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Here's what's up the guys on here are worried by you ignorance. All you've done is show you have no clue about riding. Everyone is trying to decifer what your talking about and give you advice so the next time won't be worse. You think you know more than you actually do and that's where it gets dangerous. We don't won't you to get fucked up that's why everyone is trying to give you advice but its seeming pointless. If you've ever been tasked with training a new person at work you may know how this feels to us. You get the new guy and start telling him the things you've learned through years of experience and they continue to say "i know". At first you think this guys pretty squared away then after awhile you realize they think they know more and aren't listening to what your saying. Your next wreck is going to be worse get yourself educated or stay off the bike. Please we really hate hearing about riders who get hurt.

Well, exactly.. The guy training needs HANDS on experience to get the hang of it, being told or shown how to do something once isnt easy to catch on tobwhen alot of infobis being put out. Just like I know what ur saying, I can read, but as far as what.u are talking about I might not have a clue. the only way to gain and retain info is through praftice,, then it becomes apart of your daily routine. Just like when nubs drive a stick they know the motions, but still have no.clue how to properly use the motions.

Im a good trainer, wether it be work or not. I repeat myself over and over and over and over and over.... Even if I feel they have it.down I still repeat myself. I make sure someone has it down b4 im done training. But sometimes people do have to do things hands on.a.few.times.b4 they get.it.down,.telling someone.and showing someone is not gunna make them better if.they have 0 experience, now if someone knows what they are doing and then you just explaine or show.em what to do they can usually pick it up asap.

So basically I can read all I want, watch whatever, take a billion classes and its not gunna do a lick of good. I dont need to understand for example how to countersteer(itd be nice though) to do it, and honestly idk what to think of countersteering after hearing you have to do it to turn, cuz ive never done it(knowingly) and ive made PLENTY of turns just fine.

I get I need msf, but with everyone saying what to do(btw twist of the wrist 2 dont listen to any advice from random people, since some people are content on bringing up that vid)) it just doesnt make sence, obviously I can ride, otherwise I wouldnt of even made it out the driveway, let alone to 350. Obviously I do just fine in the city as thats where I do most my riding, obviously I have the basics of riding down otherwise I wouldnt be able to maneuver the bike... So ill do my thing, you do yours. We all have different priorities and ways of learning, so unless your going to physically show me something in person ill probably have no clue wtf your talking about. And ill continue to do what I feel is right for ke and not what everyone else feels is right for me :)

The bikes NOT going away, not getting put up, and not being sold. It was a slide oh well. And yes the MSF and BRC will be taken EVENTUALLY! But not right now, so when I get free time to go in a parkinglot and practice I will, so for now I will continue to ride my bike as I have been since its fixed now.

Btw for anyone bitching at me who has took the class I can guarentee 90% of you dont follow everything you have learned, which includes speeding on the roads. Thats something that EVERYONE should know about, but yet chooses to ignore along with a few other rules you should know about that most of yall choose to ignore. Sure you may not find speeding a serious risk(I dont) but the truth of it is it can be a serious risk, keyword CAN. Just like me not doing msf right now isnt a serious.risk in the city but it CAN be a serious risk if I get into a situation a cant handle...

Thays how I feel, im not a baby and dont meed to be treated like one. If someone wants to teach me the proper way to do something shoot me a message and ill give you my number and we can practice together(Saturdays only here) if not thanks for the input but im obviously not gunna learn anything from reading, im a hands on person.

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Well, exactly.. The guy training needs HANDS on experience to get the hang of it, being told or shown how to do something once isnt easy to catch on tobwhen alot of infobis being put out. Just like I know what ur saying, I can read, but as far as what.u are talking about I might not have a clue. the only way to gain and retain info is through praftice,, then it becomes apart of your daily routine. Just like when nubs drive a stick they know the motions, but still have no.clue how to properly use the motions.

Im a good trainer, wether it be work or not. I repeat myself over and over and over and over and over.... Even if I feel they have it.down I still repeat myself. I make sure someone has it down b4 im done training. But sometimes people do have to do things hands on.a.few.times.b4 they get.it.down,.telling someone.and showing someone is not gunna make them better if.they have 0 experience, now if someone knows what they are doing and then you just explaine or show.em what to do they can usually pick it up asap.

So basically I can read all I want, watch whatever, take a billion classes and its not gunna do a lick of good. I dont need to understand for example how to countersteer(itd be nice though) to do it, and honestly idk what to think of countersteering after hearing you have to do it to turn, cuz ive never done it(knowingly) and ive made PLENTY of turns just fine.

