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Another bad day TL DOWN AGAIN!!


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Tl's Eat dogs for lunch! I feel no remorse for dog or owner. I am a dog owner and have spend days and months traing it to listen to me and stay OUT OF THE ROAD! Yes its an animal AND anything is possible!. Glad you are ok and NEVER strait arm when braking!

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Just got off the phone with the home owners insurance adjuster and they have agreed to pick up the tab for my bike. I did a over the phone statement and he did ask me how fast i thought i was going beofore impact, and i told him maybe maybe 60 or 65(its a 55 zone) hope i didnt shoot myself in the foot but ive always felt honesty is the best policy. They are going to let my insurance adjuster asess the damage and they will send me a check to me for my deductable and they will send my insurance a check for the ammount that they give to me. He said the dog is still in the hospital and was going to be around a $3500 vet bill for the owners(ouch)hope the poor guy isnt suffering too much.

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Admitting you were speeding is not a good move.

It opens the door for a contributory negligence argument. "no, our dog shouldn't have been in the road, but of you had been doing 55, you would have stopped in time."

In legal terms, their duty to control the dog does not relieve you of your duty to obey the speed limit.

Never admit to breaking the law. Even of you're doing 1 mph over the speed limit, that is an admission of guilt. If the owners are pissed, they could make this miserable and expensive for you. You might also get ticketed for speeding.

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Admitting you were speeding is not a good move.

It opens the door for a contributory negligence argument. "no, our dog shouldn't have been in the road, but of you had been doing 55, you would have stopped in time."

In legal terms, their duty to control the dog does not relieve you of your duty to obey the speed limit.

Never admit to breaking the law. Even of you're doing 1 mph over the speed limit, that is an admission of guilt. If the owners are pissed, they could make this miserable and expensive for you. You might also get ticketed for speeding.


Never give them ammo to use against you. Ever. Cuz they will use it. Insurance companies do not believe that honesty is the best policy, especially if screwing you will save them a few bucks.

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Admitting that could make them try to claim you were partially at fault. In this case even a successful claim that you are 25% at fault would only reduce their payout by $500-$1k - not worth the hassle/risk.

However, if you were claiming for massive injuries and sere trying to send them a $100k hospital bill then I could see them trying that on.

I would have gone with "Normal traffic speed". (60-65 in a 55 *is* normal traffic speed where I live - you won't even get a second glance from an officer in this area)

Edited by Scruit
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I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

Agreed, but as a general rule, NEVER admit to breaking a law unless you plan on pleading guilty to a charge.

There is a reason you have a right to remain silent, and cannot be forced to testify against yourself.

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Agreed, but as a general rule, NEVER admit to breaking a law unless you plan on pleading guilty to a charge.

There is a reason you have a right to remain silent, and cannot be forced to testify against yourself.


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Grrrrrrrr!....just heard from the adjuster, its going to be next week before they can come out

Between 8a-10a monday morning..so i guess no riding for me this weekend

Edited by 2talltim
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Got my estimate and check today $873.46..parts have been waiting at the dealer since saturday just need to go pick them up...total price for me to repair to my liking $130 and thats with flush mount turn signals. that leaves me with $743 to pay for my truck repair witch is $750 so i came out even on everything i guess

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Got my estimate and check today $873.46..parts have been waiting at the dealer since saturday just need to go pick them up...total price for me to repair to my liking $130 and thats with flush mount turn signals. that leaves me with $743 to pay for my truck repair witch is $750 so i came out even on everything i guess

$873?? Did you crash into a big pile of pillows? I always thought that when bikes crash they smash up a couple thousand in parts just on general principle.

If you don't fix the bike completely then expect that value to be deducted from any future claims.

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$873?? Did you crash into a big pile of pillows? I always thought that when bikes crash they smash up a couple thousand in parts just on general principle.

If you don't fix the bike completely then expect that value to be deducted from any future claims.

it was more of a side swipe that a strait on collision...keep in mind i have a naked sport bike no bottom plastics thats got to be a big difference..the main thing im not replacing is the cracked plastic , its only a 2in crack and im not too worried about it... i think they raped me on the labor but im going to do it myself anyways

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It seems like April is your month

not really you missed the FB post where i ran my quad into a barbed wire fence saturday...LOL...it's all good just some scratches and a broken fence, the quad survived:D

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not really you missed the FB post where i ran my quad into a barbed wire fence saturday...LOL...it's all good just some scratches and a broken fence, the quad survived:D

Ouch, sounds like a scene from looney tunes there.

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Oh, I forgot you hit a dog not a car, and you kept the bike upright. That explains the minor damage.

Did you get any more info on the dog's condition?

Last i heard it was in the doggy hospital in c-bus somwhere and had to have surgry on it's leg(i would guess plates and screws)and the insurance guy said that it was going to cost the owners at least $4500 in vet bills. I'm sorry for that dog and owners but if this were my dog i think i would have put it down. One because i could not afford it, two because the dog has got to be suffering through all of this, and three the poor guy will never be right i bet he will have pain for the rest oh his life and not walk right again.

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