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Trayvon Martin case will not go to the Grand Jury


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  • 4 weeks later...

New details emerge:


- George Zimmerman's medical report states that he had a closed fracture of his nose, two black eyes and two lacerations on the back of his head. Zimmerman's side said this backs up the "Second Confrontation" theory. Martin's side points out that the injuries were not bad enough for EMS to transport him to the hospital. (Who would go to the hospital with black eyes? The lacerations apparently needed no stitches. No word on if the broken nose needed surgery)

- Martin's autopsy shows he had knuckle injuries consistent with fighting. Zimmerman's side says this is consistent with Zimmerman's version of events. Martin's side said we should not forget that Zimmerman starting this whole thing by following Martin. (Is that an implicit acknowledgement that Martin *did* attack Zimmerman in response to being followed?)

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. Medical examiners found evidence of marijuana in Trayvon Martin's system after he was fatally shot by a neighborhood watch volunteer, according to an autopsy released Thursday in a massive package of evidence.

Such a good kid! Straight A honor roll student! :lol:

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apparently crb is like me in that he has never tried marijuana, but is unlike me in that he thinks that smoking marijuana is a negative reflection on your character.

Never tried it, and no I dont think its necessarily a bad reflection on his character. I find it funny, with the way the media spun this kid. He sounds pretty average. I was surprised that alcohol wasn't in his system honestly. I just love the media and family's spin. Actually if he had marijuana in his system you think he wouldn't have attacked zimmerman. I thought weed was supposed to make you mellow. I wouldn't know from personal experience.

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Never tried it, and no I dont think its necessarily a bad reflection on his character. I find it funny, with the way the media spun this kid. He sounds pretty average. I was surprised that alcohol wasn't in his system honestly. I just love the media and family's spin. Actually if he had marijuana in his system you think he wouldn't have attacked zimmerman. I thought weed was supposed to make you mellow. I wouldn't know from personal experience.

when i was smoked up, the only thing i was attacking was pizza and those little snack bags of "munchos" with all kinds of shit in them like doritos and pretzels etc

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Doritos and orange Kool-Aid.

And some Oreos. And Little Debbie oatmeal creme pie cookies. Maybe some McNuggets. :D

Allegedly. ;)

Edited by jblosser
forgot the name. go figure...:lol:
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when i was smoked up, the only thing i was attacking was pizza and those little snack bags of "munchos" with all kinds of shit in them like doritos and pretzels etc

Was pretty fond of Funyons and chil-cheese Fritos myself.:D

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the local pizza place by us was retarded...we scammed them out of free pizza on so many occasions...i have no idea how they never caught on lol....we got 3 XL pizzas one day for free....ah the good ol days....smoking, eating free stolenish pizza, and not a care in the world....sucks growing up lol

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It's amazing how much this story has changed in the media since the day it happened and I think it speaks volumes to our hype-driven "news" media these days.

Article with some photos of Zimmerman from day of the incident:


Zimmerman had two black eyes, broken nose, and lacerations on the back of his head:


Still reserving judgment on this one, but it's frustrating how this national hate-fest exploded from "White guy (pictured in jail garb) shoots innocent teen armed with nothing but Arizona Tea and Skittles" to now "Hispanic man who clearly was involved in a serious altercation shot teen with pot in his system."

This shit is too driven by tabloid-esque journalism. Hell half the time on major news websites the front page "news" is an opinion article masquerading as news.

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I heard the gunshot wound was at "intermediate" range... wtf does that mean? 3 feet? 6 inches?

According to the article smashweights posted.


"According to the medical examiner's report, which was one of several documents on the case released Thursday by the office of special prosecutor Angela Corey, Martin died from a gunshot wounded to chest fired from "intermediate range," within 36 inches."

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I heard the gunshot wound was at "intermediate" range... wtf does that mean? 3 feet? 6 inches?

Keep in mind zimmerman was supposedly knocked to the ground. Of you lay on your back and fire into someone standing over top of you that's close to what they describe as intermediate range.

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apparently crb is like me in that he has never tried marijuana, but is unlike me in that he thinks that smoking marijuana is a negative reflection on your character.
Keep in mind zimmerman was supposedly knocked to the ground. Of you lay on your back and fire into someone standing over top of you that's close to what they describe as intermediate range.

That was my thought. 3' isn't much distance half an arms length.

I'm still curious how the gun didn't eject the fired round. Was it a malfunction? Was there a struggle for thr gun? If so how did that go down?

I'm still reserving judgement, there are still some facts we are missing.

Edited by crb
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