I get I need msf, but with everyone saying what to do(btw twist of the wrist 2 dont listen to any advice from random people, since some people are content on bringing up that vid)) it just doesnt make sence, obviously I can ride, otherwise I wouldnt of even made it out the driveway, let alone to 350. Obviously I do just fine in the city as thats where I do most my riding, obviously I have the basics of riding down otherwise I wouldnt be able to maneuver the bike... So ill do my thing, you do yours. We all have different priorities and ways of learning, so unless your going to physically show me something in person ill probably have no clue wtf your talking about. And ill continue to do what I feel is right for ke and not what everyone else feels is right for me :)

The bikes NOT going away, not getting put up, and not being sold. It was a slide oh well. And yes the MSF and BRC will be taken EVENTUALLY! But not right now, so when I get free time to go in a parkinglot and practice I will, so for now I will continue to ride my bike as I have been since its fixed now.

Btw for anyone bitching at me who has took the class I can guarentee 90% of you dont follow everything you have learned, which includes speeding on the roads. Thats something that EVERYONE should know about, but yet chooses to ignore along with a few other rules you should know about that most of yall choose to ignore. Sure you may not find speeding a serious risk(I dont) but the truth of it is it can be a serious risk, keyword CAN. Just like me not doing msf right now isnt a serious.risk in the city but it CAN be a serious risk if I get into a situation a cant handle...

Thays how I feel, im not a baby and dont meed to be treated like one. If someone wants to teach me the proper way to do something shoot me a message and ill give you my number and we can practice together(Saturdays only here) if not thanks for the input but im obviously not gunna learn anything from reading, im a hands on person.

God, I am gonna regret this, but at this stage, I just wanna see if I can get this guy to keep on posted dumb ass shit more.

First of all, let's work backwards because yet again, you have zero fucking clue as to what you are doing or anything that has to do with a motorcycle. You are willing to have someone teach you and spend a fucking Saturday doing it, but you cannot take a God damn MSF course? Seriously.

Second, the MSF course is a guide for mostly those that have zero to little experience. I know you have a whole 600 miles on a cruiser in the city, but guess what? EVERYTHING you've barfed back up in terms of what you've heard people say and you seemingly think you know all there is to know about is wrong. WRONG. You need to get trained, to get educated and above all, shut up.

To add insult to injury, you decide to do the typical 3rd grade "I know you are, but what am I?" response by telling everyone that STARTED to help you out, guide you and overall, show concern for your well being that they are hypocrites and violate every rule they have learned. THEN, THEN, you go on to say some bullshit squid response "Sure you may not find speeding a serious risk(I dont) but the truth of it is it can be a serious risk, keyword CAN."

My head wants to explode at your complete and utter ignorance. I honestly have never hoped someone balls their shit up into a pop can, but in this case, I feel you are only going to learn the hard way.

Yeah, yeah - I know you drive a semi truck and even still, you think counter steering is when backing a trailer. FUCK LORD, SWEET 8 LB., 6 OZ. BABY JESUS!! Dude, if you could do each and every one of us a few favors.

1) PLEASE shut up and get trained.

2) PLEASE inform us when you are driving east bound and down in your tractor so we know not to be on the road. I can promise that I have probably been near you in your semi and about 6 seconds from wanting to 4th and 99 you out of the way...

3) PLEASE stop reading and listening. You obviously have really low reading and verbal comprehension. You should only read and listen if you can UNDERSTAND what is being told of you.

We've blown through more pages than what we should have, but the unfortunate thing is that YOU are the one that keeps propelling us into Dumbdumbville.

I swear to God I am afraid to go and race next weekend. I am afraid that all this ignorance is going to rub off on me and I am going to forget to counter steer.


Oh, and a final God damn note that has been noted before, but you've obviously missed. YOU FUCKING COUNTER STEER ALL THE TIME!! YOU DID IT WHEN YOU WERE A KID ON YOUR BICYCLE AND DO IT ALL THE TIME ON ANY BIKE!! IT'S HOW THIS SHIT WORKS!

Understanding it and applying it to higher levels of ability are what we are all telling you. But, you cannot understand as you obviously cannot google counter steering and understand the small words that make sentences.

I'm out. I swear this time. PLEASE!!:nono:

Craig- Do you have a icon that shows a skull being slammed into a concrete wall until it bleeds? That's what I need now...

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I have no idea why on fucking Earth I just plowed through all 6 pages of this shit.

I have no advice to give (since I've seen how well that would be received), just a solid what. the. fuck.

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Well, exactly.. The guy training needs HANDS on experience to get the hang of it, being told or shown how to do something once isnt easy to catch on tobwhen alot of infobis being put out. Just like I know what ur saying, I can read, but as far as what.u are talking about I might not have a clue. the only way to gain and retain info is through praftice,, then it becomes apart of your daily routine. Just like when nubs drive a stick they know the motions, but still have no.clue how to properly use the motions.

