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Inhaling from the tank=bad idea


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How was it the patents fault? Looks like she lied to them and they had no clue she was at a kegger instead of a slumber party?

If you're that clueless about what your child is doing, (in this day and age especially) you're a pretty shitty parent IMO...

4 wine coolers and 4 mixed drinks a piece says she probably wasn't new at this either.

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real parents teach their kids about everything. that includes drinking and sex. the wild girl at parties is usually the girl who grew up sheltered and not allowed to do anything.

^ this. My sister use to teach sex ed to Columbus city school kids while working for planed parent hood. The majority of the teen pregnancies that she saw were from kids that were taught abstainence. It might be awkward talking to your kid about the birds and the bees but it will be much less awkward than have to explain what will happen if they have to become a teen parent or get arrested for underage drinking.

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so you've never pulled one over on your parents?

Minor things here or there maybe (i honestly can't think of one right now), but no, for the most part I had respect for my parents, they had respect for me, I told them what I was doing and where I was going most of the time...and there was rarely a problem, and if something did happen I could go to them to help me fix the situation.

example: one time i was run off the road by a large truck, I swerved to miss it, lost control in the snow and ended up in a ravine. By law I should have gotten a failure to control ticket, and lost my license (provisional). I was driving faster than I should have been in the conditions but not faster than the speed limit. I called dad, he came out and couldn't pull my truck out with the vehicles he had at the time, so he called in a favor to one of his friends with a tow truck. just one example of any time i had a problem, they were my safety net.

I'm not saying my parents were always proud of the things I did, but I can say they were always proud of ME (as a person)

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14 year olds I don't assume are hitting the keg and bong on the weekend. But I come from a small town and life is a little slower here, which is why I stay......

When I was 14, I was growing up in the big city of Zanesville and that's where I learned all about kegs and bongs.

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