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I couldn't disagree with this more. Our justice system is in the business of delivering justice. Fair and equal for all.

Can you agree that: Justice = conviction

Also, if it was fair and equal for all you wouldn't have to defend innocent people getting convicted falsely now would you.

I think we can agree that the current state of our system is in need of reform, for a number of reasons.

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Can you agree that: Justice = conviction

Also, if it was fair and equal for all you wouldn't have to defend innocent people getting convicted falsely now would you.

I think we can agree that the current state of our system is in need of reform, for a number of reasons.

Justice does not equal conviction when the defendant is innocent.

I agree that parts of the justice system need reform, but every citizen deserves due process. Even when a bunch of witnesses and surveillance video shows them committing the crime. If the evidence is that cut and dry, the appeals process will be cheap, if not quick.

The death penalty is what slows everything down. My BOSS at the prosecutors office just did the second retrial for Denny Ross. He started on that case as a law clerk. Without a death sentence, the appeals process would not be nearly as exhaustive, because anything else can be undone. Death IS different.

Who's to say that the FDA doesn't approve some magic medication tomorrow that makes TJ Lane a remorseful, guilty wreck, begging for his own execution.

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As a former advocate for the death penalty, I see a lot of my former reasoning in many of your arguments.

"If they know that capital punishment is on the table, they will be less likely to kill someone" Death isn't a deterrent, people who commit murder aren't concerned with the consequences.

There is very little correlation between murder rates in states with the death penalty vs states without...

But you say "even if it helps a little, that's good, right?" Well as it turns out the correlation seems to be inverse, meaning that states without capital punishment enjoy lower murder rates.

You might say "I don't want to pay for murderers to live" well... it also costs more to execute someone than to imprison them for life.

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As a former advocate for the death penalty, I see a lot of my former reasoning in many of your arguments.

"If they know that capital punishment is on the table, they will be less likely to kill someone" Death isn't a deterrent, people who commit murder aren't concerned with the consequences.

There is very little correlation between murder rates in states with the death penalty vs states without...

But you say "even if it helps a little, that's good, right?" Well as it turns out the correlation seems to be inverse, meaning that states without capital punishment enjoy lower murder rates.

You might say "I don't want to pay for murderers to live" well... it also costs more to execute someone than to imprison them for life.

I'm amazed at how you flip-flop! Let's edit your statement a little, shall we?

If the first quote was......

"If they know it is illegal to own an (the media's so called) assault weapon, then less people are likely to be killed"

Would you say?

"Being illegal isn't a deterrent, people who commit murder aren't concerned with the consequences."

So why then, would you support taking these weapons from good honest people?

Okay, how about this quote.........

"even if it helps a little, that's good, right?"

(Boy, this sure seems to be part of AWB's argument, right?)

Well, you say.......

Well as it turns out the correlation seems to be inverse, meaning that states without capital punishment enjoy lower murder rates.

Kind of funny how Chicago has one of, if not the highest strict gun laws in the country, and also has one of, if not the highest gun related murder rates in the country.

But that's okay, let's try to take guns away from innocent citizens........

To everyone else, sorry for hijacking this thread.

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