Im a good trainer, wether it be work or not. I repeat myself over and over and over and over and over.... Even if I feel they have it.down I still repeat myself. I make sure someone has it down b4 im done training. But sometimes people do have to do things hands on.a.few.times.b4 they get.it.down,.telling someone.and showing someone is not gunna make them better if.they have 0 experience, now if someone knows what they are doing and then you just explaine or show.em what to do they can usually pick it up asap.

So basically I can read all I want, watch whatever, take a billion classes and its not gunna do a lick of good. I dont need to understand for example how to countersteer(itd be nice though) to do it, and honestly idk what to think of countersteering after hearing you have to do it to turn, cuz ive never done it(knowingly) and ive made PLENTY of turns just fine.

I get I need msf, but with everyone saying what to do(btw twist of the wrist 2 dont listen to any advice from random people, since some people are content on bringing up that vid)) it just doesnt make sence, obviously I can ride, otherwise I wouldnt of even made it out the driveway, let alone to 350. Obviously I do just fine in the city as thats where I do most my riding, obviously I have the basics of riding down otherwise I wouldnt be able to maneuver the bike... So ill do my thing, you do yours. We all have different priorities and ways of learning, so unless your going to physically show me something in person ill probably have no clue wtf your talking about. And ill continue to do what I feel is right for ke and not what everyone else feels is right for me :)

The bikes NOT going away, not getting put up, and not being sold. It was a slide oh well. And yes the MSF and BRC will be taken EVENTUALLY! But not right now, so when I get free time to go in a parkinglot and practice I will, so for now I will continue to ride my bike as I have been since its fixed now.

Btw for anyone bitching at me who has took the class I can guarentee 90% of you dont follow everything you have learned, which includes speeding on the roads. Thats something that EVERYONE should know about, but yet chooses to ignore along with a few other rules you should know about that most of yall choose to ignore. Sure you may not find speeding a serious risk(I dont) but the truth of it is it can be a serious risk, keyword CAN. Just like me not doing msf right now isnt a serious.risk in the city but it CAN be a serious risk if I get into a situation a cant handle...

Thays how I feel, im not a baby and dont meed to be treated like one. If someone wants to teach me the proper way to do something shoot me a message and ill give you my number and we can practice together(Saturdays only here) if not thanks for the input but im obviously not gunna learn anything from reading, im a hands on person.

This is my point you already know too much to be helped.

You claim you can ride a bike because you made it 600 total miles?


But hey keep doing what your doing I tried to help the best I can. Unless you come out to Arizona I can't give you any more help. When you go and mess yourself up my conscience is clear.

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I'm 100% impressed with this thread on both sides. The highs and lows keep me coming back.

I just keep it going, I litterly have NOTHING BETTER to do at work... we all seem to be expressing the same thing over and over and over, this thread is going in circles :dunno: if I didnt get some sort of entertainment value out of this ide quit posting...

But seriously KMT... Ive stated the thing about countersteering cuz im obviously doing it... Yet I keep hearing im not doing it? Well idk, ive.heard im doing it and im not doing it... Who knows, the bike turns where i.want.it.to and thats good enough for me. And ive stated my Saturday situation multiple tikes, also even stated that THIS Saturday is my first Saturday off all year, in fact this will be my first entire day off work in a loooooong time. And I stated I think my boss is gunna give me sats off(not sure though) and I stated if I get sats off im going to take the return rider msf not.the 2 day course, unless I find time for the 2 day course.... And you keep reconfirming what I said, but in a way that makes it seem like I didnt say it in the first place...

Now I question myself, am I the troll or are you playing reverse troll? Idk... I just dont understand why.your contradicting everything im saying and twisting it around? idk if your intentions are goodor your just trying to confuse me. yes im a new rider, being told multiple things is confusing cuz now im at.the point where I dont know what is true or isnt true, altgough I do know what has worked for me so far...

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This is my point you already know too much to be helped.

You claim you can ride a bike because you made it 600 total miles?


But hey keep doing what your doing I tried to help the best I can. Unless you come out to Arizona I can't give you any more help. When you go and mess yourself up my conscience is clear.

