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4/21 meet/eat/ride QSL fairborn


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RIDE PENDING DUE TO RAIN(hope it doesnt rain) feel free to come in your car :)

Saturday we will be meeting up at 11am at QSL on colonel Glenn in fairborn. The plan is for those who want to eat and get to know your fellow riders or chill in the parking lot with old friends come at 11am. AT 1 pm we will be leaving for our planned route for those interested in going. The route will be about 100ish or so miles(ill post approximate miles soon)

For those who are only interested in riding with us please be here by 12:30 so we can get our riding group established.

For those interested in eating and going on the route please be here early(11am ish) so we can be out in the parking lot by 12:30 to establish our riding group.

For those just interested in just meeting your fellow riders and will not be attending the ride come as you please, we will be at QSL from 11am till 1pm, although im sure those of us that will not be going on the route will probably be at QSL past 1pm.

As soon as I get home I will hop on my laptop and post the route, but here is a quick rundown of it. We will be taking 657-35-350-71 there are quite a few twisties on the route . Im sure alot of people here are familer with this route.

Im hoping to make the ride with everyone if I get my bike fixed in time(I have the parts ordered already from sportys trikes and bikes(who go through vista Kawasaki for OEM Kawasaki parts). If not I will be riding my cage to QSL.

I will also post the location of QSL once I get home for those who do not know how to get there. Also PLEASE no drinking if you ride your bike(especially if you go on the group ride) drinking 1-2 beers and riding a bike is NOT the same as drinking 1-2 beers and driving a car. Ive had too many friends wreck after just 1 beer on their bike. I know I cant make you not drink, but im just asking please dont do it on your bike and im sure if ur going on the group ride and drink people wont want you endanger their lives and wont let you ride with them.

Sorry for the lecture on drinking, I know everyone here knows this, but as we all know there is always that 1 person who doesnt give a damn.++

http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=201343075178991181581.0004be007ec08882b86f4&msa=0 Location of QSL + Route

Feel free to call(after 3pm) or text(anytime) during the week or call/text me any time Saturday if you have any questions. My number is 937 732 1155

INS- 5


Total- 11

Edited by Exarch
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I think the meet and greet be kept but the route needs to be saved for a better day. Weather report says high of 50. I personally don't think that is warm enough for group ride on this route.

ya just checked the daily forecast and i see a high of 55 and rainy, but we will see how it goes as the forecast is never correct in ohio :). it was supposed to rain today and it didnt(unless it rained early morning) but if its too cold out we can cancel the ride and still keep the meet n greet. i guess we will just have to wait and see for sure what the weather decides to do.

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We should change this to Friday afternoon. Weather is going to be great on Friday. 50% chance of rain on Saturday. Same garbage that happened to me last weekend.

Plus this gives us the chance to ride as well. I'm thinking 4pm? Start ride at 5pm? Gives people that get off work the time to come ride with us

Edited by abdecal
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If peeps wanna do this.friday instead thats fine with me and ill still post the route(didnt get a.chance to redo it last night, but will do it again tonight and hopefully not delete it this time :lol: ) Im working my 2nd shift Friday(requested Fri morn off for skill test, which I may or may not take now depends when my parts arive) so I wont be comming out if enough people decide they would rather come out on Friday.

My brother told me he thinks you only need 1 mirror on a bike. Is that true? Also do they check the turning radius of the bars? Im wondering that cuz if I dont get my parts in time I may still be able to take the test on the bike.

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If peeps wanna do this.friday instead thats fine with me and ill still post the route(didnt get a.chance to redo it last night, but will do it again tonight and hopefully not delete it this time :lol: ) Im working my 2nd shift Friday(requested Fri morn off for skill test, which I may or may not take now depends when my parts arive) so I wont be comming out if enough people decide they would rather come out on Friday.

My brother told me he thinks you only need 1 mirror on a bike. Is that true? Also do they check the turning radius of the bars? Im wondering that cuz if I dont get my parts in time I may still be able to take the test on the bike.

I just don't think many will come out on Saturday with the rain and such plus no ride. Last Saturday 7 people showed up but I had about 20 people cancel because of rain. I don't wanna steal your thunder and make a thread for Friday though.

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Heres the deal. For those that want to ride abdecal posted up for Friday. I am going to cancel the sat ride, due to the rain(still gunna post.the route tonight though, just incase the weather decides.to clear up :) ) I will still be at QSL Saturday rain or shine, for those who.want to come for.just a meet/eat you are more.than welcome, for.those that would rather do.this.on Friday at frikers and ride after thats great too :) and for those that want to go to both thats great aswell :)

Also abdecal feel free to use my link of the route im posting tonight in your thread(unless you have another route in mind), it should be fixed by 2 or 3 am. Obviously there is going to have to be a few minor adjustments from your location, but the basic route will still be the same :)

I will also edit the front page once I get the map posted warining that we most likely will not be riding Saturday and for those that do want to ride to go to frickers Friday instead. I am still going to have to get a rough head count though for those still interested in QSL so I can make sure we have a big enough table :)

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I got the location of QSL posted now. I also posted the route(which prob wont happen) but if the rain decides not.to.come atleast everything is posted. Looking forward to.meeting everyone that plans om attending this meet n greet :)

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Looks like sat might be dry enough to ride :)

Roads dry really fast. We will be good to ride is my guess. I would take off your Ride Cancelled in red text and change to ride pending. If you're riding dress warm! Going to be in the 50s.

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I might not go out on the route tomorrow, depends if I get up early enough to break my bike down and put it back together again. Im deff gunna be at QSL though, just might end up tearing it down after.the meet :dunno: too early to tell though.

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