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Ohio riders Mascots journey.


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Saw a similar thread being discussed somewhere else on the web, so thought why not try it in our own home

First of the doubt is does OR have a mascot that i am not aware of, if not any one got a good mascot idea to represent us?

Now to the content of the post, suppose there is a "mascot" for us, we will get a small stuffed toy form of the mascot, we will pass it on from one rider to another during meet and greet or rides etc. They will take it during there next ride, take a pic of the mascot and the bike and them and what ever in unique places. The whole point is to cover the whole of ohio or even outside. Will be fun and interesting to see where all it went, what all creative and "weird " ways the pics come out and blah blah blah

now the third thing and most important thing. Has this happened here before? a quick search failed to show any

lastly the question is , is any one interested at all in this silly idea :dudecomeon:

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/mascot search

I am personally not interested in the idea for the single fact that it would be awkward for me to carry anything around that isn't the size of my wallet or close to it. I don't have a tank/tail bag or anywhere that I would feel secure strapping something down so it would have to be exceptionally small to fit in the "trunk" or a jacket pocket.

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