Im sure ill understand what is said more after I take.the class, but till then :dunno:

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This is the best I can do for you, Brian:


I so wanna give you more rep imprez, that's a perfect gif image for Brians rant! :lol:

Brian, don't blow that head gasket, just think of all the riders out there every day who are in the same boat he is in right now. But just like someone who has money to buy a gun he assumes because he can fire it he is ready for combat. I am at least painting a pretty picture in my head of him at least having protective gear on since there was no mention of road rash on his ass from low siding.:D

I give this thread **** stars. It has drama, emotions and real life characters. All it needs is a hot female co-star to add that extra drama of what will she look like after the crash and will the leg humpers still care. :lol:

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I so wanna give you more rep imprez, that's a perfect gif image for Brians rant! :lol:

Brian, don't blow that head gasket, just think of all the riders out there every day who are in the same boat he is in right now. But just like someone who has money to buy a gun he assumes because he can fire it he is ready for combat. I am at least painting a pretty picture in my head of him at least having protective gear on since there was no mention of road rash on his ass from low siding.:D

I give this thread **** stars. It has drama, emotions and real life characters. All it needs is a hot female co-star to add that extra drama of what will she look like after the crash and will the leg humpers still care. :lol:

He doesn't have any road rash because he just fell over at 10mph.

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I so wanna give you more rep imprez, that's a perfect gif image for Brians rant! :lol:

Brian, don't blow that head gasket, just think of all the riders out there every day who are in the same boat he is in right now. But just like someone who has money to buy a gun he assumes because he can fire it he is ready for combat. I am at least painting a pretty picture in my head of him at least having protective gear on since there was no mention of road rash on his ass from low siding.:D

I give this thread **** stars. It has drama, emotions and real life characters. All it needs is a hot female co-star to add that extra drama of what will she look like after the crash and will the leg humpers still care. :lol:

Helmet, jacket on. No dmg done to me, just a couple very very minor scrapes(hand/knee/side) didnt even know I scraped my side till I tried to put my pants on the next day :lol: minor tear in the jacket cuff, but just to the very outter layer of thr fabric. 0 rash on helmet and I didnt rip my work pants :)

Would it help if I said I was getting a handie from the girl on the back of my bike at the time it happened :D

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He doesn't have any road rash because he just fell over at 10mph.

Take my word for it, if the bike looks like that he probably slid a few feet too. Hell, you can fall down walking and skin your knee. ;) I had full protective gear and managed to break my fibula and tear ligaments in my ankle at 14mph on chip and seal.

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Not being mean, but sorry... we've got counter-steering wadded up pretty bad here.

"Push the right-hand bar to steer right; push the left-hand bar to steer left"

Edited by ReconRat
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I just keep it going, I litterly have NOTHING BETTER to do at work... we all seem to be expressing the same thing over and over and over, this thread is going in circles :dunno: if I didnt get some sort of entertainment value out of this ide quit posting...

But seriously KMT... Ive stated the thing about countersteering cuz im obviously doing it... Yet I keep hearing im not doing it? Well idk, ive.heard im doing it and im not doing it... Who knows, the bike turns where i.want.it.to and thats good enough for me. And ive stated my Saturday situation multiple tikes, also even stated that THIS Saturday is my first Saturday off all year, in fact this will be my first entire day off work in a loooooong time. And I stated I think my boss is gunna give me sats off(not sure though) and I stated if I get sats off im going to take the return rider msf not.the 2 day course, unless I find time for the 2 day course.... And you keep reconfirming what I said, but in a way that makes it seem like I didnt say it in the first place...

Now I question myself, am I the troll or are you playing reverse troll? Idk... I just dont understand why.your contradicting everything im saying and twisting it around? idk if your intentions are goodor your just trying to confuse me. yes im a new rider, being told multiple things is confusing cuz now im at.the point where I dont know what is true or isnt true, altgough I do know what has worked for me so far...

So you're asking if you should ignore the advice of an established race rider with multiple year experience in favor of your own experiences over the last few months that has already resulted in a crash?

You are beyond help. Sell the bike, take your family on a vacation and live a long and safe life. At the rate you're going, you're going to wrap this thing around something major sooner rather than later, and $320 in missed wages will be the least of your concern.

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So you're asking if you should ignore the advice of an established race rider with multiple year experience in favor of your own experiences over the last few months that has already resulted in a crash?

You are beyond help. Sell the bike, take your family on a vacation and live a long and safe life. At the rate you're going, you're going to wrap this thing around something major sooner rather than later, and $320 in missed wages will be the least of your concern.

Well, like I just said when I take the msf I guess ill understand more(from what im told) and like.insaid until.then ima keep riding to get some more miles in... And like I said shit happens, its a wreck, no big deal. Im new I wrecked it happens, im moving on from that now. And I seem to be getting more opinions than advice? And again too many people saying different things for any one thing to make sence...

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Not being mean, but sorry... we've got counter-steering wadded up pretty bad here.

