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Who wants to do the 24 Day Challenge with me??


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Well, my wife took the 24 Day Challenge with Advocare after Thanksgiving 2011.. She did so good, that I think I'm going to do a 24 Day Challenge starting March 5th. I tried to get into my leather race suit and it's a little tight, so something needs to change and change fast before race season.

Anyway, if anyone wants to do this with me, I'm having a competition to see who loses the most weight and inches will win a free box of Spark energy drink. Spark is another Advocare product that I sell and it's good for ya, unlike Monster & RedBull!

If anyone wants more info on this or any Advocare products, let me know. I've never taken supplements like these before, they work!! I normally don't share things like this, but it's something I believe in, and I love competitions in anything!!

I'm sure my wife would kill me if she knew I posted this pic of her here, but it shows ya what Advocare products can do for you in a short time frame!



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I get a special deal because I sell it (and you could too), but yes.. It's $185 or just a little over $7 a day. I know I just spent $5 for breakfest this morning, and it wasn't the best thing for me.

You'll be saving money, because you won't be buying those Star Bucks coffees, Red Bulls, and stuff everyday like most do!

Here is my website to order it if anyone is interested or wants more info, please PM me!! www.bncfitness.com

Edited by fireman_343
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My Wife will be doing the 24-day challenge starting 3/1-ish...I'll not be doing the challenge-proper, but will be mostly compliant to support her (actually doesn't affect my normal diet much, just less ice-cream...).

Don't think she'll want me posting her progress though.

She became a distributor for the discount, as we've been using the meal replacement and Spark with and around our training schedule.

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interesting, might have to read up on this later. I'm a lazy sob and got a good 25-30lbs that should be dropped. Currently using a different product but I'm not very consistent with it so it only has mildly worked

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  • 8 months later...

Well, it's has been 7 months since I started on these products and boy have I had a huge transformation. 7 months ago I was 173lbs, 36" waist (around my love handles and over belly button) and now it's at 31". I weigh in at 155lbs and dropped 7% body fat (at 10.2% now). I eat healthy clean 70-80% of the time, but I still eat pizza, chipotle and sweets from time to time. These products are truly amazing.

My original goal was to fit into my size 40 Spidi race suit and now it fits perfect!

I have helped several people lose tons of weight, inches and earn a little money on the side if they wanted too.

I have an Intro to AdvoCare at my house tonight at 7pm. If you want to hear more about the products and sample some awesome energy drinks also.. PM me!! I live on the east side of Columbus. It will only last an hour and I tell people to leave their wallets/purse at home.. I'm not going to ask ya for your money.. Just want ya to try some stuff and hear all about it.

So, who's in?? Who here already takes these products?

Edited by fireman_343
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