare tactics to try and quiet me, even a false felony charge... I defended that charge, on my own, in front of a grand jury, the charges were dropped that day.

Find yourself on the receiving end of this nonsense, you might have a different outlook on it!

Oh by the way, the main officer involved, shortly after the incident, was promoted to Chief of Police, and still is.

When all was said and done, I received nothing, swept under the rug like it never happened...Give me one shot at him, that is all I wanted, and still all I want, maybe some day!

I tried to stay out of this, until I read some of the posts, that obviously did not work out so well for me...Carry on!

Been there too. First time was a random beating, I was hanging out in the "Gay" area of town (not in Ohio), they rolled up and just started beating everyone they could grab, then they left. Didn't even arrest anyone as far as I seen.

The second time was retaliation after I asked for a badge number of an officer that had responded to domestic issue and said I deserved the beating I got from the guy I was dating.

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We shouldn't be afraid of the people who are sworn to protect us. I know im not the only one who gets nervous when he sees a cop, whether im doing something wrong or not. That tells you something about cops these days.

Edited by ama146
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We shouldn't be afraid of the people who are sworn to protect us. I know im not the only one who gets scared when he sees a cop, whether im doing something wrong or not. That tells you something about cops these days.

no, just tells me something about you.

i have no thought of fear when i see cops beyond "oh shit, i hope i dont get pulled over for this window tint"

Cops get judged the same as we do as sport bike riders the few bad ones ruin the public opinion of the group as a whole.

^ this

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When did this site quit being over moderated to the point of allowing this discussion to carry on outside of Ranting and Raving? We have had discussions on this subject in the past but it gets moved out of sight. Is this a change in management policy or the lack of certain moderators who had strong opinions on the subject?

People who produce media type video are doing it to drive views to sell advertising. They have little integrity or obligation to the truth. To show all of the content that leads up to the snip-it shown would make what is shown not quite so sensational. If you choose to be led around by media hype to form your opinion on things your opinion has little integrity in my book.

I have sought out or accidently seen the full versions of the snip-its shown and come to the conclusion that there are some justified actions, some accidents, some officer discretion calls and some absolute abuse of power. Just like the judgment of our everyday actions would look like.

What most of us do for a living doesn’t have the ramifications on others that LEO mistakes can have so I can see my way clear to a higher standard for them. To state that they aren’t scrutinized is ignorant and uninformed. Not liking the outcome or findings of the review process is not a lack of oversight; it’s oversight that you don’t know all the facts of.

Edited by Uncle Punk
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The only ones I am saying are definitely wrong are the ones where the people are already cuffed or just sitting there. The ones that cut into the clip in the middle of some kind of action could be way out of context, but there is no reason some of that should have happened. Like the the guy getting pushed into the street then arrested, or the guy in cuffs on the ground getting his leg broken and especially the motorcycle one. Granted he could have been speeding or something prior to the clip shown but that's no reason the pull a gun on him from an unmarked car with no uniform or anything.

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You can't tell me that if a cop walks into a gas station and you're in there, you don't change your behavior whatsoever. I am incredibly intimidated by cops and when I see a cop, I get intimidated and don't want to be there any more. I have never been arrested or even a ticket before and I am still like that. If you aren't like that, then good for you. But I guarantee ALOT of people feel the same as I do.

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i dont care if a cop walks in a gas station, hell it doesnt even bother me if im open carrying....ive been arrested and had plenty of tickets, ive also ran into some asshole cops before. but honestly, ive ran into more good cops than bad. a lot more. even when i was in trouble with the police i didnt have any problems. does shit happen? absolutely. is it every cop? not even close.

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I agree with the fact you only see the last few min. Of every situation. I know to many times cops are made to look bad and yes some are. The majority are not bad and are doing there jobs by 1. Protecting themselves and 2 protecting others. I have no fear of cops and I do not give them a hard time. Follow the laws have no fear break the law and you better do as you are told. I have heard of officers dying because they were not agressive enough.

I know not all are good. they don't show the good cops saving some ones life or helping those in need. The only videos you find are the few bad ones that have been edited.

Sorry if offened anyone. This is just how I feel.

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Cops are not sworn to protect you... they are sworn to uphold the laws of city/county/state etc.

I have been a cop. Mt family is full of cops. As said before, video is misleading. If the person (cop or otherwise) breaks the law, he should be punished. But I am not judge and jury will hold all thoughts on any action until I know both sides.

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I don't get nervous when a cop walks into a store that I am in. Not at all.

Now, if a cop falls in behind me on the road I tend to think; "Oh, crap, I hope he wasn't watching me 5 minutes ago...." :D

Yup......me too on both accounts.

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