"Push the right-hand bar to steer right; push the left-hand bar to steer left"

We don't, but he sure as the fuck does. I'm talking in circles apparently and trolling so, what the fuck do I know? Guy is running around with non working blinkers, crashes at 10 mph because it was an "expert" turn, relates counter steering to semi truck driving and can take and run all the fuck long on a Saturday, but apparently only has one a year he gets off.

I think I'm not talking in circles, but rather talking while my head spins off into the ozone... Wait, maybe I want my head to pop off from this thread...

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I so wanna give you more rep imprez, that's a perfect gif image for Brians rant! :lol:

Brian, don't blow that head gasket, just think of all the riders out there every day who are in the same boat he is in right now. But just like someone who has money to buy a gun he assumes because he can fire it he is ready for combat. I am at least painting a pretty picture in my head of him at least having protective gear on since there was no mention of road rash on his ass from low siding.:D

I give this thread **** stars. It has drama, emotions and real life characters. All it needs is a hot female co-star to add that extra drama of what will she look like after the crash and will the leg humpers still care. :lol:

Nah, I understand a lot of people are in his same position. Like I said, I have been doing this WAY too long and have seen just about everything. This guy isn't like everyone starting out as he is that guy that honestly won't listen and do what he is suggested by how many people so far, makes all the excuses he can think of and then goes and takes a LITTLE bit of info and then acts like he knows what he is talking about.

I can respect a healthy debate on certain things in an effort to educate yourself. I do it all the time. But, you need to be at least a LITTLE bit educated to debate.

"Who knows, the bike turns where i.want.it.to and thats good enough for me."

Enough said.

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Well, like I just said when I take the msf I guess ill understand more(from what im told) and like.insaid until.then ima keep riding to get some more miles in... And like I said shit happens, its a wreck, no big deal. Im new I wrecked it happens, im moving on from that now. And I seem to be getting more opinions than advice? And again too many people saying different things for any one thing to make sence...

It IS a big deal, doucher. It's no big deal to you because you crashed at 10 mph. Wait until you crash. You tipped over.

It's this mentality that has shined through and your endless responses that IF - I - F you actually listened, would see that there are shit piles of good people giving good info out. But, even with an EXACT representation of counter steering, you have no clue. None. Why is that?

I mean, maybe we are looking at this in the wrong light. Maybe you are just really ignorant and need a lot of help. I am starting to believe that. I'm not saying you need to be Steve Jobs to ride a bike. God knows I am not a smart guy. But, how I learned to ride bikes was mostly to listen and to take what I was told in a coaching type of way and apply it in a controlled environment.

I didn't have the luxury of an MSF course when I started. I got on my CBR600 and took the license course and got a little "M" on my driver's license. I then was able to take a lot of good info and use it from guys that were like coaches.

I started when I was 19 years old. That was late. No MX experience, no real experience at all. I started racing 4 years later and have done OK with it for the last 18 years. I've logged more street miles than average, but nothing near what some of these guys log. There are guys on here that have so many street miles per year they actually wear out bikes. I've had overall seat time in the neighborhood of probably double the average on all types of bikes, terrain and conditions.

What I am honestly trying to say is that this site and these peeps have enough experience to help a dude out. But, you need to be more like myself and be a sponge and do less talking and telling us how it is. You dig a hole after we fill it with enough good info that all we are now doing is talking to a brick wall.

There's a shit pile of good info here. A ton. But, you've clouded it up to the point that it is 6 pages all because of what? You DO NOT GET WHAT WE ARE TELLING YOU.

Nobody said to get rid of your bike. Although, I am starting to fear you are a guy that wants to be a motorcycle enthusiast, but really shouldn't be riding. But, what we are saying is that even though seat time is always a positive thing, you are going to continue to develop so many bad habits. Street guys in general have developed bad habits over the years, but it is minor things that are not dangerous, but are simply small little hurdles in the way they do things.

Your bad habits are going to develop into DANGEROUS things that are going to get you seriously hurt or even killed. You can laugh it off, say it all ain't no big deal and even tell us how low a risk 120 mph is, but at the end of the day, it again points to the idea that you are not well educated on motorcycles. If you were, you should be somewhat scared. Do you even know how much easier it is to get killed on a motorcycle KNOWING WHAT YOU ARE DOING than it is driving a car? If you did, or if you would actually think about it, I think you might have a change of heart and really push to get more education.

But, I cannot wait for your retort. This will be good...

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I just want to thank everyone once again for making the first hour of my morning fly by. I've laughed, I've cried, I've gotten angry but most of all I'm thankful that there is someone on this board that is even less bright than I was when I was a complete noob

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