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What to do with this damaged wheel?


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So I've got this damage wheel that I got as an extra when I bought the set for my old G35. I sold the car with the 4 and the buyer didn't want it so its just been sitting in my garage. Its been sitting so long I don't even remember what make or model it is

Is it worth getting fixed and selling, sell as is or just scrap it?





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I'm shooting you a PM with a phone number.

got it thanks! If I decided to go the fix it route I'll give him a call

I might buy it as is for a table that I'd like to make for the shop.

Let me know what ya want for it.

after doing a bit of searching they are like $210 new so I dunno throw me an offer? It weighs a good amount so shipping might be a bit cost prohibitive

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You can always do cool things with car stuff you don't want anymore, just whether you want to or not is the question. I will be making a shop seat out of some stock Maserati springs soon hopefully

I'm shooting you a PM with a phone number.

Does said number do motorcycle wheels as well?

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