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Open carry event (maybe)


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My point, lightbulb, is you said

The weapon can't be loaded and ammo must be stored in a different part of the vehicle than the weapon.

e.g. gun in passenger area, ammo in trunk.

You are passing along incorrect information. Had you said, it may not be law but a good idea to separate ammunition from the firearm, I would have no issue.

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My point, lightbulb, is you said

You are passing along incorrect information. Had you said, it may not be law but a good idea to separate ammunition from the firearm, I would have no issue.

Legally, a gun with no ammunition in it is loaded if there is a loaded magazine.

Your advice misses that very important caveat.

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Legally, a gun with no ammunition in it is loaded if there is a loaded magazine.

Your advice misses that very important caveat.

Yes, I know that. That was already brought up in previous posts which is why I didn't say that. My advice was what you said was incorrect.

Again, where does is say the ammunition must be separated? It doesn't. It says no ammunition can be in magazines or speedloaders anywhere inside the vehicle in which a gun they will fit is located. A box of rounds sitting in the same bag as a handgun is not illegal.

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Legally, a gun with no ammunition in it is loaded if there is a loaded magazine.

Your advice misses that very important caveat.

I will even show you a couple of my old posts on this subject.



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If you go around telling people that the weapon and ammo don't need to be separated, many will transport their weapon next to a loaded mag.

Personally, I think it's better to be conservative with complying with gun laws than it is to cause and scene and end up paying pay court fees, even if the police are wrong. If I were a cop, I'd prefer that some stranger that I pulled over without a CCW didn't have a gun that he could load when I'm back in the cruiser. So I play the golden rule.

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If you go around telling people that the weapon and ammo don't need to be separated, many will transport their weapon next to a loaded mag.

Personally, I think it's better to be conservative with complying with gun laws than it is to cause and scene and end up paying pay court fees, even if the police are wrong. If I were a cop, I'd prefer that some stranger that I pulled over without a CCW didn't have a gun that he could load when I'm back in the cruiser. So I play the golden rule.

Then you should have said something like "you cannot legally transport with a loaded magazine/speed loader but, IMO, keeping them separated in the car is a good idea." You said it to be law, and it's not. This is one reason so many people get mislead and confused because one person says something then it snowballs.

I have no problem with you wanting to play it safe. That's fine and dandy but don't tell someone that's how something is when it's not.

Chevy, I'll make sure I read each of your 13000 posts before replying in the future.

My bad.

I was showing you that I have said it before, that I didn't miss any caveats.

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Concealed Carry = A legally recognized, obscure and inconspicuous method of protecting ones self of violent crimes.

Open Carry = Abusing gun laws in an attempt to make a political statement or artificially create an incident to again make a political statement.

People that are seriously interested in personal protection dont open carry.

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Concealed Carry = A legally recognized, obscure and inconspicuous method of protecting ones self of violent crimes.

Open Carry = Abusing gun laws in an attempt to make a political statement or artificially create an incident to again make a political statement.

People that are seriously interested in personal protection dont open carry.

Oh geez. No, there are plenty of people that OC for protection. They might OC for comfort, they prefer the OC advantages over the CC advantages. They like the OC holster better. They want to educate people guns don't kill people and they aren't the devil.

Are there some that do it for those reason? Yeah I'm sure. But to lump those people in together is like saying all "crotch rocket riders are a bunch of lawless hooligans who are dangerous"

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What is a open carry holster? Lulz how is it different then my own holster I cover with my shirt? Man now im all confused??!

I meant IWB vs OWB. My POINT was OC'ing doesn't necessarily mean you're out to make a political statement. There are other reasons to OC. But I'm sure you knew what I meant. lol

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I am all for 2A rights, however I would read carefully and mate seek professional advice from a lawyer, as I am not one.

I believe, and will try to find the ORC on it tomorrow that the picture alone would be enough to imply no guns at all. just my .02

Edited for spelling :)

Real men ride twins

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Orc 2911.21

Edit: section A

(A) No person, without privilege to do so, shall do any of the following:

(4) Being on the land or premises of another, negligently fail or refuse to leave upon being notified by signage posted in a conspicuous place or otherwise being notified to do so by the owner or occupant, or the agent or servant of either.

Edit: section D

(D)(1) Whoever violates this section is guilty of criminal trespass, a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.

ORC 2923.126

(3) (a) Except as provided in division ©(3)(b) of this section, the owner or person in control of private land or premises, and a private person or entity leasing land or premises owned by the state, the United States, or a political subdivision of the state or the United States, may post a sign in a conspicuous location on that land or on those premises prohibiting persons from CARRYING FIREARMS OR CONCEALED FIREARMS on or onto that land or those premises. Except as otherwise provided in this division, a person who knowingly violates a posted prohibition of that nature is guilty of criminal trespass in violation of division (A)(4) of section 2911.21 of the Revised Code and is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree. If a person knowingly violates a posted prohibition of that nature and the posted land or premises primarily was a parking lot or other parking facility, the person is not guilty of criminal trespass in violation of division (A)(4) of section 2911.21 of the Revised Code and instead is subject only to a civil cause of action for trespass based on the violation.

Can't highlight on my phone so I caps'd it. You know the sign is there now and the language in the laws says concealed or carry firearm, just a heads up

Real men ride twins

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