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Lottery.. Who's playing?


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I'll toss $10 bucks in.

We usually have a work pool that we will all throw money in. Then make copies of the tickets

I've been playing the lotto at work with everyone since last week, there's NO way I'm lettin' these assjacks get rich and leave me here by myself!!

Matt does the same thing at Summit. They have been playing the last couple of weeks. :)

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The larger prize does not increase any one person's odds of winning. If anything is increases the number of people playing and therefore increases odds of multiple winners, thereby decreasing the prize.

Realistically, what difference does it make between 20million and 200million dollars? At 20m you're set for life. Why would a 200 million jackpot prompt someone to play who wouldn't play for a 20 million jackpot?

Lotteries are a tax on people who can't do math.

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The larger prize does not increase any one person's odds of winning. If anything is increases the number of people playing and therefore increases odds of multiple winners, thereby decreasing the prize.

Realistically, what difference does it make between 20million and 200million dollars? At 20m you're set for life. Why would a 200 million jackpot prompt someone to play who wouldn't play for a 20 million jackpot?

oh hey captain buzzkill, nice to see you again :rolleyes:even if i half agree I don't think anyone really thinks its a better chance of winning. Its just that you can justify $20 to multiply by one million a lot easier than the smaller amounts. At least its that way to me as I won't usually waste the money but on large jackpots why the hell not

The difference between 20mil and 200mil is getting everything I want vs getting most of what I want ;)

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oh hey captain buzzkill, nice to see you again :rolleyes:even if i half agree

I got here as soon as I could. My super-senses told me that someone was having fun at the expense of statistical reasoning. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go tell little Tommy that there is no Easter Bunny.


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just thought i'd let you all know i'm playing so you guys don't have to bother playing anymore. i'm probably going to win, so go ahead and save your money.

Dammit!! Sorry, Brian. So much for your track bike. :(

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